The Healthy, Happy, and mostly Sane Entrepreneur

Get Your Legal Stuff Handled with Elena Favaro Viana

February 23, 2021 Ellen Leonard Episode 59
The Healthy, Happy, and mostly Sane Entrepreneur
Get Your Legal Stuff Handled with Elena Favaro Viana
Show Notes Transcript

059 Sleepless nights.  Anxiety.  Stress.  As a solopreneur or business owner it's ALL ON US.  We are our business.  And there is a direct correlation between feeling legally safe and secure in your business AND your health, happiness and sanity.  Legal expert and business mentor Elena Favaro Viana shares her passion for helping entrepreneurs like you get your legal stuff handled so that your business can thrive (and so that you can get a good night's sleep). 

In this episode you will learn:

  1. Why the “legal stuff” is essential to the foundation of your business
  2. Why your contracts (service or client agreements) are invaluable to building your dream client relationships
  3. How the “legal stuff” can transform fear, anxiety, and stress, boosting confidence and success

More info <<HERE>>

Connect with Elena:
Her amazing done-for-you contracts <<HERE>>
Instagram and Website 

Ellen Leonard:

What if I told you that after today's episode, you'd have a little less stress, less anxiety, that you'd sleep better? What if I told you this episode would help you let go of here what ifs, as business owners as entrepreneurs, one of the most important things that we can do for our businesses and for our health, happiness and sanity is to get our legal stuff handled. And in today's episode, we are going to talk about just that. Hello, and welcome to the healthy, happy and mostly sane entrepreneur podcast. I'm your host national board certified health and wellness coach and I are Vedic practitioner, and mostly sane entrepreneur Ellen Leonard. Each week, I share my obsession with helping you build a healthy life that works for you, your family, and your business. Because I don't think you have to sacrifice your own health and well being to be successful. So please stay tuned. For today's episode full of ideas to make staying healthy just a little bit easier. Don't forget to hit subscribe, so you don't miss out on future episodes. Before we get started today, I wanted to be sure that I was sharing with you something that I have created just for you. And that is 90 minute one on one intensive coaching sessions, where we get to check just one thing off your list because you are your business. You don't have time to screw around and burn yourself out. You are busy taking care of everybody else your business your family and sometimes your own health and wellness can be one of the first things to get booted off of your to do list, but you can't pour from an empty cup. So maybe you know you should be healthier, but you just don't know where to begin. Maybe you just have no idea what's for dinner tonight or never seem to have enough time to work out or you're just totally stressed. Whatever it is, we can pick one topic stress management, healthy eating exercise, self care, sleep, I Ayurveda and we can work on that for 90 minutes and get it handled, get it checked off your list. Because you know you need to stay healthy, happy and sane to show up as your best self. And I can help you do just that. So check out the link in the show notes. If you're interested. I'd love to get started with you today. I am so excited about today's episode as we dive into the importance of getting all of your legal stuff handled with special guest, Elena Favaro Viana, she has an insane resume she started her career in international criminal law, working with the UN in Cambodia and at the International Criminal Court in the Netherlands defending individuals accused of crimes against humanity and genocide. I mean, that is a serious resume. After a few years abroad, she found passion for the online space just like so many listening right now and now practices focusing on business law for online entrepreneurs, small businesses and coaches with a mission to make what she calls the not so sexy legal stuff easy and approachable. She also offers business mentorship for a more holistic approach, combining business and legal to gather. But what I love most about her is that she really sees the correlation between getting our legal stuff handled as entrepreneurs, and how that can help us not only stay healthy, happy and sane, but can correlate directly to our confidence, our success, our ability to sell, and move forward in this world and help more and more people. In this episode, you're going to learn while legal stuff is essential to the foundation of your business. Why your contracts, your service or client agreements are invaluable to building your dream client relationships. I love the framing of that, by the way, like, what is it like to build my dream client relationships? And how can these documents help me get there. And number three, how the legal stuff can transform fear, anxiety, stress, and help to boost confidence and overall success. So let's dive in. Okay, Elena, thank you so much for being here today. I'm so excited to have you finally on the podcast.

