Engineering Emotions and Energy with Justin Wenck, Ph.D.

Ep 46: Changing from the Inside Out

March 06, 2021 Justin Wenck Season 1 Episode 46

Are there areas of your personal or professional life that could be or even NEED to be better?  Health, Wealth, or Relationships, have you tried to improve in the past, but the progress just didn't 'stick'?

In this Podcast I talk about my transformational story of working with Jim Fortin who is a master of helping people change from the Inside Out.

Jim not only has 25 years of experience with NLP, hypnosis, and the spiritual side from working with a Shaman. I've been working with him for the past 6 months and so much has changed in my life for the better: clarity on  work, more money in my bank account, more spiritually connected, and more hopeful for the future.

For more information on working with Jim Fortin and his free materials go to

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These practices aren't just about finding peace—they're about reconnecting with yourself and the world around you in meaningful ways.

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Watch the full video episode at Justin Wenck, Ph.D. YouTube Channel!

Check out my best-selling book "Engineered to Love: Going Beyond Success to Fulfillment" also available on Audiobook on all streaming platforms! Go to to learn more!

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Justin Wenck:

Welcome to the engineering emotions and energy podcast, I'm your host, Justin Wenck, today got a great, great show great topic that can help you in your professional life, or your personal life, or both, because maybe you do have both lives, you know, you got a working job, you got a home, you got outside the home. And one of the things that I know, I definitely started learning at some point is that there really is not a big difference between personal relationships, and business relationships, because they all involve people. And so a lot of times, you might go to tackle one part of your life, maybe it's your professional life, and you're going to get the benefits at home, you know, or with your friends or with whoever. So what I'm going to be talking about today is transforming from the inside out, and the transformation that I have gone through by working with Jim Ford. And so I'm back this is a the last couple weeks of podcasts where they were actually I pre recorded those because I was going to be going on a self retreat. So I had 10 days in an Airbnb, where I set up my own retreat, because I just needed some time away to, you know, I realized that I'd become sort of addicted to, you know, just staying busy and worrying about stuff that is outside of myself, and kind of losing touch with you know, what's important to me. What matters, things like that. Whereas spending some time in silence, which was one of the things I got reminded of, through working with Jim. I just got, you know, a lot of these things came to me of like, Oh, this is an option. That's an option. These are, you know, so there's a lot of great things going to be coming up, you know, through the podcast, going to start getting some, some some great people to interview. And if you happen to have a podcast, you're looking for a phenomenal guest. Hit me up. Find me on social media, Justin Wenck, w E and C. k. o and talk about burying the lede. Check out the brand new Justin You know, my last name, WEN ck, it's actually a German last name. So when I go to Germany, they have no problem with my with my name. They're like, I are vank How are you? And it's like ah, Zopa, which is super in German. So check that out, they got a new back end. So it's going to be a lot easier for me to have, you know, really great looking interface where I can get content to you guys quickly, more easily, so that you can, you know, just stay in touch with me, and, you know, get to continue growing by the content and other things that I want to bring to you guys. So really go check that out any feedback, you know, let me know through the social media and things like that on my to do list is to set up a podcast, email, but you can't go to Justin Wenck comm slash podcast and get on the mailing list so that you can never miss the latest episode. And I can update you on you know, what's, what's going on. And some other great stuff. So, back to so I started working with Jim fort and and I think it was well I started September, what's the month before September, so Rhonda, August, August, September of 2020. And, uh, you know, maybe you can relate, but I was I was having some, some low lows. And as someone who's been really into, you know, growing, developing, improving for so long now, right, like, I got a PhD in electrical engineering. You know, I started meditating while I was in grad school, because, you know, depressive episode, so I started getting into meditation, and then got into yoga, you know, certified yoga teacher, just recently, last year finished up a 300 hour yoga teacher training, so got over 500 hours of training in that. And then working with, you know, a number of fantastic personal development coaches, you know, been a Tony Robbins event, but it's been a lot of time working with an NLP, neuro linguistic programming, Master coach, Michael bernoff, you know, working through his most advanced programs, you know, working small group working very closely with him. So, you know, it's one of those when, you know, you've done all that and then you know, sometimes life throws at you what you are ready to take, I know there's a there's a quote by somebody in there so but I've more and more I find that that is true. And just, you know, come, you know, into summer, last year, I was starting to feel really down, like things are not things are not