The Healthy, Happy, and mostly Sane Entrepreneur

You're Worth It: Confidence Boost from Natasha B. Russell

December 15, 2020 Ellen Leonard Episode 49
The Healthy, Happy, and mostly Sane Entrepreneur
You're Worth It: Confidence Boost from Natasha B. Russell
Show Notes Transcript

049 Confidence and your success in business are totally linked.  When we don't believe in ourselves, when we don't believe in what we have to offer - it shows in our business.  It can slow or even stop our growth. It can hamper sales. It can impact our health, happiness, and sanity!  

Natasha B. Russell is an expert in confidence and passionate about helping to inspire and motivate entrepreneurs and business owners just like you to believe in yourself and your business.  

In this episode you will learn:

  1. Why confidence is essential to growing your business
  2. The links between confidence and success
  3. Natasha’s one tip (ok, so maybe it’s more than one) for boosting your confidence TODAY

More info <<HERE>>

Connect with Natasha:
Instagram and book a discovery call <<HERE>>

Ellen Leonard:

Confidence is a fickle thing, right? We start our businesses and so many goals in our life bursting with confidence. And then sometimes we get lost in overthinking over researching, over planning, wanting everything to be perfect. And we lose our confidence. And so often in our business, we lose sight of why we started, what we're doing, what it means to be successful, what our desired outcomes are, and what you're actually willing to give up to accomplish your goals. In today's episode, we are going to dive into confidence in the difference that it can make in your business. And it sounds so simplistic, it's something we all kind of know that ideally, we would be confident in what we're offering. But so often, in our businesses, maybe the reason we can't sell or can't get that next client has to do with confidence and what we're offering in ourselves. And where does that belief come from? And how do we strengthen it and start to use that just like we would use any other tool in our business? Well, I brought on a confidence expert today to help us with that. And let's get to it. Hello, and welcome to the healthy, happy and mostly sane entrepreneurial podcast. I'm your host national board certified health and wellness coach and I are Vedic practitioner, and mostly sane entrepreneur Ellen Leonard each week, I share my obsession with helping you build a healthy life that works for you, your family and your business, because I don't think you have to stop sacrifice your own health and well being to be successful. So please stay tuned. For today's episode full of ideas to make staying healthy just a little bit easier. Don't forget to hit subscribe, so you don't miss out on future episodes. Before we get started today, I wanted to be sure that I was sharing with you something that I have created just for you. And that is 90 minute one on one intensive coaching sessions, where we get to check just one thing off your list because you are your business. You don't have time to screw around and burn yourself out. You are busy taking care of everybody else your business your family and sometimes your own health and wellness can be one of the first things to get booted off of your to do list, but you can't pour from an empty cup. So maybe you know you should be healthier, but you just don't know where to begin. Maybe you just have no idea what's for dinner tonight or never seem to have enough time to work out or you're just totally stressed. Whatever it is, we can pick one topic stress management, healthy eating exercise, self care, sleep, I Ayurveda and we can work on that for 90 minutes and get it handled, get it checked off your list. Because you know you need to stay healthy, happy and sane to show up as your best self. And I can help you do just that. So check out the link in the show notes. If you're interested. I'd love to get started with you today. Today's guest Natasha B Russell is a confidence powerhouse to say that she is passionate about helping people boost their confidence would be to undersell what she offers. I might say she's a little obsessed with confidence and helping people boost their confidence and I mean that as the highest compliment. She's the founder and CEO of MBR strategic solutions. She's got all sorts of letters after her name. telling us about her extensive coaching expertise and training. Her business offers coaching, speaking and consulting services to support aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners just like us, corporations and nonprofit organizations with achieving their personal, professional and business goals. She lives in Canada and hosts the NBR show on her Instagram feed to inspire, motivate and empower entrepreneurs and business owners just like us. In today's episode, you are going to learn why confidence is essential to growing your business. The links between confidence and success. And Natasha is one tip Well, it might have become more than one tip with several subgroups. It's one tip with several sub groups for boosting your confidence today. So action steps that you can take today to boost your confidence. That's dive in. Natasha, thank you so much for being on the podcast today. I'm so excited to finally do this with you

Natasha B. Russell:

Me too beautiful. Can't wait to get started.

Ellen Leonard:

Yes. So you know, I love hearing entrepreneurs origin stories, because I like to think of us as superheroes. And I think I think you'd probably agree she worked with entrepreneurs as well. But I'm, I'm so curious, why did you become an entrepreneur? How did you get started?

