The Embodied Alchemy Pod

3. Anxiety to Affirmation- The Mindset Shift We All Need with Love Powered Co

February 13, 2020 Dominique Season 1 Episode 3

We keep it short and sweet today with Anna and Lindy of Love Powered Co. Two heart filled women on a mission to bring the power of affirmations to the world.

- Their personal experience with anxiety/mental health, and how this led them to using affirmations
- How they met, and how Love Powered Co came to fruition
- How to use your Love Powered Co deck, and where to find them

- Follow @lovepoweredco
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- Unapologetically Her Show (Vancouver) March 7th
- Women on Fire Summit (Toronto) April 5th
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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the embodied alchemy podcast. I'm your host Dominique Cheshire embodied alchemy, started as a way to describe finding empowerment and has quickly grown into so much more. Embodied alchemy is about feeling the tough stuff and working through it. It's about sharing our stories, speaking our truths and hoping that there's someone out there who feels it too. We are here together to celebrate our ups and our downs because the tough stuff is where the magic happens. I am so excited to be here with you today. Are you ready? Let's go. Hey, my gorgeous Alchemist. Welcome back. I am so excited to get to share this interview with you today for jumping right in a short and sweet one for you with Ana and Lindy of love powered co, which is honestly like the affirmation card company. Liza and joy. Please stay tuned. There is some really cool stuff they're doing this year so I'm making sure that that's all linked in. The show notes. Every episode is transcribed so you're always totally welcome to go to embodied and you will be linked up there and I'll see you on the other side. Enjoy. We are supported by fully shipping house plants in cool pots to doorsteps across Ontario student to be nationwide fully makes welcoming plants into your home or office, easy and convenient. Choose your plant and pot of choice and within two to three days you're fully will arrive to your doorstep. Plus 95% of all packaging is recyclable. That is important. Fully provides happy, healthy Hardy plants that are easy to care for. Many are locally grown in Ontario. Use code fully pod for 20% off your purchase at shop fully. Dot CA and join the plant obsession. I know I have. I am so grateful to be supported by Carmen Darley of Carly deep paintings. She is a resin based artist and Toronto entrepreneur who is excited to offer podcast listeners an exclusive discount on all products, services and experiences. Go to Carly to see all the gorgeousness and use code alchemy 15 for 15% off. Anything under$100 make sure to tune into episode four of the pod where Carmen shares the journey behind her. Amazing art. Pure balanced is an empowering apparel brand out of Toronto, creating luxurious everyday pieces. All their clothing include a sewn and empowering statements. Simply flip the X to read the affirmation. They're a brand committed to community with 5% of sales donated, going to[inaudible] and 5% of sales going to friends first. You can check everything out about them on Instagram at pure balanced as well as their blog and online store, which is pure we want you to be able to experience their incredible stuff yourself. So for our listeners, use code alchemy 20 for 20% off your purchase and be sure to listen to founder Alli's story on episode of this season.

Speaker 2:

So I'm so excited to have this morning the absolute privilege of talking to Anna and Lindy of love powered coach. I first came across you both at a Toronto business vapes event. It was their mom event, I think that was in June. Now, my gosh, it feels so long ago. And it was the first time I'd ever really seen affirmations in like a tangible card form. And I was like, okay, this is kinda cool. Like I can dig it, this is bad. And then I'm not, I'm not a mom myself and, but I worked with a lot of women and so it just, it felt really amazing to be in a space where there is this beautiful combination of like, yes, we can be all of the ways that a woman can be a woman in powerful. Uh, and so that was fun and it kind of resonated and I was like, Ooh, yeah, I want to see what's going on over here. And then you are again at another business. Babes is Toronto event at the end of October. And that was one event where, um, I felt like there was a little more sharing of where, where the cards came from. And I resonated then again on that level because I hadn't even really realized how much I had been using affirmation myself until I heard someone put words to what the experience was. And so then when I was like, okay, I have to, I have to create a platform and share all these amazing people I've met. You were like the first on my list of, Oh my gosh, I really need to see if we can connect. So I'm, so thank you so much for taking your time this morning. If you would like to introduce yourselves and I love Powerco, I would love for that to.

