Engineering Emotions and Energy with Justin Wenck, Ph.D.

Ep 72: Tropical Meditations: Surfing in Playa Jaco

Justin Wenck Season 1 Episode 72

Want a tropical get away, but can't actually get on a plane anytime soon? I'm going to bring the tropics to you. I'm creating a new Tropical meditation series. I'm sharing a proof of concept version. Prepare to let go of your daily struggles as you surf a glorious wave to relaxation in Jaco, Costa Rica.

This meditation is very relaxing so avoid listening to it while doing anything that requires your full focus such as driving a car or arguing on Facebook.  If you have feedback or want a stand alone version of this, reach out to me.

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Justin Wenck:

Welcome to the engineering emotions and energy podcast. I'm your host, Justin Wenck. Today is episode a little, a little bit of an experiment, I want to share something with you that got inspired to do well, I was doing some some traveling around in tropical areas in Belize, and Honduras, a lot of Costa Rica. So got inspired to create some tropical meditations so that maybe you've never been or you miss it. Or either way, maybe you can't get to the tropics and you'd like to, I'm going to bring the tropics to you plan to do a series of tropical meditations and I've got a proof of concept that I'm going to share with you now it's it's rough. It was done with, you know, my my headphones here, but still got a little background music with it. And so, definitely let me know what you think, you know, either in social media, look for me, Justin Wenck, PhD, Facebook, Instagram, you know, or email me podcast at Justin Wenck calm and let me know, you know how you like this, you know, and if you're interested in getting a version without this intro, you know, just just let me know. And you know, word of caution. It's highly relaxing, highly calming. So avoid doing anything that requires your complete full attention like driving an automobile or operating a backhoe or flying a plane. If you're riding on a plane, then congratulations, maybe you're on your way to somewhere tropical already. So do use caution when Enjoy. Thank you. Imagine you're on the busiest central street of the beach city of haco Costa Rica. There's the bustle of cars and people. many options of places to eat. items to buy, things to do. Lots of noise and lots of distraction. similar feeling that can happen in any day of life. As you're walking, we looked down a side street, you see, not too far away. The beach, you decide to let go over the buisiness of the road off towards the beach. As you walk, your feet eventually moved from asphalt, non to the beautiful sand as you kick off your shoes. You know the sand between your toes? Look left. See the beach stretches for over a mile. beautiful green lush hills in the distance. Then book right as you do three, gloriously read in the pause, fly past your view a little congested blue rolling waves as you continue to look all the way to the right. See the beach stretching another mile direction seeing a river emptying into the water off in the distance while another bird Hill escape. This large, expansive crescent shaped beach unfolding both directions. The expansive blue sea in front of you white clouds making figures in the distance to the they take on any shapes of significance for you. As the clouds gently move across the light blue sky, their shapes change. Perhaps showing you exactly what you need to see at this precise moment of now. Which could even just be a beautiful, sunny day with beautiful white clouds. As you look down into your left you see a small tent with a surfboard resting inside. You know the surfboard is waiting for you the right size and stability for your body, your abilities. As you find more and more that everything you require is provided to you naturally you pick up the surfboard and just easily falls into your arm so you can carry it with ease as you begin to walk towards the beach, passing driftwood. Feeling the warm sand under your feet. Heading towards the roaring of the surf. The waves are inviting and gentle as your feet began to get wet, to feel the refreshing temperature of the ocean. It feels amazing. Like you could spend all day This delightful, wheezing, loving fluid. As the water begins to laugh against your shins, you walk further in to your thigh to your hips, and you allow the board to rest gently on top of the water, you begin to smoothly push it over the whitewash of waves as you continue deeper. And you notice that these waves that come from all across the globe to greet you, with their soothing energy, and calming, good feel. As you get on top of the surfboard, you begin to paddle out, your hands cupped, scooping the water behind you, to propel you and the board forward towards where the waves are breaking. As waves come, they're easy to go up and over. As you make your way beyond where the waves are breaking. They become just a gentle swell, gently and calmly swaying you. As you look out, you begin to rock with a gentle law. As the sun begins to set, you look back at shore and see the beautiful city sights of haco. The condos, the homes, the restaurants, that people are aware that beyond that short line of sand, that busy street from where you came, is just close in nearby. Yet this peace and tranquility that you're now enjoying was so close and easy to access. You know, realize it's easy for you to access whenever you choose, you know rest on your surfboard to sway you back and forth, becoming more calm or in tune with nature, more in turn with the earth, more in tune with the sun. As you feel it's beautiful, warm rays on your skin. You feel the beauty and the serenity as you're waiting for the wave that you know will bring you back to shore. And as you're waiting, you notice often the distance a swell you're getting to come. You feel a sensation somewhere in your body. The sensation that you felt before other auspicious occasions have happened in your life. Perhaps it's been really faint in the past that it's a feeling you're finding easier and easier to notice. And to follow. You know that this well is going to be your wave. You slowly point the nose of your board towards the shore and begin to gently paddle ever so easily. ever so calmly as you know that this is your way. And this loving hand of nature scooped you up during your board are lifted higher into the air. As the wave begins to crest, you easily and calmly bring your first foot to plant on the board. And then almost magically the second foot comes to follow as you're now standing up nice and low and balanced at ease as you begin to slide down this beautiful curl of a wave as your board dances along the water as you get to enjoy the view of the beautiful shore. The sand, the shells, the city, you feel exhilaration and the thrill of writing this way. It came just for you to carry you back to shore. Back to this beautiful beach. Enjoying the feeling the call the sights, the sand, the sea, the sound of the surf the seagulls in the background, making beautiful sound. As you continue to ride the wave, its energy naturally dissipates. As the writing of this wave is now complete. You've used the energy to allow it to invigorate you and get you to where you need to go. Knowing there are many more waves in your future. You gently step off your board your toes in the calm, wet sand as you pick up your board and bring it in Put it back in the tent where you received it from and you look back out over the ocean, seeing the sun setting, just beyond the river and hill to the right. The sky is illuminated with deep reds, and some gorgeous violets. As you look closely at the sunset, you see all the colors of the rainbow dancing, that glorious sky. As the sun begins to set for the day, you realize how easy it has been let go whatever needs to be let go. And to utilize the gifts of nature, the gifts and to see the gifts of the earth, to allow yourself to let go of whatever needs to be let go. And to get you to where you require to go easily and naturally. As you now feel calm and resolved and relaxed and ready. As this day has come to a close, you know that whatever comes next will be easy to handle. Because you have this experience where you become one with nature, one with the C one with the sand, one with the sky. One with the earth, one with the energy of the sun and the sun will rise again tomorrow to bring new ways for you to enjoy.