Unschooled Homebirth

15. Finding the Confidence for a Natural Birth

April 21, 2020 Tristin Episode 15

Confidence in birth doesn't come easy to all of us, but there are specific ways to build it during your birth preparations and I'm going to tell you how in today's episode. 

In this episode, I will bring you inside information from 3 sources for a well-rounded perspective:

  1. A research study that asked the question of what made women feel positive about their birth experience - and may not be what you think.
  2. Two stories of my students using their confidence to communicate during situations that could have been very stressful.
  3. Insights from my experience as a childbirth educator, ok that one is probably not a surprise! 

If you would like to read the research study I reference in this episode, you can find it here: Lena Nilsson, Tina Thorsell, Elisabeth Hertfelt Wahn, and Anette Ekström, “Factors Influencing Positive Birth Experiences of First-Time Mothers,” Nursing Research and Practice, vol. 2013, Article ID 349124, 6 pages, 2013. https://doi.org/10.1155/2013/349124.


Further info & opportunities:

Watch now at NaturalBirthCompass.com/FreeClass

After watching this 15 minute video, you will know:

  • What physiologic birth really is and why stages of labor, lists of hormones, and cervical dilation rates are not enough
  • The most common points in labor where tissue damage occurs and how to prevent the causes of tears or episiotomies
  • The difference between being 10 cm and being ready to push


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