BRAIN HEALTH: Balancing Our Two Brains

Michael C Patterson Season 2 Episode 2

In this podcast I  read an article I wrote recently for 3rd Act magazine  on the importance of balancing the influence of our right and left hemispheres. 

One of the most provocative books I read in 2020 was THE MASTER AND HIS EMISSARY by Iain McGilchrist. It was first published in 2009 with the expanded edition - which I read -coming out in 2019. McGilchrist explores recent research on the different ways the two hemispheres of our brain relate to the world and influence our behavior. 

Our mind works best when our two hemispheres contribute equally and share their unique perspectives.  McGilchrist argues that  our left hemispheres - the hemispheres of language, symbolism and exploitation - dominates and throw our minds out of kilter. Much of what ails us can, plausibly, be traced to  this chronic imbalance.  I find McGilchrist's ideas provocative and potentially very useful.  It suggests that a powerful way to manage our minds is to find ways to rebalance he influence of our two hemispheres. 

Exploring this exciting approach to mind management will be a focus of MINDRAMP's work in 2022. This podcast is an opportunity to start the conversation about this complex, but important, subject.

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