Elena Favaro Viana:

I am so excited to be here. Thank you so much for inviting me. And just so excited to be here and share some knowledge with all of your listeners.

Ellen Leonard:

Yeah, and you've got some stuff to share. But I want to start with your origins. story as an entrepreneur, I kind of think of entrepreneurs are all got a little bit of superhero in them. And so I wanted to know, like, how you got started? And what inspired you to start your own business?

Elena Favaro Viana:

Gosh, that is such a loaded question. Um, so definitely, I used to work in international criminal law. So I was abroad for a really, really long time. And I absolutely loved that life, I loved that world. But as I was getting a little older, not that old, I'm 30. But as I was getting a little older, I just felt like, I was tired of living out of the backpack, there wasn't that much job security in that world, you had to change positions every couple of months, you just weren't sure. And I was just feeling this like pull towards like, sheets, you know, like nice sheets, nice towels are so strange. So at that point, I started exploring different options. And I just fell in love with the online space. I fell in love with it, I was living in the Netherlands at this time. And entrepreneurship is just not as alive and well in other parts of the world as it is in North America. And when I started, you know, planning to go back home, I was just being pulled in all these different directions online of all these inspiring, amazing people. And I was like, I want a piece of that, and I want to help them. And so I ended up founding my own virtual boutique law firm online, specializing in online business entrepreneurs, helping really just the solopreneur the person, you know, the woman starting their own business, and just not sure what to do, how to make the not so sexy legal stuff really easy, accessible and approachable. And so that's just how I sliced out my little piece of the internet.

Ellen Leonard:

Yeah, I love that so much in, you know, working in the online space, too, I totally resonate with this idea that it's just so much so many people are doing so many inspiring things, and I just love being even just a little part of that.

Elena Favaro Viana:

Absolutely. There's just, you know, it's the first time I've entered in a room where it isn't women competing against each other, it's women genuinely wanting success for the other one, in everybody coming together to like, okay, your success is literally actually my success, because we all own a piece of this industry. And it's really up to all of us to make it you need to all get to the top together, there is no competition. And, you know, whenever I do a little bit of business, mentorship as well. And whenever somebody comes to me says, Oh, it's oversaturated, or Oh, someone else is already doing that. I'm like, stop it. No, like, there is enough for everybody, there is abundance everywhere. And competition does not exist online, it just does not exist. And if somebody is doing it before you I mean, thank them, because they've shown you what's possible, and they've paved the way for you. So people are already warmed up to what you have to offer as well. And it's not going to be as hard of a sell for you.

Ellen Leonard:

And I love the way that you frame it because it's almost like we're all working to gather offering, what we have and that part of us that we're most passionate about, but that will all fit into somebody at some other entrepreneurs life. And we will all lift each other together by offering all these different resources. And it's almost like we're taking like this whole network of people. And we're bringing everybody with us. So yeah,

Elena Favaro Viana:

absolutely. I love that. Because traditionally, we all worked in one corporate structure, right? One business would house all these different things. And now what we've effectively done is just rip that all apart. We've all started our own businesses, but we all interact with each other. So it is it's a beautiful and while breaking the glass ceiling as we rise, so it's really inspiring to be a part of

Ellen Leonard:

it in you, you know, you're a legal expert, and you're really passionate about helping entrepreneurs create what you call a solid, solid foundation. I really love that ideas that, you know, because I think so many people get so excited about like what they're going to do in this online space. They're like, I'm going to change the world. And that's awesome. And that's great. I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with that, but we need that solid foundation. And you know, I was hoping you could share with us why this legal stuff is so freakin important for online business owners to get into place and why it's such an important part of our foundation. Absolutely.