working, everything just seems like a grind. It's a struggle, I know what I should be doing, I know what I want to be doing. I'm super worried about money, like I'm not really fulfilled in what I'm doing. At work, I'm kind of just doing it just, you know, to put the money in the bank, because I'm scared of going broke, you know, all the fear in the world with COVID and politics and all these things. And, you know, relationships were being strained because, you know, we didn't have our normal outlets of, you know, getting out of the house and meeting friends with for lunch and things and so stuck in a home with people that you love and care about. But that's, that's, you know, when it's a few hours a day and some extra time on weekends versus 24. Seven, we are talking, some things have changed. And by health was also had taken a beating with just sort of that fear of going outside. And I, you know, past couple years, I'd started getting, you know, the impacts of a lot of stressful desk work. But I think was about two years ago with my neck had seized up and like I couldn't even move it left to right, so did physical therapy with that loosened up. And I'd had sciatica type pains on my right side for I don't know, that's now been maybe six or six or seven years that's just coming on. And that started getting worse. And then I had this pain in my left shoulder like john Holy shit, Justin, what the? How, what, what, how old? Are you? Well, thank you very much for asking. I just turned 40. So yeah, I just celebrated my birthday a few days ago. As of, as of this recording, so just turned 40. So you know, for four decades, complete. And I had actually gone to a doctor concerning a lot of this. And she was like, You were too young to be having all of these physical pains with you. Like, you got to figure something out like, this is not right. And that that was the start of a bit a bit of a wake up call. But you know that the habit of just like, well, maybe more massage, maybe more chiropractic. But nothing was really happening. And so when I came across Jim Fortin, I was I was looking for something, you know, I'm like, there's there's something a little bit more, and there was just something about Jim's message, which he's been doing a training and so it's called be do have. And really, this flips, the way that we usually we try to change our lives on its head. Because usually we look at, well, what's going on on the outside, and we want to change these external factors. It's, you know, so it's like, well, I, I'm having, you know, some health stuff. So maybe I need my exercise program, or I'm having some challenges with finances like, okay, maybe I needed to cut my cut my spending, maybe I need to go on a budget, or works not fulfilling, okay? Oh, just just go out, get a brand new job. And if you're like me, and you're like many people, because this is we're all, we're all more similar than we are different, even though you go and watch the news, and it just wants to divide us and split us apart. And tell us how different and how awful The other is. But really, you know, we're at 90, who knows a large percentage of the same. And so, you've probably, you know, tried a lot of things that I tried, you know, changing a job, spending less, finding a way to make more, you know, relationships aren't working, we'll go get some new relationships, make some new friends. And if you've been paying attention, you might have noticed that either it's really, really, really, really hard to get it going and then even harder to maintain. And often it's almost impossible to maintain. And, you know, so maybe with all of this effort, you know, over the over the years, you end up a few percent better, which is huge, which is huge, like you know, a few percent compounded over lifetime is huge gains and you know, your happiness and your experience in life. But where does that you know, sort of, let's just call it magic, the magical shift come from, and it comes from taking the focus out of the external and putting it inside. So really wanting to change from the inside out. Because he likes to explain that we live you know, often our model is that have Dubey which is once I have more money than I will do the things in life that I want to and then I will be happy where as He teaches it's you got to change the most fundamental part of yourself that is always working 24 seven to create the life that you have, and you need to switch it to a B, do have, which is you need to be the person that's gonna have the life that you want to have. You know, so it really is thinking of like, okay, somebody, you know. So currently, I've been living the life of somebody, I've been being someone that has a lot of body aches and pains. So what, and this is something I'm still still learning is, you know, how do I be the person who does not tolerate having body aches and pains? That just, you know, you know, yeah, you know, injuries will happen, things will come up. But I don't make those a part of who I am. Because that's story that I told you about all the things that I've been accumulating as far as physical aches and pains and whatever, that's that, in some ways become a part of me, one of the questions you have to ask yourself is, what is what is the benefit, because there's just about always a benefit to something that might seem is harmful in your life. And so I know, for me, the benefit of having these aches and pains is that it, it makes me actually take care of myself physically, like, like, I go, I do weekly massage, I do weekly chiropractor, which a year ago, man, you know, before I was not doing these things, it was like, I would just wait until there was a big enough pain or something, or it's a special occasion, like a birthday or a birthday massage. So it's, you