Engineering Emotions and Energy with Justin Wenck, Ph.D.

Ep 63: What are you truly committed to?

Justin Wenck Season 1 Episode 63

Is there anything missing in your life? If so, have you been a person committed to having it?

 In the past two months I became committed to having better health in the form of less physical pain and more energy through improved diet. This commitment was tested when I went to a recent Mens Yoga Camp where….

I wouldn't be able to do yoga like everyone else
I wouldn't be able to eat like everyone else

I was different and I got attention…two things that scare the sh!t out of me, but because I was committed to my health I found a way through and now I feel phenomenal on many levels. 

On this episode I go in depth on this topic and experience.

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Justin Wenck:

Welcome to the engineering emotions and energy podcast. I'm your host, Justin Wenck. Today, we're going to be talking about commitment. No, not necessarily marriage commitment, commitment to well, just about anything you want to be committed to in life, is there something that you wish could be different? Something that you want, but you don't quite yet have? Like, maybe that's a improved health, maybe that's, you know, different friends or a relationship, or maybe this is career or money related. And if there's, there's something you don't have, I would hazard to guess that you haven't been the person who's been committed to having it no matter what. Because pretty much anything we want in life is 100% attainable, because I doubt that there's anything you can think of that you want that somebody in this world doesn't already have. Because often, that's how we decide we want something we see, while somebody else has a really happy relationship. I'd like a really happy relationship. Sometimes we do have a genuine spark of inspiration. And just the fact that you had an inspiration that you came up with something and visualize it, no, you want it means that it's totally possible. Because a lot of stuff and like life has been like that, where at one point, there were no airplanes. the Wright brothers had a vision of airplanes, and they made airplanes happen. Now we just take it for granted that airplanes are a possibility. And that you can get from point A to point B in less than 24 hours anywhere on this planet, which is really, really freakin cool. So anything that you want is totally possible, what's what's missing, and one of the big factors is going to be the commitment that making this happen is 100% non negotiable, there just is, is no way it's nothing's gonna get in your way it will happen. And when you're not being a person that's 100% committed, then there's going to things that are gonna come at you and throw you off your game. And you're gonna end up where you've always been, which is not having that thing that you want. So let me relate a recent story of myself where I've found a commitment to get me what I want. And I have thrown a lot of challenges in the process. And as a result of those challenges, and my commitment, I feel even better about myself that go beyond just what I was committed to, which was my health, my physical health. So I've been battling a number of physical pains over over many years. So I've had in the past, I've had hip sciatica hamstring pain on my right side, it started about eight or nine years ago, after went did some very intense wake surfing wakeboarding. And then I've also had some weird bacterial pain in my left shoulder, mid back area, that just kind of moves all over the place. And it's really interrelated to I don't know, we've been identified with various massage therapists, physical therapists, probably about, you know, eight to 10 different muscle groups that are kind of involved in this, this pain. And then there's also just been sort of my physical energy like that, you know, over shit, maybe I can't even remember feeling super energized to can on a consistent basis. So just like me get the coffee, let me get try to work myself up to enjoy things and not get frustrated and try to get through the day. And so I really wanted to get rid of my physical discomforts. And I wanted to improve my my mood and my energy levels. So I was committed to this. So what are some steps I taken? So one is for the physical pains, physical therapy, and been following the instructions very, very closely. And part of the instructions for the physical therapy have been, you know, no forward folding, no putting the spine into flexion, which is forward folding. And if maybe you've done a lot of yoga, maybe you've never done yoga, either way. The important thing to know is that most modern Yoga is probably 50% or more a forward folding. So as someone that does yoga pretty often I had to learn to be the weird person in the back corner, that is skipping half of the yoga moves, and just avoiding what I know causes me pain, aggravation, and to continue to stay stuck, which was in that pain, because I want to I want it to be someone who is healed and pain free and living without pain. So getting used to that. Then along the front of you know the mood and energy levels. I started when I consult with the functional news. nutritionist and did a food sensitivity test and turned out that what I was eating when I was eating what I considered healthy because I definitely would go in and out of periods where I would know I'm eating unhealthful foods, like, you know, lots of like, Oh, I love chocolate, no sweets, pizza, waffles, muffins. They're, they're delicious. They're fantastic. Just, I know that they are not nourishing my my body and helping me be the optimal me that I can be. And so when I would be eating healthy foods, what I would consider healthy foods, it's like, you know, eating some chicken, almond milk eating almonds, lots of lots of eggs, you know, good healthy proteins, asparagus, your peppers. Yeah, I always found it really hard to maintain, you know, my healthy diet, like, you know, it's like, it seemed better, but just not not. So I go do the food sensitivity test and Son of a bitch. Just about every food that I eat when I'm eating quote unquote healthy shows up as me having a possible sensitivity to eggs was the biggest one. But then nightshades which is you know, your the peppers and tomatoes and eggplant. Those showed up often. So almond milks got to be out. Even chicken showed up. Garlic and carrots, asparagus, and I was like, Oh my gosh, like most of my favorite foods, dairy, so cheeses, and of course grains like barley wheat that was definitely on there. So the nutritionist, she's like, I


think, let's

Justin Wenck:

put you on a carnivore diet, because meat is highly, you know, very low on the inflammatory scale. So let's, you know, put you on, you know, you could have have some nuts like macadamia cashew, I believe, you know, avoid peanuts, that, you know, let's keep it to, you know, beef, high quality beef, high quality pork, you can do some seafood, and then you know, legit, I got a shake that you can do to make sure you have enough nutrients and things like that. And so it's like, Alright, so the past 3030 days, I started this June 1, been on a carnivore diet. So you know, pretty much all meat, all seafood, and just avoiding vegetables. And I weirds and bothers the shit out of people are like, what do you what do you mean? Like, you know, like I you know, I've had to go to restaurant like, I would like a hamburger, just you know, just just plain, no sauce. No bun, no vegetables. And it usually takes a couple rounds. And even if that, but then I just I just eat the meat. And I'll often ask for a side of butter, because that's delicious. So I found lots of ways to make this really, really enjoyable for me. And then I have to explain it to people I don't have to choose to. But I also choose to stick to my diet. And recently, I had a men's Yoga Camp that came up, this is something that I signed up for pre COVID. So it's been two years since I signed up for this thing. And I was like, Oh gosh, oh shit. Like, I don't really do all the yoga poses. And then I asked about the food. And I was like, Is there gonna be meat options? They're like, Well, actually, we're, it's mostly vegetarian has like, well, if you get the meat, it's not eggs and not chicken, I'll eat it. Otherwise I'll bring, I'll bring plenty of options and things like that. And so it's just really, really, you know, quite the experience being somewhere. And you know, there's 20 people and we all get to talk and and so basically, I had to explain myself over 20 times, of, you know, well, how come you're not eating the other food? How come you just you've have a meat patty? Or why do you have, you know, some salmon and had explained what I just explained to you about why, you know, the sensitivity test, you know, and it's been really, since I've gone carnivore diet, I've been having much better mood, I've been feeling more energetic, and I've been able to reduce weight. And then you know, well, why haven't I see you're not doing all the moves. Why are you you know, not doing downward dog. And and so I pause, I had this, this pain and since I've been with physical therapists, and I've been having less pain, and it's been great, and everything's getting better. So that's why I've been avoiding this move until I can I learned how to do it in a safe way that is pain free for my body. And so both of that of that feeling of being different, and then getting a attention. These were all things that that I spent most of my life avoiding. It's like, do you know, if you're different and getting attention, something bad's probably going to happen to you. It's not going to be good. So I spent most of my life trying to be You know, appear like everybody else said I could just be in the background, not get an intention. So that you know, trouble. So things just go smooth and I just, you know, fade into the background like, am I even here you don't know do who even knows this guy seemed must be okay like nothing bad happened is so no big deal. So these are all things that I've traditionally wanted feelings of wanting to avoid yet because I was so committed to my health to being pain free, and to having a diet that would be optimal for my energy levels and for my mood, because I made that the number one priority above, you know, above, avoiding attention and above being different. I figured a way through those. And afterwards, like people are coming to me like, dude, that's really cool how disciplined you were, that you were able to, you know, is stay to what you said you were going to eat and do what you're going to do. So one, I was an example to others, to, I'm proud of myself for that. And then three, I got to experience it, oh, even if I'm different, and I get attention, I'm still alive, I'm still okay. And in many ways, I'm better off word. And then the biggest thing is that I get what I'm committed to where I've got my, you know, improved health, and the much reduction in pain still, you know, whereas when, in the past, I hadn't been totally committed, you know, I will go, Well, I just want to make everybody else happy, I just want to go with the flow, I want to make it easy. And who pays the price, I pay the price, I pay the price, and nobody else even gives a shit. That's the thing that I've really, really sunk in for me is that people are a little a little flustered that I'm you know, going against, but they quickly get over it. They go, Oh, Okay, sounds good. And they move on to whatever they want to move on to and they're fine. And I and I'm fine. So I was making all the sacrifice, and it really all it was definitely hurting me. And was it really helping other people? Not really. And now I'm in a much better position to be able to help others because I have now an example of how you can commit to something and get through it. And so it's going to be much more easy for me to teach others. And since I know I can do it, I know you can do it, too. So what in your life do you want? And what do you have to be committed to to make that happen? And a lot of times we think, oh, I'll do it, I'll do it when I'm motivated or when the conditions are right. And that has just, it's completely backwards, the commitment has to come first. And then and then the motivation and then the circumstance, you'll find a way to make the circumstances work out. And because in fact, as my story shows, you know, out of two plus years, this frickin Yoga Camp shows up right in the middle of my a carnivore diet time, like it out of that whole window could have been before or after yet, it's right in the middle, the thick of things were the most challenging. So the more you're ready for there, there could be some challenges and some, and that that's okay. That you're someone who can just find ways to work with the challenge because you're committed to getting what it is that you want, you'll find a way to get what you want. So whatever that is, I'd love for you to let me know what that is in either you know, on my Facebook or my Instagram, you know, or said shoot me an email podcast at Justin Wenck calm What are you committed to? And you know, if you have any questions on you know, how do you get started? Let me know. And we can we can get this going together. Because I want you to get what you want. Because when you when we all when we really, really do. So that's it for today's show. Again, find my social media podcast at Justin Wenck calm subscribe to this. You know it really does help and tell a friend let a friend know hey, there's this guy guy Justin, Justin Wenck PhD got his engineering emotions energy podcast. Tune in, tune in guys get some good stuff. Got some good stories is Yeah, fun, fun guy. And all he wants to do is you know, help you be a little bit more relaxed, have a little bit more energy in life and, you know, live life with passion. You know, that's all we're doing here. No big deal. So that's it. Thanks for listening and good day.