Speaker 3:

Sure. Well thank you for having us. And what a beautiful introduction. I feel so many. I'm Lindy and this is Anna. And together we co-created a company called love powered co. we launched it in August of 2017 and how we came to the idea was, as you mentioned, um, you know, you never saw an affirmation in physical form in a card. And Anna and I, I mean when we met, we were fast friends, but we almost immediately knew we wanted to be in business together because as we got to know each other, we had really paralleled backgrounds and similar histories in terms of schooling and work experience. But, um, but more than that we realized that both of us were on pretty serious personal development journeys. And one of the best practices that we were both wildly obsessed with was doing our affirmations. We came to doing affirmations in very different ways, but they both, but in both circumstances we noticed these beautiful transformative benefits that were really empowering and impacting our lives in such a beautiful way. And as being moms, as we were talking one day we were saying, you know, these affirmations that we're doing, and we were talking about how amazing they'd been in our lives, how amazing would it be for our kids? And so we started to look online for what was available in terms of affirmations for kids. And they were few and far between. And what was available was mostly downloadables that you could print off from Pinterest. But more than that, it was what was available. It was not something that either of us would purchase, it would just didn't speak to us. So I started doing affirmations with my kids, but I was making them up on the spot. And I was just saying at one point to Anna like we need a tool, we need a tool to help guide us. And there was one moment when we were sitting in Anna's basement, we have a picture of it. Um, and it's, I love going back to this picture cause it was such a pivotal moment in our, that was the day we had our kids running around. It was like 2:00 PM probably on a Monday. We were drinking a bottle of wine cause mom life, you know, we were talking about well if we're looking for this and if we're craving this and if we can't find what we're looking for, then obviously there's a hole in the marketplace and who better to fill it than us. And so essentially that's where the idea of love powered was born. And that was in November, 2016 from there we launched in August of 2017 so less than a year later to watch this shift in consciousness and be a part in it. You know, it's been amazing. And I will add what I think Dominique said at the beginning though she was like, I was practicing affirmations but I wasn't, I didn't label them affirmation. Right? I mean we're talking to ourselves all day long, right? Like vendors, you know, 50 to 70,000 thoughts that goes through your mind every single day. So it's that we're doing it but we're just not Googling it as an affirmation of you witnessed

Speaker 2:

and I love how, um, I love how with your deck you took the time to put not just like a quick little slip cause I feel like a lot of cards, card decks do that. Whether they're Oracle cards or angel cards or whatever cards it is. I feel like there's sort of this like little side paper that falls out that's like, Oh by the way, this is how you do this. And I don't know if anyone ever really, I know I pretty much don't. And like, Oh yeah, the intention behind that was obviously not important. That's why it's so small. So I'm not going to put intention into it either. And I loved how the first thing when you open your jackets, all of these beautiful cards of, you know what, it can be really stinking and hard sometimes to think of something to say to yourself especially that's nice. That's nice. Especially if you haven't actively been thinking about that. So to have like a double sided card that has these things that you can start with I think is such a beautiful way for people who maybe don't still know what affirmation is or know what they are but feel like it's so outside of their comfort zone, they're not sure where to start. I thought that that was beautiful and that it wasn't just like a quick extra side note. It was this first thing you see and it's just as beautifully laid out as all of the other cards. Cause I think that that the energy behind that then really gets the momentum going. Like I've been pulling my cards everyday and I always get goosebumpy like yeah. And if I'm, I'm not sure, I'll look at that deck too. And I have a pretty regular practice and so I really appreciate that. That was something you had thought about, put into your,

Speaker 3:

what you wanted to offer people. Why don't we start with you choosing your power for the day. So what is the number between, she has her own deck, but you'll choose from ours.