know, my body's saying, like, Hey, you need to care for yourself. And so, probably until I become a person who continuously cares for myself, regardless of whether there's physical pain or not, see, I'm learning as you're learning, this is the fun of the show, then, you know, the pain is not necessarily going to go away. Because the, because pain really is nothing more than, you know, a feedback mechanism, you know, letting us know that something needs our attention. And if we just, you know, notice that and do something about it, the pain can go away. But if we, you know, ignore, or we add on to it, that's sort of where the suffering comes in. Isn't that the the Buddhist saying that pain in life is mandatory, but suffering is optional. So, you know, pain is not bad, it's just a message, but let's not add to it, let's utilize it. So we can use it to move forward and find out what really works best for ourselves. So that area of health I'm still working on. But as far as like, understanding myself and more fulfillment, those areas, I've made massive, massive shifts working with working with Jim Ford. And so if you do want more information, go to you know, Justin Wenck, w, slash Jim Ford, and that's jm FORTIN all one word, no spaces, no dashes, and that's where I'll have links and information so that you could, you know, get some of his free trainings, and, you know, learn about him and possibly work with him and get the great benefits, because I'm looking to build, you know, a phenomenal family of people that are, you know, growing, you know, quickly, smartly, and we can just really, you know, make this make this a better world, man, you know, make it make it a better place for you. And for me, and for the entire human race. I think that's a Michael Jackson song. Was it heal the world? I don't know. Anyway, what I want to talk about is that, so one of the areas where I really got some benefit was in the area of finances, because like I was saying, you know, I was like, man, I guess got to put this money away. So because in case you know, what if, what if I lose my job? Or what if the entire economy collapses? You know, there's so much fear going on last last year. And, you know, probably, if you're still watching the news there is because by the way, that's what the news is all about is just keeping you in a state of fear. So you are better basically, when you are in fear, you are very receptive to other people's suggestions. But if you're not in a fear state, you are mostly open to only what you're really truly desire for your own best, which is often or the best of those around you as well. So don't be scared, do not be scared of not being afraid, and being more in touch with what you truly want. And so I started working with with Jim and this is, you know, and again, you know, it's you can't have to be which is all once I have money, then I will live the life I want and then I'll be be happy. You got to flip it. And so well how do you how do you be, you know, how do you be so that you You end up having money. And it really is just starting to just believe that there is plenty of be someone who sees that there is abundance, you know, that money can just sort of come to you and is available. And, you know, there's, there's, you know, affirmations. One cool trick that somebody taught me that I actually do is I've leave dollar bills at random places and random drawers and things. So I, you know, I'll open I'll open my drawer here, and I go kind of like, you know, and I see $1 bill, and it's like, oh, there's money everywhere. So that's thought starts coming. And I, it started started working it started. And I mean, I'll tell you, the mechanics that ended up happening was I ended up getting a really fantastic deal to refinance my house, and was able to get, you know, some money out in that. And it's just like, oh, Justin, that's not like magic. But I'm telling you, before I did this, that concept, like, was completely closed off to me. And then as I just started having, like, yeah, there's, there's money, there's abundant and can just come to you, then the offer just sort of appeared. And I was able to select, you know, the lender and everything happened, like really, really quick. Whereas if maybe you've, you know, bought a house or done a refinance. These things you can spend, you know, weeks, you know, months agonizing over and all this complicated paperwork, and just things happen so smoothly. And then you know, the money come it came into the bank account, and it's like, oh, yeah, like, and, but it didn't feel like a big, because it was just like I had been operating from, I should have this larger amount of money in my bank account. And then there it was in my bank account. So it really is, it can seem challenging, and the How will be surprising. But when we just kind of expect that, well, this is eventually how it should be, it'll eventually be that way. The reason your life is the way it is now is because that the way your life is now is how you expect it to be. And every day you wake up recreating it. And this might sound crazy, but that's okay. You don't have to believe me, I always encourage people to do the experiment. You know, science, you know, I've got an engineering background. There's lots of science and statistics. The thing with statistics is that it doesn't matter if there's a 99% chance that something horrible could come to you. All that matters is that the 1% is for you. And the good happens. So you do want you know, as a population, we want to go with what's statistically best. But when it comes down to me, I'm going to do everything I can to mentally shift the odds, so that I get whatever the benefit is in my favor. So even if it's like, hey, there's only a 1% chance, it's like, well, that's, that's