Elena Favaro Viana:

So first and foremost, your business is literally held together by its legal structure. It is born in its legal structure is is held together by its legal structure without API's, you have a hobby and expensive hobby. That's it so you need to have the legal stuff together. So the day that you register a domain the day that you wake up and you say you know what, I am starting a business and I'm gonna change your Instagram handle that's the day that you should also be registering your business and that doesn't have to be so scary. There's there's multiple different forms of registrations, but you know, there's a really simple one where you just say hey, government, I'm starting a business and and then there you go. And so you just have to tell somebody, you're doing this and that's really the first step in order to take your business seriously. And the flip side of that The reason you know I see people who are like, Oh, I'm afraid of the legal stuff, I'm afraid of doing it, it's too expensive. I'm not sure if this is going to take off. And you know, and I look at them, and they say, you're already setting yourself up for failure, you didn't start this business to see if it's going to take off or not, you started this business because you're ready to change your life. So you really need to pull up your pants, and put both feet in and just this is happening and go down that road and be like, there is no way out. Because these are babies, your business is your baby. So you need to take care of it, you don't just, you know, throw a baby in the water and hope it can swim. No, you put the floaties I've heard that does not work, it does not work, right. And that's the same, you have to put the protection on, you have to put the floaties on the baby. And that is exactly what you need legal for to put the floaties on your own business to take care of it.

Ellen Leonard:

I love that you're framing it as a form of like taking care of your business like you would a child that's just so helpful to think of it that way. Because it well, because it's so true. Because when you start your business, you're thinking about all these other things like the people that you're going to get to help or the changes that you're going to get to make in the world or your website and your brand colors and your Instagram handle and all these other things. And the idea of putting it all at risk, because you didn't check this one thing off. It's just kind of terrifying when you really start to think about it.

Elena Favaro Viana:

Absolutely. And it is scary. The thing is, everybody thinks this is not going to happen to me. Everybody sits down and says well, all my clients so far amazing, this will never happen to me. And that is just not the way to think about it. So if you if you want to set yourself up for success and avoid all of the stress, right, like, that's where you're listening to this podcast is to avoid stress and to understand how to set yourself up in preventative measures. You need to take care of the legal from the beginning. And can I share an example? worse? Yeah, so I had a client who, I won't be naming any names or anything like that. But she started her business multiple years ago, and she thought like most of your listeners probably, oh, everything's fine, and nothing is gonna go wrong with me everything's okay. And she started. And as we know, in the online space, you tend to scale very quickly, it's very possible to go from zero to 100 really fast. And she ended up scaling to a tremendous, you know, a tremendous achievement. I was so proud of her, you know, what, when when I met her. But her clients from the very beginning from four or five years ago, they were coming back to her for refunds now claiming weird problems threatening all kinds of scary legal things that her and she just didn't know what to do. And she, you know, she seems to be at this point being like, I don't even think I was protected back then what, you know, what actions do I have? So, I bring this story, because it's a very real story. Because even though things are going great today, you don't know what it's going to look like in the future. And you don't know what kind of protections or lack of protections will bite you in the butt later on. And so, you know, you want to grow safely, and you want to scale successfully, and you want to do that, you know, you want to take yourself in bed at night and be like I'm so protective, nothing can go wrong with you just you want that like sense of like peacefulness as you go to sleep and, and many clients come to me and they're just like, I just like I'm awake at night because I'm scared that I don't even know if I can do that. I don't even know if my clients can do that. Is this even legal? Like I have all these ideas, and I just want to check with a lawyer if I'm allowed to do that. And that keeps up so many people I may like we're just like, and women, gosh, well, it's our to do lists, our brain is like never ending. And so by getting your legal ducks together is just one really good way of just creating a lot of sanity in yourself and your business.

Ellen Leonard:

Yeah, and it's almost like you're saying to yourself, I am all in? Like, do I want this to be successful or not? Because if you're not, if you're an entrepreneur, and you're not visualizing yourself, having that big success and really growing, then what are we doing? Like? Like, it's about I think it's also about believing in ourselves and that we're going to be successful and that we will need those protections.