Speaker 2:

Okay. I love your favorite number. I'm making a pick. I'm going to pick 14 today. I'm feeling 14 and you read it. I wonder if yes. Can you read it? So what's your power? Confidence is my power. Oh, I'm feeling this part today. Okay. I am confident. I am powerful. I am fearless. I see every challenge as an opportunity to expand and grow. I am confident.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

So I wanted to ask, um, because I love that this is where your journey has taken you, but to take a step back into how this became something that was so important in your life. And I know a little bit about your stories, but I would love if you would each wanted to share why this became so important and what your journey was to get here if you, if you feel comfortable.

Speaker 3:

Hm. Okay. Um, so for me personally, uh, so I would like how far do I take it as far as you want to go? So I mean, if I look back in terms of affirmations and when I really started practicing them unconsciously was, you know, I was raised in an immigrant family, so I came to Canada when I was six years old. Um, so I say Disney, not Disney me. So my accent comes out once in awhile. Um, so I came to Canada when I was six years old and my parents worked really, really hard to kind of provide a future for my brother and I. And so, you know, this work ethic and this, um, I guess this determination and this drive was instilled in us, both of us just from my young age. And so, you know, you've got to work hard for, um, to achieve something in life and so forth. And so I was really working hard, studying hard to go to university to go to a great university, then get a great job. So this was kind of my conditioning. And so as I was going through university, I would self-talk and self empower myself. And I remember even, you know, earlier in high school when exams were coming, I would talk to myself, you've got this, you're going to do amazing. And, and you know, for as long as I can remember, I would talk to myself in an empowering way. I also, you know, did track and it was like, okay, you've got this, you're your, you can do it. You can cross the finish line. Like I remember talking to myself and when I came, I didn't label it just like you though. But when I became a mom, the transition from being a full time entrepreneur to being a mom was extremely difficult for me. And I realized that I had stopped that positive self talk and it was hard. It was, it was a rough transition. And then as I consciously began practicing affirmations and speaking them to my daughter, you know, you can fall asleep, you sleep peacefully through the night, um, and speaking these comforting words, you're safe. Um, I realized, okay, this is working not only for her subconsciously but it's working for me and calming me and just bringing me myself back to a peaceful state. And so, you know, it kind of happened where I was practicing affirmations and then consciously went back to them when I became a mom and it was an in divine timing that I connected with Lindy and she was doing affirmations with her kids who are young at the time as well, making them up on the spot. But um, how she got there was, it's a little bit of a different journey

Speaker 2:

I'm going to, Oh, sorry. I was just gonna touch on something, something you said that is a theme that's been coming up as I've been having more of these conversations and that I feel like in athletics, although there are lots of stuff and that are maybe on the darker side in that route, cause I came from a dance background that was my athletics for most of my life. Um, that, that conversation of saying things to yourself, I feel like that happens there a lot. And it's maybe not same thing, not called affirmations but they talk a lot. I remember like having coaches come in and be like, visualize the thing you're doing tonight, visualize your body doing this. I used to like, I used to like when I was in class like dance stuff, like whether were

Speaker 3:

preparing for a show, I used to almost like create a persona and that persona could do all the things that I felt weren't my strengths. And it's so interesting cause then that scale like lives in a way that nobody really questions it. It's like really something that they encourage in one area of life. But then in another it's something that feels a little foreign. And so I'm wondering as you're talking about having this innate ability to say things to yourself, do you think that came from, from the athletic side cause you were already doing it there or was it something you just started knew how to do because you were like, well I got to do it. I don't think it's, I mean I was doing track at a high level at some point and so I don't know, I don't remember coaches saying that to me, but I remember in those specifics like I would do a hundred fashion. I remember like focusing on same thing, visualizing the night before, you know, getting out of the blocks and sprinting and crossing that finish line first. You know, like pull incredible. It's something that athletes practice, but why not everybody totally need to become mainstream visualization and manifestation and affirmations. Like I'm pretty obsessed in the fact that it is becoming so mainstream. And you know as you were saying that I got the massive, like massive goosebumps because I haven't been credible product idea that I have not even told Lindsey about as you and I, and I remembered it this morning cause I remembered it at the conference and then I remembered it this morning and as you were speaking I just had like goosebumps all over my body.

