Engineering Emotions and Energy with Justin Wenck, Ph.D.

Ep 61: Workship Recap

Justin Wenck Season 1 Episode 61

The Perfect Life Meditation Workship went perfectly, right?!?

Absolutely Not! 

There were mistakes, challenges, and a lot of learning.

 Did I really publish a flyer that said Workship instead of Workshop? You bet I did! And it was all part of the process. The students had a phenomenal experience and I'm ready to share the experience with more people after what I've learned and part of that is sharing the behind the scenes with you in this episode. Enjoy!

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Justin Wenck:

Welcome to the engineering emotions and energy podcast. I'm your host, Justin Wenck. Today gonna be doing a little workship recap what what is that? Is? That was that workship? Not, not workshop. Believe it or not, I actually created a flyer for an event for a workshop. And it said, the perfect life meditation workshop. And I printed many, many copies. And it said that ended I freak out. No, I didn't. So that and other learnings are all what's in store for today's little little update little getting to know each other? And how can you you know, do something that you want to do and get through to the end even when maybe it's something you really had never done before. And there are challenges and you're like, at times, man, do I even really want to do this. So this past weekend, I did my first ever in person, meditation workshop. I've done lots of you know, online stuff, I really did a lot of, you know, really getting into doing my meditations and stuff. You know, last year when it was pretty much already at the start of lockdowns and things like that. I had done some facilitating of large scale meditations many, many years before in person. I yeah, that was kind of when I had finally formulated my perfect life meditation system and started teaching that to various people through various means all online. And so it was really, really cool to get the opportunity to do an in person workshop, where I can really see people and they can see me. And it's way more interactive with a group of live people, which is super, super cool. I know that it online can also be interactive, and I'm learning ways to make it better and better, more, you know, back and forth, so that people feel like it says, as good as being in person. Because really, it's all about how we show up and how we interact. Doesn't really matter where we are in the world. If we put our energy into the interaction, we're going to get what we want out of it, which is always really cool. And so I think this got on the calendar, probably, you know, two months, this has been like two months of planning where I kind of have, you know, got the date. And it's like, Okay, I think I have like the outline of what I wanted to do. And then Okay, let's, you know, start getting the word out, get signups and get, you know, I had to prepare the prepare the material for for consumption, as well as things like, okay, I haven't enough where, you know, I can just kind of, you know, do it for very low cost or very informally. But for a workshop, I wanted to provide a really, really amazing experience. So, you know, I created a workbook that I printed out, that was a learning experience in and of itself. I, I had not looked up how much it costs, or how challenging it could be to print out a workbook, I was like I had envisioned that it's going to be this lovely, beautiful spiral bound all color glossy. And it could have been if I was willing to pay about 10 or $15 per work workbook, which is a for, you know, a pretty low cost workshop, not not going to work out too well. So I ended up just getting kind of like regular printouts of the staple. So yeah, good enough. So you know, learning of, you know, how to what should I offer? What should I not and number you charged by number pages, things like that. I had one version that was originally 5050 plus pages, most of them just like transitional pages, like okay, let's get rid. Let's get rid of all of these. And the next slide says the next next page says, so that was that was a big learning. And the other thing I learned, is it where this workshop took place is about 3030 minutes away from from where I live. It's a beautiful little studio out in Placerville, I'm a little bit closer to Sacramento. The main city in Placerville is up in the hill, and it's beautiful and gorgeous. It's just not sort of like my center of where I know people locally. And so I learned that, okay. Now even though a lot of people I know are interested, there's a little bit of like, are they interested enough to drive 30 to maybe 45 minutes to go to this thing? And then the the other thing is that so there's you know, well how many people can I attract? But then there's also what's, what is the vibe of the studio already and who can they attract. And sort of what I learned is that although this is a type of thing that people are really interested in, it's also One of the things that most people go into a yoga or movement studio, they're interested in yoga or movement, things like that. And so it's kind of like, I don't know, if I want to go sit and work on my mind purely, if I can't move my body can get all sweat on. And then maybe you sneak some mindfulness stuff in there, okay, whatever. But I don't want to be dedicated to that. So there's there's little of getting people warmed up to the idea of doing something, you know, a different type of activity at a place where they've done other activities. And so what I, what I learned was that the people that showed up through the, through the studio, it seemed like they had a personal connection with the teacher that really knew the material that I was teaching. And so he kind of vouch for what I was offering. So I learned that you know, sort of getting that, even if I can't personally connect with someone, if I can connect with someone who connects with someone, and they know what this workshop is all about, that's going to be much, much better at getting it going. Or getting somebody interested. Another thing that I found out, that I learned was, I believe that most people paid for the workshop in person at the studio, except for one person that I know of, who was already really comfortable with that studios online. Like booking scheduling payment system, which is mind body, which if you've gone to a lot of, you know, yoga or other types of maybe dance related stuff, that's usually the back end system that they're using is this mind body thing. And it can leave a lot to be desired from a usability standpoint, like it's highly functional, it does a whole bunch of stuff that yoga studio or movement studio would want. Yet, if if you're not used to it, like, because one of the main main things that I recognized was that if somebody had never never done anything through this before, you would go to get information in the workshop and immediately say, like, what's your login, create a login. And if you've ever gone to most, most websites to buy something, you'll notice, they never asked you to log in, or ask you to create a login until you've