Elena Favaro Viana:

Absolutely. Both feet in you didn't start this to just see if it happens. No, you started this to change your life. So just take it seriously and give it the respect that it deserves. Otherwise, you only really have you know not to be rude or anything you only have yourself to blame right. So go all in and the truth is failure and success. They're the same side of each claim. There isn't just you fall on one side to failure, you fall the other side to success. No, you move through failure to success. But the point is is that you keep moving and so you need to start from the very beginning. Understand that eventually this will succeed. This absolutely has success written all over it. But you're gonna fill up fail a million times, and the most successful entrepreneurs on our planet have told us, they failed a million times, they made a million mistakes, they went bankrupt. And then they made a million dollars the next day, like, these are the stories you hear. And to think that that's not going to happen to you. I mean, guys, it happens to everybody. And so jump all in, do it and give it the respect that it deserves and get your legal stuff in order.

Ellen Leonard:

Because so what's the most important thing that we could do to protect ourselves legally, like if you could have all entrepreneurs listening, like make sure that they've got one legal thing done? What What is that in your mind, your contracts,

Elena Favaro Viana:

your contracts are invaluable as an online service provider specifically. So if you are providing a service between you and one other person, or you too many, or you in a group coaching experience, you are providing a service, you need a client agreement or service agreement, and there's there's multiple different ones, but you need this. And what this is, it's, it's a piece of paper, really, on the face of it, that is going to outline everything that you will be giving as a part of this transaction, everything they can expect as part of this transaction, and everything that they should not be expecting as well, which is really, really important. And, and the not P is that's you know, why lawyers are trained to find the notch pieces and lawyers have every horror story under the book, that's our job is to know the horror stories to be like, Okay, are you doing this are you not, and let's make sure it's really clear. So you're managing expectations. And the contract is all about building out your dream relationship. And I know, when you're starting a business, when you have an online business, we have these beautiful, magical, almost a unicorn like ideas of how it's going to be. So get that on paper, right? Get that all on paper, get that in a contract, and write it out and have the other person sign it. And this is going to limit your liability, manage risks and expectations. As well as all of your internal policies of your business, write them all down. And when you both sign this contract, it becomes law between you and that person. Right? It is a legally binding document. And so what it says is what goes so on the flip side of this to all your listeners, if you ever given a contract, read it. Right? Don't not read it, like read it. I don't worry. So


we're so guilty that we never read everybody

Ellen Leonard:

listening, she is on to us, that we are not reading our contracts or legal things that we sign all the time, she has figured us out.

Elena Favaro Viana:

Yes. Oh, gosh, you know, earlier today, I had somebody messaged me, saying they had this relationship with somebody and this person went ahead and did something that they were like, had that gross feeling about like an achy feeling. They were like, I don't know if I agree to that. And then she went back through the contract after the fact and realize she had agreed to it. And then she was just left with this, like a, you know, that like feeling in your stomach Really? Well, it probably shouldn't have done that. But unfortunately, you read it. And the law basically says if you signed it, you really doesn't matter if you read it or not. If you didn't read it, you're still legally bound to it. If you didn't understand it, you are also still legally bound to it. So all of these excuses that we all like to say like, Oh, I didn't know or like, Oh, I didn't understand that. Tough Guys like tough. Like, you have to read it and understand it. If you don't. I mean, the flip side too, is you can go to a lawyer for contract review. And and get this as well. I have clients who constantly having me review all of the contracts, they have to be like, hey, Elena, is this a good deal? Or is this not a good deal? Or what do you think of this? Does this adequately protect me? And we'll have a look. And we'll actually have a non legal leave conversation about it, you know, and I'll be like, hey, so and so this is a pretty not so good contract, I don't know what your relationships gonna look like, or you know, at this is pretty solid and protects both of you. Because the contract is meant to protect both of you. So contracts, hands down, answer your question you need.