Speaker 2:

Yes, 100% I feel like the goosebumps, like a plus, like that tingly feeling is something magic is happening.

Speaker 3:

The first quotes we would look when we were researching affirmations before we got started. Um, one of the first quotes that I absolutely fell in love with was Muhammad Ali. And it's this, it's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things become, things begin to happen. And I would just remind, yeah, so you're talking about sports and that whole world of athletics and everything, but I agree. Why not everybody?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, totally. Yeah, totally. And it's so interesting that I feel like, I feel like there are a lot of things that happen in sports that can sometimes maybe be like what outside of sports would be considered potentially like woo we, but in that world it's like, no, no, no, this is what we do. And I know that I have friends when we talk about like sports stuff, it's so interesting to see like, Oh my gosh, I had these practices here, but it almost felt like because there are two different spaces, I can do it here in like real life. And so I really, again, that's what's so lovely about your doc is it's so accessible and it doesn't feel like you have to be anything other than a human being to pick them up and why to use them,

Speaker 3:

which is great. That's true. And I mean, if you even think about high level performers in any regard, people themselves all the time, I mean you have to get over that hump of, if you have that voice inside of your head saying you can't do it, you can't do it. Well guess what? You're not going to be able to do it. So at some point these high achievers have discovered whether they're consciously talking out loud about it, how to overcome that negative voice voice and you know, and replace it with an empowering one. You've got this, you know, in in the working world, I remember in, you know, I was working in, um, a marketing job that was very, very intense and I had to replace the negative with the positive all the time. Like I, to get my head straight, it's about mindset.

Speaker 2:

So is that where your journey with affirmation? Thank you for that lovely little transition for me. It was where your journey started in marketing or did it start before that and then lead up that way?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was before that and as you said, like in the sports world, it's very like empowering and a part of it. There's no Wu in that, but I grew up in a household where you know names like Eckhart Tooley and Williamson, and of course in miracles. All of these practices and spiritual beliefs were a big part of my parents' lives. My mom was on this quest to discover why we're here, what we can do, when we're here to live our best lives, all of that good stuff, and so she was introducing me to the idea of many of the different things that I'm now practicing. When I was quite young at the time, it was too big for my little mind to take in. However, now I realized that subconsciously I was being taken in, I was learning and she was planting these seeds. That actually blossomed into probably a big part, what love power it is today. But back then when I was six years old and she would say, talk to me about affirmations or talk to me about, you know, what you think you become. I'm like, okay, what? But, um, it wasn't until I was in my teens and twenties that I suffered from pretty intense anxiety and uh, I was put on medication. The medication didn't work. It actually did the opposite effect for me. Um, that was my experience and um, it made me more anxious. It made me more fearful of the world. The medication that I was on kind of enclosed me and made me feel like I couldn't go out and be myself. It took a lot of my personality away, so I realized, okay, medication's not going to work then. I'm not going to live in this state of constant anxiety and fear of having a panic attack when I'm in public. I cannot live that way. So I need to learn different ways to overcome this without the medication. So at that point I went back to affirmations because a lot of where my anxiety STEM from was this deep rooted belief that I wasn't good enough, but it was the negative self talk would turn into this runaway freight train and I would just panic. It would start from, you know, you're not good enough and then it would turn into this whole like, like a worth level. Like you are unworthy to the point that I just couldn't function. And so I had to go back and start looking at this stuff. My mom had been teaching me so, so many years ago and affirmations was a really big part of my healing journey. And so that's when I was like, this is, this is a big part of my life. So when I would be in this negative self talk, kind of runaway freight train, I got really good at becoming aware of it and stopping it in his tracks and replacing it with the positive. And so it would take me out of the panic in the moment. It would take me out of the anxiety in the moment. But I realized the more I was speaking these empowering words to myself, the more I actually started to believe it. And that anxiety, I mean I, everybody has anxiety. We live with anxiety like at a small amount because you know we're human and that's part of it. But when it takes over your life, it's a problem. So I was able to change it from being a problem to making it normal.