the 1% chance for the great thing. That's what I'm going to root for. And I'm going to do whatever I can to make that happen. So and the way you're like okay, so conceptually, you get it, you understand it, but how do you know it? And that's really where Jim's magic comes from, because he's been doing NLP neuro linguistic programming, which is ways of talking to yourself to other people, so that you can get the shifts in the beliefs. He's been doing that for 25 years. He's also a master hypnotist, which is getting directly to the subconscious. And it was one of those things like yeah, isn't that like, you know, you go to like a work event or something at a school and they get a hypnotist and I look at this person's clucking like a chicken and Oh, look at him, they they think that they're monkeys, isn't this hilarious? And it it can be that but there are so many studies and so many results of hypnosis being used to change all sorts of behaviors because it's the thoughts that we've barely hear that we are saying that shape our everyday life. And I actually I recently signed up to work one on one with a really well known hypnotist. So in about a month I'm going to be starting to have you know, one on one sessions because there's there's some stuff that I'm like, Alright, um, I want to rudo I want to pipe clean some of these subconscious beliefs and thoughts, and just get to it. It's like, you know, it's, it's been enough. Let's go really get into that. And basically, I'm open to that because of the stuff I learned working with Jim, who's got you know, great techniques and great teachings to really help you be aware of what's going on under your hood and how to get in there and do it so that you're having the subconscious thoughts and beliefs that you want to have. Because we're getting, we're bombarded with all of these messages, the marketing, and the media. And they are very sophisticated. And you know, the Facebook algorithms and you ever notice, like, if you haven't checked your, you know, one of your social media accounts, like it just starts trying like random different things, and usually within about a week, unless somehow you were, you know, really, really strong willed, which there's a limit to our will, it's a bit like a battery, that eventually it pops up something and you are just so compelled to check in. It's like, Ah, that x so and so how did they, what did they have a new relationship, and it's like, I gotta check this out. Like they, they know how to manipulate based off of our subconscious beliefs and programming. And you can use this, once you're educated on it, which Jim is fantastic at doing, you can use it to your advantage, so you're living the life that's best for you and for others. So I got some more money into my account. And then this podcast is going a lot longer. But I've also had improvements in, you know, relationship with, you know, my wife and friends and things like that, and family. And, you know, not all improvements in relationships means that you know, stronger, better together, like, sometimes it's a dissolution where it's like, Hey, this is this relationship is no longer working, I need some timeout, or I just need to not engage, or I will engage in a much more limited fashion, because this is not a healthy relationship. So I kind of had all the above experience of that. So I mentioned it in some of the previous podcasts, and, you know, probably in the future, I do want to talk about, you know, my retreat, probably an upcoming one, I got so much stuff I want to share with you guys, but I want to keep these, you know, bite sized easy for you. So that, you know, you can listen to it on the go get something improve your life. But I know we've kind of gone a lot today that I've been up to. And I've, I know there's maybe not something that's like super tangible, but I hope I've piqued your interest into like, there are other more effective ways to start getting the life that you you deserve. You deserve this just because you are a human being. You deserve to be able to, you know, chase your dreams, have relationships that matter and not have to be so scared like you. Our natural state is to be in a state of well being and love just, we've we've often forgotten. Because of all the stuff going on outside. You know, it's like the clouds, the clouds have come. And we forget that the sun exists. But the sun is always there, the sun's come up every day since you've been born. And as far as we know, is probably going to be coming up. Well after your physical body says bye bye on this planet. Such as your state of well being and the love like it's it's there. It's always there to access just sometimes we forget, we get so stuck into you know, the fear, the anger, the tension, the stress, and I want to help get you out of that. And sometimes I know I'm not the best in every single area. So that's what I bring up bringing the heavy hitters and point them to you. Because if I can't help you, I want to get you in touch with the people that can and so go check out Jim Ford. He's got some really great trainings going on right now. So for so that I can give you the most up to date information and stuff. Go to Justin Wenck comm slash Jim Horton, check that out. Hit me up on social media. You know, check it in the show notes. But basically, if you look for Justin Wenck, w e and ck, you're gonna find me let me know what you think about the show. If you don't like something, let me know if you love it, please, you know, go on iTunes or wherever you can rate it that five stars the max, give me a good review. Tell your friends weren't starting to get out. You know, I just got a lot of great stuff that's going to be coming up. And if you got any questions, hit me up. Thanks so much and good day.