Ellen Leonard:

And I wrote down this quote of what you you said, you said, it's, it's building your dream relationship. And I just really value that you framed it in that way, because that is what you're talking about. You're talking about, like, you know, we want to show up and serve our clients, our students, our customers, but it has to be in a way that like, works for us too. And I just think that's so important to remember in that relationship, that you're trying to build these people you're trying to help and serve. And yeah, so thank you for framing it like that.

Elena Favaro Viana:

Absolutely. Alan, I think the last Allen's scary and not so sexy, but the truth is it's you know, my clients come to me and like what is your dream business? What is your dream relationship? How do you want it to operate between you and this person because I know You have it in your head. And it's my job. And you know any other lawyer that's trained to do this really, to extract that dream relationship from you. And, you know, I will say not to toot my own horn, but it does help to also be a business mentor in the online space, to really understand the strategy of online businesses in order to extract the correct information, in order to be like, perfect. So that's what we're going to do, you're just going to only respond to your boxers between 12 and one o'clock on Thursdays, and that's your happy life, or maybe other people love, you know, doing different things with their boxer, they want to always message their clients all the time. So understanding what that looks like, and it's not cookie cutter for everyone.

Ellen Leonard:

Yeah, and, you know, there's, there's so much pressure on us as entrepreneurs to do it. All. Right. And I love that, that part of what these these legal foundations offer is, is that we can clearly define our boundaries. But all of this can be so stressful, like, and you spoke about this already, like the what ifs and the staying up at night, wondering. And I know, once I had all my legal stuff in place, like I literally felt like, weight had been lifted off my shoulders, like an actual weight, like I started sleeping better. I was like, Oh, that's done. So I'm wondering, you know, what you've noticed in with your clients, you know, like, does their their stress or the anxiety or their competence change? Like, what are some of the results you've seen? Like, before they get their legal stuff in place? And then after?

Elena Favaro Viana:

Absolutely, and I will say, Ellen, you're not alone, in the, in the feeling that you felt like you were sleeping better afterwards. So there is a, it's so beautiful to witness because when I started to make firm, I didn't necessarily even expect this level of transformation with every client. But when they came to me, they were like, I don't know anything about this stress, like, I know, I need to do it freaks me out, you know, this, like level of anxiety just weighing on them, of like, Oh, you know, even these, like fears, too expensive. Who said that? Right? Who do you even know the price, like Who told you these things? So you're building up all these stories of anxiety, and then what ends up happening, and I've seen this time and time again, clients afterward, they either left their appointment with me, and they've secured a client immediately, like two or three days later, because the level of clarity they received in their own business, understanding the nitty gritties, that they're they just empowerments like this level of like, competence has washed over them where they're like, he Yeah, or this other level of empowerment, where they're like, I'm so serious, I do take care of, of my, you know, legal stuff. And so they step into this, it's really this new wave of confidence, and they're able to close better deals, and they're able to show up more effectively in their business and, and just it's like level of anxiety. It's just God. And then I've had other clients who have come to me who said, Listen, like, this was freaking me out, I wasn't doing it. And my business just kept growing and growing and growing. She's, she's like, I'm not growing with it, I feel stunted. And so after it, she's like, Oh, she's like, I've caught up with it, I finally grow with it. And so it's this massive relief off of your shoulders. And, and then like I said, before, if you ever get into any weird, sticky situation, you know exactly what your contract says you're not operating blind anymore, right? You know, you if you've worked with a good lawyer with myself, there's always a call where we go through clause BY clause, everything in there. So you know exactly what it says and what it means. So if anything kind of comes up, you already know how to navigate it, like a true CEO. So when your client or Janet comes to you to just like, you can literally go to bed being like, claws at ingenix, no chat, like, you can just laugh it off. Whereas I feel like so many people before would be like biting their nails being like, I don't even know if this is legal. I don't even know if she can do that. Like, what do I do? Like, where do I even find a lawyer. And guys, it doesn't have to be like that. It doesn't have to be like that, you know, my I built my firm to be that lawyer on your team, just like giant co corporations have lawyers on their teams, you know, that they can ask questions to, you can also have that as a solopreneur. And just check in, just like one of my clients earlier was just like, Well, I have this achy feeling, we'll just check in and be like, Hey, what do you think about this? And we could both laugh about Janet together. Or we could have a conversation and be like, you know, I think these are the next steps and and you just released of all this anxiety and Gosh, and I know that your listeners know as well as anybody anxiety is one of the killers of a you know, it's just, it weighs on us so much. So it just it seems like a no brainer investment to me to just have that level of empowerment.