Speaker 2:

And it's not just if I may be so bold, not just normal, but then like into this beautiful mission for other people to also experience that joy in their journey to, well, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for sharing. And as you're, as you're both talking about, these are these moments, I definitely resonate. I've totally been in that environment to where I realized the way that I'm talking to myself is not, is not the way that I want to be. Talking to myself. And I'm interesting with this, this exploration of of children and even though, I mean I have said that I don't, I don't have children myself, but I sometimes I think about like, okay, well if I had a child in front of me or if there was a, if there was a child in front of me saying the things themselves that I'm saying to myself, how would I react to that? And I sort of like then turn it into my own inner child, which is also I think a really powerful thing to do that you don't, it doesn't just have to be like physical people in front of us. You can, that was a huge thing for me was imagining like, okay, if I were to literally see these words on paper that I'm saying like how would I feel and how would I feel if someone who was little with saying that to the like, no, no, I don't want to talk to myself that way. And so I'm wondering as you both had these experiences and revelations of like, okay, I want to make a change. Do you remember the exact moment that happened? And do you have a practice now that, I mean of course affirmations, but like maybe even if you have any rituals that you kind of go to is like how you start your day to kind of set it off on a really nice tone or when these things come in. Cause I'm sure being, being people who are speaking and sharing and being really vulnerable, I feel like vulnerability also comes with this territory of wanting to make sure that you're filling your own cup up. So I'd love to hear about any rituals or moments or I need practices you have to support you now through that growth to

Speaker 3:

sure. That's beautiful. Me. Are you sure? One of our cards that we actually put in, um, the deck in every deck is, um, one of the best practices that we use to shift our state. And the reason being is we were thinking about, cause yes, this first deck that we created was loved powered littles for children, for parents to do with their kids. And we were imagining the typical parents life in on a weekday. You know, rushing from work, picking up their kids, getting them activities, getting, getting dinner made, homework, and then being like, okay, let's do your affirmation. Not really the state that we want to be in when you start this beautiful practice, right? So the card is all about breathe, move and gratitude. And whether you practice one of these things or all three of them together, or a couple of them. This for us, breathing, breath work has such powerful transformative benefits, a gratitude practice and moving your body to really just get that energy flowing and you know, the negative energy dissipating it, it changes everything. It really changes everything. So in a moment of fear, worry, self-doubt, self tech sabotage, or just funk, you can practice one or all three of these and I promise you by the end of it you will come out of it.

Speaker 2:

I love that. I definitely, yeah. So I primarily like my schedule is kind of funny in and out and every now and then my, my boyfriend, I live together. He'll work from home. And so that's totally my practice too. Or if I can feel myself getting frustrated, like pick a song.

Speaker 3:

It's usually like something poppy and upbeat and they'll put it on and I'll like just rave, like rave for however long the song is. And I had, I was, I as they're saying this, I'm laughing because I totally remember a day where I was like, I totally forgot he was working from home and I was like, yeah, I need to do this. And I was like, Taylor Swift, let's do it. Let's go slid, open the door. And he's like, are we, are we okay? And I'm like, yep, just taking it off. That'd be great movement. Just like wiggle it out. Um, this being a practice that was so prominent in your own lives and now having families, having partners, have you, how have you navigated this with them as well as it's something that your partners were practicing before or something you introduced and, um, how has that, that navigation bed? Um, I feel like my husband and I, we, we started this practice of, of personal development together at the same time. So it's been great because I've seen couples be really torn apart when one person's on a heavy development and discovery journey and the other person is not. Um, so I feel grateful for that. But as you were asking the question, I was kind of thinking like, how do I implement this with my kids? Cause my kids are quite young, like we're still in the tantrum and super emotional base. And Lindy was saying it never goes away. I'm like, thanks. But you know, I have highly emotional girls. Um, I have a Pisces and Pisces tend to be emotional and beautiful and uh, you know, and I'm witnessing her now try to, as she's in a tantrum where she's being super emotional to take deep breaths. And so before she would cry hysterically to the point of pukey and that was kind of our thing. I'm like, I have a daughter and she's a pink car, but now she really calms down and is taking breaths and is doing that by herself. And it's so magical to witness and, um, and dance parties always solve everything. So, you know, if you put on some music that they love and you start tickling them, like lip skates right away. So you know, you have these tools as moms as well. And what we've talked about also is by the, it's majorly important to feel what you're feeling and allow them to go through you and not stifle it. So that's another thing that we talk about in our households is like, yeah, kids, kids are, they're really learning how to self regulate at this point. We can't talk to them as if they are, you know, our age and they understand how to come out of it in a moment. They need to go through it. And so, um, we're big on letting them feel their feelings, feel your emotions, like we are all human and then also being vulnerable ourselves, ourselves. So if we're feeling emotions, not hiding that from them and showing them, Oh well we're perfect and we're never mad or sad or angry or upset, no, and we're human and we're going to go through those emotions. But these tools that we have can help us because nobody wants to be in that state. Nobody wants to be in that state of suffering. But the tools that we have and that we practice really help us to get out of it more quickly. So yes, this is an emotion that you are going to feel because you are human. But we have these best practices, these tools that we can use so that it's not, we're not feeling it for a day. We're not having a bad day. We're having a bad moment

Speaker 2:

has, um, I can imagine having the opportunity to having these skills as parents and then implement them and knowing that eventually they grow into their own human beings. That as you've been taking your practice and implementing it with your kids, has it changed or

Speaker 3:

and, or grown or any leg warm fuzzies from watching them? I mean, yes, it's a tantrum thing. But I'm sure like watching how, what you, what worked for you and that your, your mission is to then be the seeds that these young people are going to carry with them. How does that feel? Very, very cool. It's very cool to watch them do their affirmations and also the, the journey of it. You know, in the beginning we have a question at the bottom of each card that says, for example, if it's, I'm courageous at the bottom of the day. Can you remember a time when you were courageous? How did that make you feel? So it gets them to start thinking, okay, I do have this quality in me because you know, I, I experienced it at this point so maybe I don't feel it right now, but I can go back to it cause it is in me. And in the beginning when you're asking your four year old[inaudible], she still calls it creative.

Speaker 2:

Very, very cool. It's very cool to watch them do their affirmations and also the, the journey of it. You know, in the beginning we have a question at the bottom of each card that says, for example, if it's, I'm courageous at the bottom of the day. Can you remember a time when you were courageous? How did that make you feel? So it gets them to start thinking, okay, I do have this quality in me because you know, I, I experienced it at this point so maybe I don't feel it right now, but I can go back to it cause it is in me. And in the beginning when you're asking your four year old[inaudible], she still calls it creative.

Speaker 3:

Can you remember a time when you were creativeness and she'll say, you know, in the beginning the answer was always bogus and hilarious and it just makes you laugh. Nothing clicks over time because you're explaining it and you're giving them examples. If they can't think that, well I remember when you were courageous because we did this and then they'd go, Oh, okay. And I remember that one moment with the courage card in particular where she said, I was at the cottage and I didn't want to jump in the water. I was on the cliff and I was very scared, but my cousins were there so I felt that I could do it. And they encouraged me and I jumped in the water and I was like, it went from, can you remember a time when you were courageous? Oh my friend Samantha and I held hands. I'm like, okay, great. But just watching them start to really understand it on a conscious level and then also the beautiful vocabulary that they're learning, the fact that they know these words of empathy at such a young age or abundance. It's very cool. Yeah, very cool. I know, and I'm just thinking like my, my almost four year old is like manifesting parking spots for us or like topic, you know? Like that's amazing. Like go girl

Speaker 2:

whenever I'm in the car so we can park please. It's interesting, like I, as this journey continues for me and as things change and shift and grow, almost feel like, like growing up or becoming older is really about going back to the seeds and confidence and just like total like bad-assery that I felt as a child, like at four I think I was like, why do I have to pick one thing to be when I grow up? Like I want to be all of the things and probably president of Canada X at the time, that's where I said I was. And um, and also with that and a pilot probably. And also I don't want to work for anybody I want to work for. And you know, and I think as the, as we go through the human experience, there's all these things that we kind of either consciously or unconsciously pick up. And then now I'm 27 now and I just sort of feel like, I kind of want to go back to that when I was like four. And I just felt like it didn't matter if I didn't know things, I was just going to do it anyway.

