Device Nation
Device Nation
100th Episode Celebration with Dr. Bill Harris!
Centennial Celebration! 100 episodes is a special milestone, so today we bring a very special guest for a very special audience.....an inspiring conversation with reconstruction legend Dr. Bill Harris!!
Introducing him is but another very special guest, current President of the Hip Society and Harris Hip Fellow, Dr. Bill Jiranek!
You will learn:
-The origin of the modular acetabular shell
-Osteolysis, and how it was eradicated
-The genesis of cross-linked polyethylene
-The eventual prevention of DVT
And much, much, more!!
LifetimeAchievement Award: https://www.globenewswire.com/en/news-release/2022/09/28/2524382/0/en/94-Year-Old-Orthopaedic-Surgeon-William-H-Harris-M-D-World-Renowned-Medical-Pioneer-Inventor-Mentor-Receives-Lifetime-Achievement-Award.html
Q & A: https://blog.oup.com/2018/01/dr-william-h-harris-reflects-career-advancing-orthopedic-surgery/
Harris Hip Score: https://www.physio-pedia.com/Harris_Hip_Score#:~:text=The%20HHS%20is%20a%20measure,and%2090–100%20%3D%20excellent.
Marginal gains....Getting better by 1% every day can payoff exponentially over time!!