Ellen Leonard:

Yeah, and I think a lot of times entrepreneurs, we since we do try to do so much of this on our own, that we do need to remember that we can have a team of people who are there to support us in a variety of ways like I have on my Team, like legal stuff, I have coaches of my own. I have people who helped me with Pinterest, I have people who helped me with Instagram. Like, they're all part of my team in their own ways. Sometimes they're there people who don't know me and I just like access their, their podcasts or something, but like I consider them to be on my team, because then I'm not doing it alone. Yeah, it really changes everything,

Elena Favaro Viana:

that network that we were speaking about at the beginning of this episode, right? It's that network of you are not alone. And don't think you are, there are answers to every question you have, you know, and there's two currencies on the planet time and money. And I think a lot of entrepreneurs, they sacrifice their time more than anything. But time unfortunately, is non renewable. So, so build that network, find every, you know, every niche. I know, I have multiple coaches myself for all kinds of things. Because it's just the most important investment you can do for yourself.

Ellen Leonard:

Yeah, it really is. and investing in that team can in the end, help to keep you healthy, happy and sane, right, like 100%. It's another way to take care of yourself. So how do you stay healthy, happy and sane while running your business? I'm so key. I always love to hear what what everybody's doing in their own lives.

Elena Favaro Viana:

I love this question Elon, so much. So at the time of this recording, I've actually made a pact with myself to go on a one hour long walk every single day to just get away in screens. Yeah, it there was no podcast or be with my thoughts. So that is something that I've started implementing. I'm also an avid journaler. So journaling every morning is very much a part of my routine. As a lawyer, a lot of my stress is very mental. I think with anybody, it's all up here. So getting it out on paper is so beneficial to me and meditation. So understanding how to deal with all the thoughts that may be coming through. So those are really the main three that keep me definitely healthy or 100%. Happy. And we're working on the sanity piece.

Ellen Leonard:

Well, mostly sane is in the title for a reason. I feel like most entrepreneurs are mostly sane. We didn't quit our day jobs without being a little bit crazy, right?

Elena Favaro Viana:

Oh, my goodness. Yes. I mean, I bet all of your listeners can relate to some grandfather. That's like, I don't understand what you do. It's okay, Papa. It's okay.

Ellen Leonard:

Yeah, so what? What do your parents or grandparents think that you do? Does anybody understand it? Because I get some really weird, weird things. Somebody thought I was teaching karate. I got. I don't know what that is another person asked if I could help fix their neck. Oh, like I'm a massage therapist. And like, my chiropractor them? No. I or Vedic practitioner or health coach? I mean, I've got some skills. But no, what's the funniest thing that they've ever thought that that you were doing or mistaken you for?

Elena Favaro Viana:

I did what a good question. I think people think people not in the online space definitely don't understand the business mentorship component. They just don't understand coaching. More work goes into it. And so I think a lot of people think, Oh, that's a cutesy business. isn't like, Oh, that's cute.