Speaker 3:

That's a good mindset for sure. And also they are, yes, they are just so naturally confident and naturally, uniquely themselves. They're not trying to be anybody different. They're not. They are the ones that are, so we're, we're teaching them how to stay that way essentially, as opposed to getting boxed in is like, you know how parents complain about, Oh, when I asked my kid what, how school was, they say fine and good. What I've realized it's because they're fully in the moment. Like when she's with me in the car, she's not thinking about school anymore. So it's like, you know, I'm trying to get out of her how her day was, but she's just here with me now. So I don't really anymore. Like we have different conversations on present conversations cause they're so mindful and they're present and you know, they're not thinking about the past or the future. And so we kind of try to get them to talk, think about the past and future. Yeah. Yeah. This was a big aha recently cause I'm like, fuck, she's just here now. Like let's just enjoy,

Speaker 2:

that's so interesting. I feel like, and that's one of those like habitual things that we pick up is Iowa. My parents always asked me, how was your day? And now when all of my home people that I would come home are like, Oh yeah, how was your day? And everyone's like, fine. And then we said, and um, you're so right. It's kinda nice to, to not even, that doesn't even matter. Like, cause we're right here now and yeah, I have all my plants. This is all I want to talk about now. Um, I, okay, so, so exciting about chapters as very like dreaming big because hello. We totally can. Where else do we see things going? Are we going to, when are we going to be on best friend? Oprah's show and we're ready. We feel like we're growing too while we're making friends with all

Speaker 3:

the Oprah producer. So that's a work in progress. I don't know why, but it will. Um, so Indigo is exciting. We'll be in top five stores across Canada in a amazing, but we're planning some product launches for spring 2020 or dreaming up or dream collaborations with other incredible companies though it's going to be an awesome year. Amazing.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I love that so much. I'm so, I'm so excited to see what all of the amazingness that comes out and I again, I feel so grateful to have be able to have these conversations. And it's interesting when you, when you do this, when you, when you do this work in self-love of, of taking time to really consciously think about yourself, I feel like you just start to not see anything else. Like I feel like I always, I now get to have so many of these uplifting conversations and that exists because, because people like you exist. I thank you so, so much for that. I just am so happy. Where can people find you? Where would you like them to go? Yeah, what size chapters?

Speaker 3:

Well we hang out lots on Instagram, so we have obviously our business feed or consciously curated feed designed by Lindy and created by Lindsey. And then you can find the real behind the scenes of building a business, building a startup and you know some of our family life on stories on our website is love powered

Speaker 2:

Amazing. Everyone's going to go there right now and go on all of the things. Thank you so, so much for your day. I hope you have a fabulous rest of your day today. Rest of your week, your weekend, and hopefully we can connect soon. Yes, please do. I would love that.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh. My biggest I am statement for the day is definitely I am grateful to be able to connect with such amazing, powerful people to Anna and Lindy for their time, for their vulnerability, sharing their stories with anxiety and if you don't have a deck of theirs yet, I highly recommend jumping on it. Buy one for you. Buy one for your friend. I have one that I pull from every morning and I actually carry that card around with me in my bag all day so that I have that loving reminder all throughout my day of that beautiful I am statement. If you loved this episode and you know someone who you think would really benefit, please go ahead and share it with them leaving a five star review and lovely comment so that we can keep this amazing, empowered community growing. If you would like to connect with me on Instagram, you can find the podcast at embodied Alkemy dot pod or my own personal account is at Dom chash. I hope you have an amazing rest of your day. I will definitely see you back here next week. I love you. Bye.

Speaker 3:
