Unschooled Homebirth

52. 4 Keys to Create a Calm Homebirth

August 06, 2021 Tristin Episode 52

Most families have a supply list for homebirth, but what isn't often discussed are non-tangible elements to create a calm environment, which I would argue are even more important than supplies because if your birth environment gets stressful, it creates a difficult situation for homebirth far beyond running out of towels.

So in today's episode, I'm sharing 4 Keys you must know to create calm homebirth environment.

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Watch now at NaturalBirthCompass.com/FreeClass

After watching this 15 minute video, you will know:

  • What physiologic birth really is and why stages of labor, lists of hormones, and cervical dilation rates are not enough
  • The most common points in labor where tissue damage occurs and how to prevent the causes of tears or episiotomies
  • The difference between being 10 cm and being ready to push


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