Engineering Emotions and Energy with Justin Wenck, Ph.D.

Ep 59: The Perfect Life Meditation System

Justin Wenck Season 1 Episode 59

Do you want to live a fulfilling life with less stress and more energy? Today I cover how to discover and create your perfect life in as little as 5 minutes a day with the Perfect Life Meditation system I developed. I explain in PLAIN language how this heartfelt and intuitive system of creating lasting habits gets you results. 

 What is the Perfect Life Meditation Method?

 Do you feel stressed, stuck, sad, tired, or frustrated? Do you just want more out of life, your relationships, or better health?

The Perfect Life Meditation is a transcendent practice that combines modern methods and traditional techniques so you can discover that you already have and can create the perfect life of your dreams. It allows you to go beyond your habitual mental chatter and step into compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, and build your future life and your upcoming day that takes you inward and outward leaving you feeling more connected, more energetic and less stressed in as little as 5 minutes a day, or in its accelerated form in just 20 minutes a day. Ancient wisdom mixed with modern science has led to this compilation of the most effective techniques to get you into the present and allow you to let go of the past so you can architect your perfect future.

The Perfect Life Method is comprised of the following components:

  • Relaxing the Mind
  • Love and Compassion
  • Gratitude
  • Forgiveness
  • Your Future Life
  • Your Perfect Day
  • Your Way of Being
  • Connecting with the outer world


 Justin Wenck, Ph.D. is an expert in working with the most complex system and programming in the world: Your Mind. He began with computers over 25 years ago, earning a doctorate in Electrical Engineering. 15 years ago he became dedicated to unlocking the magic of the mind using modern scientific methods and traditional yoga and meditation techniques. His mission is to make it easy for anyone to learn simple, yet transformative tools so they can experience a life of less stress, more energy, and passion.

 If you're in the Sacramento area and want to learn how to transform your life in as little as 5 minutes a day to be less stressed, more energetic, and living from the heart. Sign ups for my Perfect Life Meditation workshop are now open.

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Check out my best-selling book "Engineered to Love: Going Beyond Success to Fulfillment" also available on Audiobook on all streaming platforms! Go to to learn more!

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Justin Wenck:

Welcome to the engineering emotions and energy podcast. I'm your host, Justin Wenck. This is the show where we're dedicated to helping you live a life with less stress more energy, and doing something that you love and you're passionate about. And today, I'm talking about something very special, talking about the system I've developed that can actually help you live that life. It is the perfect life meditation system. And within as little as five minutes a day, it can help transform your life to give you the life that you've always wanted. And you might be wondering, like, Justin, I'm a perfectionist, perfectionism is bad. We're not supposed to try to be perfect. Exactly. You're not supposed to try to be perfect, perfect life meditation system is all about discovering how your life is perfect. How it is, you're like, What are you talking about? You're kidding me? Right? Like, do you know how the bills I have? Do you know how many arguments I get in with maybe kids, you know, spouse, co workers? Like, do you know how soul crushing what I'm doing for a living is? Have you have you seen the number on my scale and my blood pressure numbers and my cholesterol? Do you know what it's like when I go to the doctor, like I get it. The thing is, once you understand how your mind works, and what's been going into your mind, you will go like, Ah, that's why I have the life I have your life is exactly the way it is meant to be based on everything that has gone into your mind, since you were born. The only challenges that you were not consciously aware of what was going into the programming. And why why by so if you're new to the podcast, let me tell you a little bit about myself, and why I know so much why I'm talking about programming in the first place. So my background is I have a PhD in electrical engineering. And one of my specialties is working with very complicated systems and their programming, I really started getting into this when I was about 15 years old when I started doing computer repair. So you know, first dealing with personal computers, that time, Windows 95 was the brand new thing and try to get that, you know, under 46, likely you needed a Pentium, and there was even, you know, there was AMD way, there's also this other company called sirix. And so you know, there's some different hardware, and then there's the programming. So you had to understand, you know, the components, and then you understand what it's programmed with. So you could have the most latest, greatest, amazing, you know, motherboard, CPU, graphics card, all that stuff. But if you load it up with ancient old DOS, which is a text base operating system, you're not going to get any cool graphics, you're not going to get any fun games, you know, you're just going to be, you know, typing away and stuff like that. And our minds are a lot like that, like basically, probably when you were born, you've been fed the equivalent of Microsoft dos 6.02. And there are way more advanced operating systems available. And that is what the perfect life meditation system is all about. And this is something that over my. So you know, I started with computers. And then I got my PhD in electrical engineering. And then, you know, working in the tech field along that, but 15 years ago, that's when I really got dedicated to applying my knowledge and my expertise, and my passion, to the most complex system in all the universe. And that's the human mind. And I started getting into meditation, I started getting into mindfulness, I started trying to learn many techniques and personal development, neuro linguistic programming, techniques of hypnosis. So, I've really done a lot of study, and I've tried a lot of things. So I know what works, what doesn't work. And a lot of times, if you look at the perfect life meditation system, you'll be like, I know, I know a lot of the stuff and you do yet, a lot of stuff, the power is in the sequence, right? It's in the order of operations, right? Like, if you if you're wanting to bake a cake, and you just put all the ingredients right into the oven, you're not going to get a cake, right, you got to you got to mix the ingredients in the proper sequence, and then put them into the proper bowl at the proper temperature. And that's how you get your delicious cake or whatever it is you're trying to bake. So a lot of it is what goes into the sequencing. And you know, each each component is powerful on its own yet it's the sequencing that really really gives it a special secret sauce that can really be life transforming. And you can either do all of it, you know in about 20 minutes, or you can split it up in just five minutes a day. do little little pieces every day. Because a lot of things like fitness for the Body Fitness for the mind. It's more powerful to do a little everyday than a big, big, big chunk, and then you know, do nothing. So it's like, if you were to run a marathon, and then do nothing afterwards, you're, you're probably, you know, maybe there's an helpin, it's actually a horrible example. So it's probably if you just ran a marathon with no training, no practice, it probably wouldn't be bad for your health, and you would probably be worse off after you ran the marathon. But if you, you know, started running, you know, a mile a day and did that every day, you'll be way better off than if you just run a marathon and sit on your ass for an entire month, right. So assembler working with the mind, it's more important to have a regular practice, if as little as five minutes a day, then to, you know, go somewhere. And I mean that I've had this and that's to say that there's anything wrong with a long retreat. And in fact, those can be really helpful in getting a kick started, or getting you deeper, when you already have a daily practice. Yet, if you just go to, you know, a week long retreat, or an all day retreat, meditating, doing something like that, and then you go back to what you did, you're going to, you're, maybe there's a