Engineering Emotions and Energy with Justin Wenck, Ph.D.

You ARE Influential

Justin Wenck Season 1 Episode 1

Today Justin explains how influential you already ARE by recounting two stories of his own impact on the lives of two other people and concludes that the most important person you're always influencing is yourself.

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Welcome to the engineering emotions and energy podcast. I am your host a Justin wink. Today we're gonna be talking about how influential you already are now. Influence is one of those things that a lot of people I want to get better at it. I'm not saying that isn't something that you can work on should work on. Probably be helpful to work on. What a lot of people don't realize is that they already are influential to other people, so you don't have to go read Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence. People are read countless articles on the 10 steps toe being influential, cause a lot of ways you already are influential heard something that even if you're the most introverted of introverts, you're likely going to come into contact with well over 1000 people. I don't know what the time frame was or whatever. I mean, just take into account the day to day go into a store, ordering a coffee, interacting with co workers. And you might say, Well, a lot of stuff could be done online. A lot of ways that means that your influences even amplified cause any given post especially in a public forum. Who knows how many people that that actually impacts. And one things is We often don't even realize how influential we are because we usually just don't even get the feedback. Sometimes the feedback of the impact could take months or even years where we might never even find out. I recently had the opportunity find out my own influence with a couple key examples that I'm gonna go over. So just think about the areas of your life where maybe you've gotten that feedback and sometimes maybe it's maybe it's not positive feedback. Maybe it's negative feedback, So I got to go to a holiday party just recently. It was very interesting party. It was burning snowman party, sort of in the style of, ah, Burning man or Ah, Snowman was was burned and they're a lot of people. I knew a lot of people I didn't know. A lot of co workers, a lot of former co workers and at the really surreal experience where his young woman comes up to me says, Hey, do you remember me? I was like Ah said I was I was your intern. I worked on a project for you. And I was like, Oh, oh, yeah. And then I remembered I'm not gonna share her name. And she I was like, Oh, yeah, I'm sorry. I had to work on that project and it was in visual basic for applications and Excel. I learned not to have interns, tried a program and that it was just such a challenging language. And there's other languages that are a lot more useful, a lot more fun and a lot more marketable nowadays. So I've learned the sense out of interns working pie Von She said no, That was turned out to be fantastic cause I was getting my degree in, believes neuroscience. And after working on that project, even though I'm sure it wasn't that great of coding, and you probably have it redone, I learned that I really loved coding. So I was a little bit too late into my program, so all I could do was to a minor in it. But now I'm working for a very large tech company. I'm not gonna name the name of the company you could probably use being to figure out what company it is. And this was you know, two years ago, I had her work on this project for maybe only a couple weeks and was supportive. And I had no idea that effectively this cascaded her basically being able to find, huh? Ideal career path, at least for the time being, who knows? Right where ever anything can go. Another case where I got to understand how just me being me and situations and talking and being available on present can impact people for the better. Uh, coworker came up to me and said, Hey, what she said to me, I finally finally got It was like, What? What was that? He said, I remember when we were on that business trip, and we're talking about that relationship that I was in, that I really wasn't digging it. But it was better than being alone. Finally, finally got away from that. It's still sucks, but at least I got a chance. I got a chance at finding something better. So again, these are two instances where the influence happened. The feedback didn't come till much, much later. One case, about six months. Another case, two years, and I'm sure there's other cases where I'll probably never get the feedback on what it did. So the question is, what intention are you putting out there? What sort of feedback would you like to get? Whether it's the next day, the next month, next year? What intention you wanna put out? You want to be putting out something positive, something weird. Helping people make their life easier, make their life better, help him get what they want. Because perhaps the most important person you're influencing whenever you're having an interaction where that's in person, on the phone online, through some writing or just how you hold your body most important person you're influencing really is yourself. Because one person that's hearing all the shit you see here say emote is you. So at the very least, you don't care about influencing those outside of you. What about influencing yourself? So something to keep in mind that again? It doesn't matter. All the 14 techniques or all the little things to remember. Just remember, at the very least, what is your intention? What would you like? How do you want to put that out in the world for others and for yourself? Cause you fucking matter, you are an influential human being. You matter whether you want to or not you matter. So the only question is, How do you want to matter? Well, thank you for listening. This has been the engineering emotions and energy podcast. So if you wanna check out more information, we'll get something thrown up on Justin wink dot com. So it's wink W E N c k. That's W with a e for engineering. Anything you see. Okay, I don't know if that works. We'll find out it works. Great. If not, let me know. So again, Thank you for listening. Good day.