Engineering Emotions and Energy with Justin Wenck, Ph.D.

Ep 45: (How to Use) The Most Dangerous Word

Justin Wenck Season 1 Episode 45

In the last episode I explained how "Why" is the most dangerous word you likely use countless times a day.

 It's reinforcing…

Why you have the life you have…

Why you never get what you truly desire…

Why relationships are so challenging…

Why your health and body aren't getting any better…

In this episode I explain how you can use "Why" to your advantage by utilizing it with lofty questions. What are lofty questions? Listen to find out!

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Justin Wenck:

Welcome to the engineering emotions energy podcast. I'm your host, Justin Wenck. Welcome to the stunning conclusion of what has become a two part series on the most dangerous word. And if you listen to the last episode, which I highly suggest, if you haven't stopped this right now, go find it find the previous episode, make sure to listen to that, because it I'm telling you, it's a game changer. So you're going to want to be all caught up. If you're all caught up. Welcome back. It's good to have you. So you now understand that why when you use to ask why something isn't the way that we want it to be? All it does reinforce the way that we don't want it to be. So the question you might be asking is, how can I make sure that I'm using this very dangerous word? Because remember, danger is all about how something is used, right? Like when you're a kid, I say stay away from underneath the sink, because there's dangerous chemicals there. Yet, once we grow up, and we're a little bit more adult, we didn't know that. Those Yes, they are dangerous if used incorrectly, but they are very powerful chemicals and agents that can do beneficial things when used correctly. Right, like so you know that that bleach cleanser? So yeah, if you you know, going to open that up, take a drink. Yes, it will kill bacteria, viruses, but will also kill all the cells in your body. So don't drink bleach, no matter what any current or former elected official or whatever tries to tell you just don't drink, don't drink bleach, do not do it. But if you want to get your whites whiter, you want to make sure everything is superduper sterilized. bleach is a very powerful helpful, you know, substance, right. So it is all about how does it get used. So if you did follow along last week, and he did, you know, even if you only tried it for, you know, maybe 510 minutes, you probably noticed that there are some wise in your life that are keeping you back, you know, so. And I taught you how to take the wind out of the sails by sort of appending something to take, you know, the sting out of it. So it almost just becomes nonsensical, like, you know, why am I Why am I so depressed except for when I'm happy?



Justin Wenck:

is it so hard to find? Good friend, except when it's easy. Now we're going to get a little bit more advanced. And we're gonna actually start to create the life that we want, by using y. So this is, you know, this is these are the advanced concepts. This is the extra special ninja training, right? So, and I'm recording this, you know, a little earlier before fruitlands, it doesn't, it doesn't really matter. Because actually, probably when this comes out, I'll just be coming out of my meditation retreat, and there's going to be some more cool stuff. But I really wanted to make sure that you guys get you know, the consistency of things to continually help improve your life, to have less stress, more powerful relationships, and have more impact with the type of work you do. You don't just want to be working for a paycheck, and waiting for the weekend, you want to be waking up with some passion and some excitement. And if you just haven't been doing that as much as you'd like. That's what this podcast is for. And I'm going to explain why is part of how you can have that happen. So there's some things that you want in life, right? You want to maybe have some more money, not just for the sake of having more money, but you want to be able to do the types of things that you want to do. So you can have the experiences, you want to have that travel, you want to be able to have those connections with the people that you actually care about that you feel like you can just be yourself and share the experience. You don't have to worry about what they're going to think. And you want to do it well feeling and looking good. There's a whole dream life that you want to make a reality. And look, that might not be the life you have now. And let's get honest. Let's get real. It's not going to be the life you have tomorrow, either. But what's it's amazing what we can do in two to three years. I've seen this with my own my own history. I mean, even maybe just this podcast is a good example. I've been doing this podcast for Well, well over a year. And if I compare to that first podcast to how I'm doing it now, I'm having so much more fun. The quality is so much better. The audience is growing and growing, and I'm helping more and more people. And it didn't happen overnight. No, it didn't. But I set this out a while ago and so when we start envision what we want. In the next few years, there really is no limit. I defy you. I mean, if you really don't want what you want, then you're gonna find a way. But really, you're just proving my point that whatever you want is possible. So if you, you want to not want what you want. Done, easy, you're a winner, he made it. But if you actually want to be bold, be courageous, and dare to dream and say, You know what? I don't want to have to work in a cubicle anymore. Or maybe you want a cubicle, but you want it with a great view overlooking Vancouver? Because it's gorgeous up there, Vancouver, Canada. Dare to dream? And now, how are we going to get it? So one of the reasons I said that the Why is so dangerous is because whatever you're asking, it presupposes that that's already true. And that you just want the supporting information. So what if we use it to ask some lofty questions which presuppose that the life you want the way of being that gets you to what you want, that that is already true, it's just needs a little bit more support, and your mind can just fill in that support? So you might be thinking, Justin, this is this is a little bit like affirmations, isn't it? Where I've just got, I'll just repeat it over and over again, like, yeah, you know, we'll go with money, even though, fundamentally, money is a means for most people to get to something else, it's still something that, you know, is a necessary thing. So, an affirmation would be saying something like, I have money, I have money. The trick, the trick with affirmations is and they require often a lot of repetition over and over again, in many, many ways is because fundamentally, it sets up a little bit of a, an argument in our mind, because try just try this with me. And, you know, Bill Gates, you know, this might not apply to you, Jeff Bezos, this might not apply to you. But for for most of us, just try to I have I have so much money. Did Did you hear? Did you hear that slight little response of like, No, you don't, you've got some bills, and you get annoyed whenever, whenever you have to pay them because you would you would rather have more money. So these these affirmations when stated that way, our mind can dispute it. And we're often very used to disputing it. So we're really, really good. So that's why it requires a lot of discipline, dedication to continually repeat that. Whereas these lofty questions. And I believe this comes from disappears, I might be wrong. I got this from seeing vishen lakhiani, the founder of mine Valley at mine Valley live just just a little over a year ago. It was just it was into February of 2020. Before all of the lockdowns and stuff happened. So I got to see him talk about these lofty questions, where you, it's effectively a combination of a bit of an affirmation, but you incorporate why. So instead of I have money, why, why is it so easy to have money pile up in my life. So it presupposes that it's easy for money to pile up in my life. And then now the mind is just trying to give supporting information. So it's going to remind you of that, or that that time that you were just walking and you found a $5 bill like that, that was crazy. Or like you'd you'd forgotten that you sent him that that rebate request, remember rebates, like I don't, I haven't seen one of those in a long time, but I used to do rebates. And you know, you get that check in the mail for $35. Just out of nowhere. And you know, just your mind will recognize all the times that money just kind of like piled up and came to you. And the more you ask the question, the more support and the more it's likely going to happen. So I've got I've got a lot of examples for you guys, of how you can do these. And so you'll start to get the gist and then you can just make up your own for whatever type of life that you want to have. So again, this this utilizes the basically the Oh boy. I lost, I lost. I lost my train. Oh, this so a lot of people are familiar with the like the secret that basically like yo you know, if you if you want it, you'll get it. And, you know, a lot of people have done that they don't get what they want. Because really, the universe doesn't give you who you want the universe, it reflects back who you are. So if you are someone who is full of love, the universe will give you love, if you are someone who's full of abundance, the universe will give you abundance. And this is something that I've I've literally done, you know, 30 day trainings on these topics and stuff, so we're not going to get into that, but what these questions are doing is that they are helping to shift your identity, so that you can be the person that gets what you want. You know, so if, like I said, so for talking money, you know, why is it so easy for me to attract, multiply and keep money, it presupposes that you are a person where that is that is a fact that that is now like, considering that that as your identity is someone who money just comes in multiplies, and it stays with you. Which might be contrary to your previous identity, which has been maybe someone where money comes in and it goes out or someone who who it's been hard to get get enough money or someone who just, you know, there's never seems to ever be enough. So those are sort of identity components of money of of who you might feel like you are at a core. And we want to shift that so you can get what you want. So you want to think, Okay, what do I want in two to three years? You know, and most money is really just a means and most people they want to get get to bliss or feeling happiness. So a good lofty question related to that is, Why am I always surrounded by bliss? and happiness no matter what. Time, like a lot of people are like, I don't have enough time. I wish I had so much time. So how about asking yourself? Why am I able to do so much in so little time? Like Elon Musk, that guy's got the same 24 hours, seven days a week that you and I have yet I don't even know if I have time to read all the tweets that that guy tweets out. You know, that's that's my current perception. But if I was to probably take on his thoughts of time, you know, why is he able to do so much in so little time? I'd probably be able to be a tweet machine like that man as well. Love connections, why am I always surrounded by love and amazing people whom I'm deeply connected to? Another one, why am I so brilliant? So genius, and so able to tap into source for instant inspiration? Because Wouldn't you like to be a creative person that's just able to put forth into the world like beauty and amazingness and innovation? So that question of why am I so brilliant, so genius. And so go tap into source for instant inspiration? That is money right there? And by money I mean happiness? Some other ones? Why does the universe always have my back? So some people think that this is a fact that the universe has your back. It's it that that is that is not a fact. Unless you are someone who has a identity that things are taken care of for you, then it does. But many of you are out there saying like bullshit, all these horrible things happen to me. Because you believe, you know, why? Why do bad things happen to me? And you've got you've got your reasons, I'm sure that they're listing off your brain. So I'm going to say, Why did bad things happen to you except for when they don't? Why does the universe always have your back my friend? And if you keep asking yourself that question, more often than not, things will work out much, much better. Because ultimately, we never know. Is something good? Or is it bad until it plays out? And you know, we actually don't know how anything's gonna play out over the long haul. You know, in the next five years, 10 years, our lifetime, lifetimes over children, children's children, cosmic time. Probably all going to be okay. Why did my dreams and goals come to me with such ease and speed? Why am I so good at taking care of my health? Why do I have such a clear vision of what I want for my life? Why do I become healthier and more attractive as I age? Why am I surrounded by so much beauty? Why is my life filled with so much fun and adventure? Why is it so easy to turn any situation into an opportunity for joy, love or growth? Why am I always surrounded with love? Why does money pile up In my life, why am I so bold? Why is it so easy to create my own lofty questions to craft the life I've always dreamed of having. So I'm hoping that those examples that, honestly, it probably captures, you know, everything you'd like like to have, but you can really make it as specific or as general for any type of thing that you're really trying to go for. And this is how y can be used to your benefit. So instead of y being dangerous and destructive to your dreams, you're probably starting to see and feel a little bit better about why life can be easy and even fun to go towards what you're looking to do. Right. So I'm really glad that you've been here with us in this two parter. First two parter, I think I've done on this podcast. And, again, hit me up. Find me on social media, Justin Wenck, w e NC K, remember to subscribe, and rate us five stars or the max, whatever, if you're enjoying the show. If you're not, please find me on social media, you know, give me the feedback personally and gonna, you know, do what I can to address it because I really am here to serve you guys. And make sure that you can have less stress, have more impact with what you do with your work life, and have the relationships that you desire and treasure and can have more time to be around those fabulous, fabulous people. So that's it and thank you and good day.