chance, something will change, chances are, you're going to have the exact same life, if you don't, you know, commit to doing something daily to do something different. Because really, it's what you what you do in your mind every day results in what you have in your life right now. So if you start having different thoughts, you will start having a different life. Because a lot of people think that the universe, you know, gives you gives you what you want, it's not true at all, it's totally the universe gives you who you are. So if, you know, you can say you know, I want loving relationships, I want a million dollars, I want great health. And you're probably not a lot, it's going to change, because one thing is just that language pattern is telling the mind that that's something you don't have, you don't have those things. And if you're still the person that's just wanting those things, you're not the person is going to have those things. Whereas if you focus on like, well, who do I have to be to have the things I want in life, and so that you are a healthy person, you are an abundant person, you are a healthy person, they say healthy person, wealthy, healthy, wealthy, abundant, loving, loved person, if you are all those things, those will start to show up in your life, the universe, the world, the external will reflect that back to you. And so that's really what the perfect life meditation system is all about is the most easiest, most effective way so that you can be the person who has the life that you want. Because, again, you are operating perfectly. It's so magical. It's so cool. Just, it's it's kind of like one of those things like if if you have a beautiful, beautiful sports car, right? I one of the one of the metaphors I like to use, you know, say, What am I dream card is growing up as a kid was a Lamborghini, Khun Taj, I don't think they even make them I've never driven one. I intend to try one out, or you know, some other Lamborghini for fun. You know, it's, it's, uh, you know, amazing sports car built for speed, built for agility, whatever. But if I try to use that, to, you know, load up, you know, if if I want to use that to basically move from one house to another to move furniture, things like that. It's not going to work out very well. Because that is not the not the use best use of that equipment. And effectively, that's what many of us are doing with the programming is word, we're trying to move furniture. With a very well crafted sports car, we're wondering why, why we're not going as fast as we want to get to where we want to go. And it's because we're not loading up our beautiful, beautiful machine of the human mind with the right programming. So I want to tell you the components of it. I've already done some pod podcasts, where I kind of go into depth and the ones that I haven't yet and when in the future. So I likely turn this kind of into like a podcast special, where, you know, this will be the intro. And then I'll have a page and you'll be able to really easily you know, go through the different parts. So this is just kind of like the overview of what is the perfect life meditation. And you know, what, what can it do for you. So, one, the first component is all about relaxing the mind. So that's getting your mind out of the busy beta and into into your alpha and your theta waves. Because in the state of deep relaxation, your mind is no longer on guard, yet trying to protect itself. About every little thing, it's more open to what what is actually best holistically. So not just, you know, hey, is that is is it different to be compassionate? Oh, that's, that's different than what I've been doing. So let me automatically reject that in a relaxed state. If you give the mind the suggestion that, hey, let's love ourselves, let's let some others it's more likely to go, Ah, yeah, I can see how that's, that's good. So that's why it's really important to relax the mind to settle down to not be in that agitated gogogo state. So we start with relaxing the mind, then we go into love and compassion, then a gratitude practice after that. So that's basically we're, we're working sort of in the present to sort of, you know, give us an appreciation of all there is in our life, currently, we're getting relaxed, we're learning to love. We're learning to be grateful. And then we move on to practicing forgiveness, which is letting go of the past. Because so often, harm that has been done to us by others, and especially done to us by ourselves. We carry that anger and that resentment of like, oh, Campbell, I can't believe my parent did that to me, like, Oh, is that what a jerk? And that thought that keeps coming up? That's just recreating that there's jerkiness and harm in the world. And so you might wonder, because I know I've had this experience in my life, where it's like, oh, why is there this co worker that reminds me of, you know, the worst traits of my father. It's because I've keep repeating, I am someone who thinks that the worst traits in my father are a reality. And, you know, as I forgave my, my father, and and seen that, like, he was just doing the best with what he had at the time, and did a lot of really great stuff. That people that reminded me of the the traits that I had had to forgive, or kind of washed away, and I get a lot better, cooler people coming into my life. And so we let the past kind of go away, practicing forgiveness. And now we get to start on the part that I know you want, that I know you're interested in. And that's, you know, crafting your future life. And so we do this by asking a question that I did an episode on, or I said, actually two episodes on avoiding why. And we use it in the powerful way, which is where we presuppose that something you already happen want in your life is true. And we asked why why is it true? Like, why does money pile up in my life? Why am I so healthy? Why is there so much love in my life. So this helps us to start crafting that identity that I am