you've pretty much already pulled out your credit card or you're about to pull out your credit card anyway. Because they know at that point, you're you're vested, you're interested, you're you you want what they got, and you're willing to put in a little time and effort. But before that, you know, could you imagine going to Amazon, and it doesn't even let you see how much you know, those double A batteries are until you were to just create a login, you'd be like, wow, this, this seems sketchy. I'm out of here. And so mind body is a little bit like that. It's not a sketchy site, not at all, it's you know, very reputable, all good stuff. It's just different. And when people are already wanting to do something a little bit different, do a workshop outside their comfort zone. And then there's this additional difference of how this website set up. It's like, I'll do that later and later usually ends up being never So that was another thing. So in the future. And I did this like a few days before I created like an event bright setup, which was like a much, much better user interface. So in the future, I would do that right from the get go or create sort of my own my own web page landing that had all the information, all the details, whatever. And then, you know, actually had like, step by step, here's what you will need to do to register for this event, you know, you know, online, or here's a way that you can reserve your spot by calling the studio or if you just want to show up stuff like that, you know, let's make it as easy as possible for people to do you know, to do the event. So, you know, because I'm busy, you're busy, you don't want it to be any harder than it has to be. So that was a big learning event. The other thing is also, you know, social social media did a lot of social media, the metal has a fantastic online presence. It's one of those, I should have started looking Alright, you know, in the future, I will probably email people out sooner and then do like a reminder, you know, as it gets closer to the event, a little bit more repetition. And then the other thing that is challenging with social media is that for the most part mind, I've it I talked to people you know, all around the country, even the world. And so I could tell that some people are like, Oh, wait, this is an in person thing. Nowhere near me like pass. So I definitely going forward and going to all likelihood for most events be doing like a virtual component, a streaming component, so that it's accessible to everyone who wants to, you know, you know, learn from me and you know, do do practices with me and improve their life with me, you know, shouldn't just be tied to the geography, except it yet, you know, I think, you know, there'll be some some things in the future, you know, like a retreat type thing, something like that or an intensive, but this is something that's going to be worth, this would be worth, you know, you know, flying in for that's, that's something if I feel like would be worth doing, you know, in person only like, okay, we're, this is really important we want focus, we don't want any outside distractions we want, you know, many, many hours where we can, you know, get some work and get some transformation. And then lastly is just sort of relax, let go of the expectations and trust, it'll all work out no matter what. So when I started the show, I was talking about my work ship, flip flop, floppy floop, where I had a flyer, and the thing was, is I created this this flyer, digitally. And it went, you know, it was published on social media saw by several people helping me out, you know, through the meadow, they were all like, really, and it wasn't until I printed it out. And it was gonna go make an edit for some other reason that I noticed that I had, you know, flubbed workshop and put it as workship. And I was like, man, nobody noticed this. You know what, I'm still just gonna go publish this. And I even started, you know, certain people certain places going, like, Do you notice the big typo on it? And people like, No, and I have like, literally point. It's like, it says work ship. And they're like, Oh, my gosh, I didn't even see it. Because for the most part, we know that it should be workshop. And so most of us are seeing what we want to see. Because that there's no frame of reference for a workshop being in that context, right? So they don't see it. So how often do we get all hung up on these little things that most people aren't going to see because they're not even looking for it. And you know, they saw it, who cares? And honestly, I was happy, because the perfect life meditation system, it's not actually about being perfect. It's all about recognizing that all the imperfections, all the problems, all things are the result of us system working perfectly. I really like to use the analogy of if you've ever had trouble with an electronic device, say a computer, you know, could be could be a, I'm gonna use a computer or a complex stereo or something like that. And like, it's just not working. You know, you push buttons, you try key combinations. Yeah. You just, you know, as the monitor hooked up as the TV hooked up, or all the audio cables hooked up, you know, is, is your mouse, right? Is it are the batteries charged all this stuff. And then it's just nothing, it's nothing. What is wrong with this thing, what's what's, and then you check and realize it was not plugged in, there was no power, no power at all. This computer, this electronic device was working perfectly the entire time. Because it is designed to not work with the power plug not plugged in. If it had turned on, without any power plugged in, that would have been weird. That would have been odd, right? You'd be freaking out, you'd be like, Oh my gosh, I what's what's going on with this thing, like it's not plugged in. And I'm not talking about a laptop with a battery. I'm talking about like old school, desktop, or dead laptop battery, something like that. So I don't want any emails. So the workshop was a great success in that I did it ended up getting, you know, some great, great people to turnout and they all had a phenomenal experience because I the promise I wanted to make to them was like by the time you leave today, you're going to feel super relaxed, or energized. Or you're going to feel like more aligned with your purpose in life, or possibly all three. And they all got at least one of those things. And I was super, super happy for all of them. And I was so glad I did it. I'm looking forward to do it again and make no more offerings to this. So if you're interested, or you got some questions or comments about the show, please email me podcast at Justin Wenck calm subscribe at Justin Wenck calm and make sure you don't miss anything, podcast wise or upcoming events. And also find me on social media so that another way for us to stay in touch and remember rate this podcast five stars, whatever way you find us. And you know write a little review saying you know how helpful This is and you know what it's done for your life. And that is it for today's show a nice little workship recap. So thank you and good day.