Ellen Leonard:

So reductive of something really powerful. And that you can charge a lot of money for that's funny to

Elena Favaro Viana:

write. And then I have friends who are like, Oh, I'd love to do it. You do too. And then and then I even give them like a friends and family discount. And they're just like, yikes. So I think being a part of the online space, you understand it a lot better. You know, being a lawyer, definitely, there is some understanding, but I will say a lot of people, they underestimate how much goes into it. So everyone just thinks you have more time than you do, I think as entrepreneur was like, oh, but you can take Saturday, you know, Friday off or I don't take any day off. I think I tried to take Saturday's off but but they're like, Oh, you just you know, you're not as busy as me and then like, relatives relative It is so relative.

Ellen Leonard:

So that's so funny that Yeah, I get a lot of that to where they think that I'm just like, I don't know, sitting at home and drinking coffee and thinking deeply about my thoughts. I don't know what they what they think I'm doing that is not what I'm doing.

Elena Favaro Viana:

Yeah, they think it's so simple. They don't realize because it's an entrepreneur. And I love this because so many of my my coaching students come to Me too, and they like I want to do my work like all the time and I'm like, You're cute because your work is 20% of the actual amount of work that you're doing. Like the actual service you provide is 20% everything else is your marketing, your finance your accounting now your legal, like, you know, their marketing alone online is like never ending. And that's definitely something I don't think we all considered and I know myself Gosh, I guilty of this as well, even just a year ago, I was like, How hard can it be? You just post on Instagram? You got likes, call it a day. And now. And now I'm like having deep conversations about algorithms. What are you speaking about jibberish. But you get into it. And I feel like I'm part of this elite club and understand why we all don't like the algorithm.

Ellen Leonard:

That is so messed up, though. When you think about it, I had a whole conversation about Facebook ads this morning with a business friend. And it was hilarious, because, like nobody else could have understood our conversation. Like, the stuff that you never thought you'd learn about. And now suddenly, you know, way too much about is is hilarious, and unexpected.

Elena Favaro Viana:

And never, never ending, never ending. All of a sudden you feel like you've mastered something and you realize, you know what, I need a coach for that too. I need to learn email, marketing and funnels. Now. There's always a next step to something and so, but that's the beauty of it, right? That's why this whole industry works. That's why all of your listeners are listening, because there's something so magical about what the online space is. And it's not a real business. It's more than that.

Ellen Leonard:

Yeah. And it's speaking of next steps if people wanted to work with you or find you. And of course, I'll put all the links in the show notes, but how can they get in touch with you?

Elena Favaro Viana:

Yes, so the best way to find me is the AMA website. So I know my name is a mouthful, but that's what it is. But also really, really exciting. If you know you're inspired about contracts, at any point in time, I am actually launching a contract template shop that is launching around the time that this goes live. So stay tuned. And that will be contracts for entrepreneurs calm. And so that's going to be a really great resource for a lot of new entrepreneurs starting their business first year in entrepreneurs who are looking to just round out their contract bundles. And it'll all be there. So I'm really excited about that project.

Ellen Leonard:

Well, that all sounds awesome. And Adele definitely all be linked, just like I said, so. You know, thank you so much for being with us today. I enjoyed our time together and you shared a lot of valuable information. I know I will be listening this episode a few more times just to get everything out of it. So thank you.

Elena Favaro Viana:

Thank you so much for having Ellen and thank you to all of your listeners for listening to my crazy rants. I would love to work with any of you or you just meet any of you. And of course, Ellen, you were wonderful.

Ellen Leonard:

Thank you so much for listening today. I hope you enjoyed today's episode as much as I did and learn as much as I did. If you want to reach out to Elena, you can check out the show notes for all those details on how to contact her. And be sure to also check out the show notes. If you're interested in one of my one on 190 minute coaching intensive sessions so that we can check just one thing off your list. Don't forget to hit subscribe so you don't miss out on future episodes full of actionable tips to help you do what you love without sacrificing your health or losing your mind. Thank you so much for listening. I wish you a healthy, happy and mostly sane week. I'll see you next time.