someone that has the traits has the things has the life that I want. So that then just naturally, this is sort of associated with the reticular Activation System, which is where the, what the mind is thinking of the mind sees in the world, it's like, if you buy a red Honda Civic, you're gonna start seeing red Honda Civics all over the place. The other thing is, we then go from sort of two to three years in the future, to bring it into like, what what is a really good day tomorrow, like, so we visualize what your day looks like tomorrow, so that it can be, you know, remember, if tomorrow is just a little bit better than today, and we compound that over time, think of how amazing Your life is gonna get. So this is the power of 1%. Because, you know, many financial advisors, they have a, what appears to be a really low fee of like, Oh, just, we only charge you 1% of, you know, the the assets that we manage for you. It's just that measly teeny, insignificant, 1% you get the other 99. But did you know, the reason that they're so happy to take that low fee is that over about 30 to 40 years, that basically ends up taking away about usually at most rates of returns, somewhere around 30% of your what your portfolio value would be? So it's if you didn't have them, you would, you know, say you would end up with a million dollars with that one that 1% because you had lost that 1% from them, you would only be having like about $700,000. So it's like would you pay $300,000 for the advice. And oftentimes you probably know that these they weren't worth $300,000 yet, but again, sometimes it could be worth it because again, to make sure that you're not making horrendous mistakes, that could be worth it. So I'm not not here to like totally on financial advisors, I've used them, I will use them in the future, make sure you get a fiduciary, though, I might do a whole topic on that in the future. So, you know, we're looking at a 1% advantage of improving each day, after each day. So every day in every way, getting better and better. And then the next part is, we're bringing it to, you know, it's a blessing, it's a wish, and it's also a calling into a way of being that you want for yourself. So, you know, just saying, like, may I be confident, may I be bold, may I be healthy, may I be abundant. So this is really starting to say, you know, this is who I am, because I am is forever, it's past, present future, which is, and we want to be having very powerful declarative helpful declarations of I Am, as opposed to sort of the negative ones that a lot of times, you might have noticed, some people get like, I'm so unhappy, I'm sick, I'm depressed, I'm broke. I'm tired. I did get like that statements that's Past, Present future that, that is that fucks up your life, if you have those thoughts. And you might not even say that, but if you think that, and then you're wondering, like, why you're sick, why you're tired, why you're poor, why you're, you're having a hard time with people like that. There. There it is. And so here, we're starting to put in positive ways of being through the perfect life meditation system. Then finally, this, this is a big one. This is something that I got from when I first started meditating. In a Tibetan Buddhist tradition of Shambala, they taught an open eyed meditation technique called Shah Mata. And this is especially powerful after doing all the previous practices, which I like to think of as these are, these are all tools in your toolbox that, you know, it's great to do formally, you also can do them at any time, any time of the day. But, you know, imagine this, you've, you know, you're very, very happy with your present, you've let go of your past, you now have an ideal future. Now, you can just float in awareness, with your eyes slightly open. And this is allowing you to take all of that and start to connect it to the outside world, because it's one thing if you can be, you know, laying down on a cushion, sitting down, and you know, realize, like, yeah, my life is perfect. And then, you know, the the timer rings, and it's time to go about your day. And it's like, oh, man, my life is a shit show. Like, that's, you know, that's not what we want. We want this meditative state of being, where we have awareness, we have consciousness we have, we have agency over our thoughts, and what we're creating in the world, we want to have that, you know, with our eyes open as we're out and about in the world. So that's where this eyes open meditation, where we're allowing a little bit more connection with the outside world, while we've had this phenomenon understate getting used to that, and just noticing Well, what's coming up, what's coming up, and the thoughts what's coming up with sounds, and then how does that impact my thoughts? And then what am I seeing does that impact what I'm thinking, feeling, whatever. And that that is the magic of the perfect life meditation system. And I, you know, starting to get workshops going on this, I'm starting to have a membership program that I'm working on, so that we can, you know, virtually from anywhere in the world, get together, connect, practice these tools, you know, do q&a, connect as a community and have a little guided program that you can sort of do on your own, so a lot of great things. So really go to the website, Justin Wenck comm sign up to be on my mailing list so that you know, if I got a workshop caught up in your area, or I got something really cool, you can be the first to know about it. Because, you know, it's really the sooner you get going, the sooner you're gonna have the benefits right? So I really don't want you to have to wait. So you know, subscribe to this podcast, please rate it five stars. If you got any questions or comments, things that could be improved podcast at Justin Wenck comm Find me on social media. I'm on Facebook, I'm on Instagram, I'm on the LinkedIn. So come find me Justin Wenck, usually Justin Wenck, PhD. So thanks so much and good day.