Natasha B. Russell:

That is such a great question. Honestly, I think I knew at a very young age at 18, I wanted to be an entrepreneur, but I knew I had to put in time, I had to invest in my education, I had to invest in working in corporate learning. And so when I came to around, started working in corporate communications, and like I say, my early 30s, I was making really great money, I had the benefits, you name it, everything was great. But there was still something lacking, I wasn't fulfilled. And I was like, Okay, I have the ability to help people save energy, but I really want to save lives. And I was always the one that would walk in, like, when I used to start out, I started working in legal as a paralegal. I would be the one that was so chipper coming into the office, I'd be sharing quotes, you know, and everybody be like, I'd have to say, Natasha, why are you always so happy, and I'd be like, what's wrong with me and happy, like, you know, we're alive or well, so there's always something to be grateful for. And I knew that if I could start making those changes, of course, within myself, because growing up, I lacked confidence, like I had, at around six years old, I was diagnosed with a very rare form of epilepsy of the mouth. Very unique, and I and I discovered it or my mom discovered it, because one day she's going to talk to me, and my mouth went numb, and I couldn't talk and it was happening, you know, for a while, but as a little six year old, you don't really know what's happening. And you're alone, embarrassed, you know, your cousin see you playing and they think you're just being silly. So they laugh. And it would only happen for maybe 30 seconds, a minute, when she saw me that he brought me to the doctor this and I suppose I could still see his face, but I don't remember his name. And he's like, it's very rare, but it's only of the mouth. We've never seen this before. So long story short, he put me on some trial medication. I had to wear this bracelet on my wrist going to school, you know, in elementary, and I always felt like I wasn't enough, I felt I was bullied. Like, why me? Why me but I remember, at 11, I had a mindset shift. And I say that because my parents were not religious. But my grandmother always took me to church with her. And that Sunday at 11, I remember the pastor saying that we were fearfully and wonderfully made. So I came home that day with my Bible, so excited, like, Oh, I'm not flawed. I'm well and I had that, that rare form of epilepsy for about two years, and then it was gone. But what was I left with, I had a lot of weight gain. So in the summer, when my friends were going on in their little tank tops, and everything I felt, I gained a lot of weight, and I was insecure. And so at that 11, I start to build my confidence. And so I knew then going back a long story short now in corporate, I'm like, if I could help people to feel better about themselves, if I could help people to really love themselves authentically for who they were, that for me was fulfilling. I was always probably like the life coach, not even knowing I was a coach. But I knew that saving energy was great. But I had a calling and it was what I call my purpose. And I believe we all have a great purpose in our life that we were born to deliver on and to share with the world. And when you find that purpose, girl, you find your life when you find your purpose, you find your life. So I found my purpose a little bit later, I think, in my 30s, early 30s. And I made the leap in, I'd say 2018 like I started to plan strategize for my exit. I remember the day I handed my letter of resignation. And my boss was like, Oh, my God, Natasha, who stole you, you know? And I said, No one, I'm going to start my own business. And they're like, Oh, my God, I know you'll do well, but a lot of people questioned why you have a nice six figure salary working corporate benefits, pension, your single mom full time, Mom, why would you take that risk, but it was like, every day I was waking up, I wasn't excited to go to work anymore. I was like, This is not what I want to be doing. So I created a strategy and I started to work toward it. And then when I said goodbye to my corporate in September 2018, officially, I was felt I felt liberated, but also like, Oh my god, there was that day where I was like, What did I actually do? Like, what did I actually do? Natasha, like, Did you really say goodbye? And it was like you're out in the ocean, you know, with no life, no life jacket, and you're like, I need to stay above I got to stay afloat. And my passion and my purpose and the ability to transform lives from the inside out is amazing. And so I love what I do, and I wouldn't change a thing. And I believe that I always see it as everything happens for a reason with meaning and I had to go through everything in my journey to get to where I am today. And I wake up every morning honestly the heart of gratitude and saying, Do I get to serve pity and it's the most liberating feeling the most empowering feeling. So I just encourage people, you're not happy with what you're doing. And you know, you might do something else. Well, now's the time. Everything you need is within you, you got to start. And you got to start now.

Ellen Leonard:

Oh my gosh, I love that story so much, because I love to imagine you as a little girl being pretty much exactly like this. And you just like, grew into yourself. It just sounds like so much of you has always been this way.

Natasha B. Russell:

Good question. Honestly, I was very shy. I'm Tana, because thinking like, what if I talk and I can't talk like in your mind, your mind is so powerful, right. So even when I went back to university as a mature student, to study communications, and PR, I would have to go up in front of, you know, the crowd or my cohorts and present, and I was not a great speaker, then I would literally have my cue cards, I would read them as fast as I could, and then be off. But one day, that change, and I remember, we had the ability to present on something that we were really passionate about. And for me, it was poverty, child poverty. And I remember, like I started my my education, like my later education 22,008. The stat then was that every 30 seconds, a child dies from extreme poverty every 30 seconds. And I understand how in a world of so much abundance, we have kids around the world that are dying, because they don't have food or water. And when I went up and did that presentation, everything Oh, my God, Natasha, that was amazing. And I connected that to, we can all be great speakers, if we're speaking on what we're passionate about, it's when you're talking about things that you really don't care about that is irrelevant. So I took that, and I started to build off like, oh, okay, that I think was my dream to saying, hey, I want to be a part of creating that positive change in any way that I can. And so I was always a bit quiet, like you thought I was this, I evolved into this. But it came from building my confidence, really loving myself appreciating myself for who I was. So from that 11, where that mindset shift occurred to 18, when a lot of my friends were going to work in retail or fast food, and that's totally fine. I was like, I'm gonna go work with lawyers, because my parents now we're like, Girl, you won't stop talking. You're so inquisitive, like you should go work with lawyers or be a lawyer. And I want to make sure that I wanted to actually do that before investing all that education. So at 18, yes, I was probably this person still, you know, I believe we're all still always growing, we're always evolving. And we should always want to be growing and evolving. If we're in our lives, and we are stagnant. That means we're in our comfort zone. And we know this, nothing grows in the comfort zone. But it's a nice cozy place. So if you want to make a shift, and you want greater things in your life or your business, you have to be willing to move out of that comfort zone, and be present in what I call the now the ability to create change that be greater than time space, your environment to think big. And then to take action.

Ellen Leonard:

Yeah, and, you know, you're clearly so passionate about what you do, and so passionate about confidence. And I know you work with so many clients on on their confidence and their business. And I'm, I'm curious what you've seen, for your clients, from when they are working with you to their success? And how confidence plays into that for them. Can you tell me a little bit about that?

Natasha B. Russell:

Confidence is like super critical, I would say it's 100% related to the outcome of your business and your life. So confidence to me is I confidence walks in the room, it says, I'm amazing. And so are you. arrogance walks in and says I'm great and you're not. So I want to be super confidence is not putting people down. Confidence is loving who you are authentically your curves everything about you. Even men struggle with confidence. I have a lot of male clients, and then it's making other people feel good about yourself. So a lot of times I have clients who come to me and say, hey, my, my business is failing or it's not doing well, I really don't understand why. It's number one, it's mindset that plays into confidence. So when you actually believe that you can achieve a goal, research proves that you're 51% more likely to achieve it. You're already halfway there a little bit more than halfway there just by believing it. So it's really to say, hey, do I believe I can have this and sometimes it's do I believe I deserve it? A lot of times I have clients who are like on the individual coaching and who they have suffered trauma in their childhood, something happened that made them lack confidence or believe they could achieve great things or that they even deserved anything good. And so they didn't even know it but they've been bringing that memory those you know, because the past is all we know with them into their business and then they're wondering why they're not seeing success because they may be putting out the most amazing program or our But deep down inside, they're like, I don't know if I could do this. I don't know if people are gonna buy this, why would people want to. So they're already self sabotaging. So when you say how important is confidence, it's like you, it's critical to your success. Once you know that you're good at what you're doing and what you you're loving what you're doing, then why not share that with the world in a way that they can relate and that's through you knowing that what you're offering is a good value, it's a good benefit, it's going to create that change, or that whatever, it's a product or a service that it is going to meet that need of your client or your customer. So I've had clients who come in, and, you know, they think they're even men, they say, they're confident, and you start to dig in a little bit. And it's something that may have happened their childhood, like, oh, when I was growing up, I failed this course, my parents told me that I was never going to be anything good. So then I ended up going to get certain degrees, harder degrees, scientific degrees, master's, just to prove to my parents, that I could do it that I am smart. And then I went on this journey to go work in corporate to become this, and I'm still unhappy, I'm not fulfilled, and I want to start my own business. But I really don't think I can, because I still have those thoughts of what my parents may have said, or my friends, or my significant others. So when they're able to what I say move from your old self, to that river of change where that's uncomfortable, you know, moving out of fear into your new self, then they have breakthroughs. And I love it. Because when my clients are succeeding, I'm winning. And so 90% of it is it is confidence. And then strategy, like a lot of us get strategies, but we don't take action. And it's not that every strategy is going to work. But it's okay, don't change the goal. How do I find another strategy to support me in achieving the end result that I want, and then you got to be self motivated, which again, it just boils down to confidence. mindset is a part of your confidence, whatever you say about yourself, I do believe you have the power to create your reality. Because what you think is what you normally will say, and it's how you're going to behave. So if I feel like people don't want to support me, or I'm not good enough or smart enough, I'll walk into a room and I'm going to exude that energy. But if I come in believe that, Oh, I'm good at what I do, and I walk into that room that I can gravitate towards, and people will naturally gravitate towards me, because I'm putting out that positive energy.

Ellen Leonard:

Yeah, and it's so interesting now that I'm really thinking about it. How much of our businesses as entrepreneurs, is correlated to confidence, the confidence to start a business, the confidence would show up or not show up in how I write, in how I show up on social media, in how I engage with sales and marketing. I mean, the more I think about it, as you were talking, I was just thinking about how it touches literally every part of my business. And if I'm not feeling that confidence, and not only myself, but what I'm offering out into the world, then I need, it's going to be that much harder to be successful.

Natasha B. Russell:

Right? And that's exactly what it is. People can I say people need to be able to relate to your brand. Because whatever it is you're selling has to have a story as to why that was born, that business was born. And I honestly say this, and some people don't agree with me, but chase your purpose, and then monetize it in the business, but don't chase the money, and then expect that you'll be fulfilled. So it's purpose first, then the money will flow, the success will come, but of all you're looking for is just to gain business or business business. It's what that one way kind of marketing, kind of sales, salesy way, then you'd like to always be hustling. But if you're actually in business to serve, with purpose, with confidence with clarity, you'll naturally see that your business will evolve and grow. Because people will know that you're actually in this for the right reason you're in there to solve a problem or to enhance some you know, someone's life or their lifestyle, whatever that might look like. So, if you don't believe in your product, or you're offering your service, why should I believe in it? Why do I have that? Right? So and that's the thing a lot of people like I have people who the fear of public speaking is like, I think it's next to what dying I think it's number two on the list. They want to show up on you know, social media, they want to start doing videos, they want to talk about their products or whatever. But that confidence factor, what will people seeing? Well, people say, What if I don't talk perfect bla bla bla bla bla, that shows that you're real, like, get rid of the perfection and I'm learning this to to be more vulnerable and open up and share more stories. people relate to real and nobody's perfect. And every I say every pain point in your life or every I don't believe in failures unless you quit serves a purpose in your life. There's some that you can always learn from it grow from it evolve from it. And the key is that you take that and you actually move forward and apply it to your life or your business.

Ellen Leonard:

Yeah, and that's, that's just so interesting. I feel like there are a lot of a Natasha isms that we're getting today. Like that there needs to be a book of them, where they're clearly stated, because you have so many things that you speak about so passionately and in, I can tell that you've said them before, like they're saying that you use and and I love that. And I know you've probably got a couple hundred of them. But I was wondering if you could offer like, maybe just one tip for boosting confidence? I mean, if it needs to be more than one, that's, that's okay. But what would what would one of your favorite tips be?

Natasha B. Russell:

Wow, my favorite. Yeah, there's a lot of them, I have a lot that I use to add to your coaching. I wanted maybe dispel a myth, because I believe a lot of people will like I had a client who came to me, at this time, she wasn't even a client, she said, um, one of the affirmations that I use is money flows to me freely and flowy. Like, my money's always flowing to me. And I asked her, I said, Do you believe that actually, and she really didn't. She was saying these affirmations herself daily money's flowing to me freely, and money's in abundance. But she didn't believe it. And so she found herself holding on to money, when it came time to wanting to invest in a coaching program and working with me was like, Oh, my God, like, that's a lot. But are you worth it? Are you worth the investment? So I think sometimes we devalue ourselves, especially in business, because sometimes you want to get that quick sale? Well, you got to know your value, and you got to hold on to your value. And you got to know that those people who see the value will come. And I remember I said, Look, affirmations don't work unless you actually believe them. And I know it's not the same, just start saying these things to their client from New Jersey, call me and she's like, Oh, yeah, I have a business coach, you just said, I'm gonna be retired, retired my corporate job in six months. And that was it, and just believe it. But I'm like, do you actually believe it. So the teeth building confidence is one, start believing what you're saying to yourself and start with using things that you actually believe? Maybe it's the fact that you know, you're very organized, or that you're kind or that you have, you're a person of integrity. So when you look at yourself in the mirror, and you're saying these things, you believe it, and then as you start to believe more about that, you can start adding on more things. Like Okay, so I believe that I'm kind, I believe that I'm intelligent. Now maybe it's like, okay, I just made my first sale, oh, my God, cuz I actually believed in the product. Now I can add that I'm really good at, you know, marketing my business, and I am because I'm making those sales. So start with things you know, to be true about you work on looking in the mirror, I don't sound weird. Look in the mirror, say these affirmations to yourself daily. But again, the ones you believe in, gradually, you know, add more as you continue to believe in it, and then do something that really scares you. Because that's where confidence is going to come from moving out of the comfort zone. Whether it be doing that first live or doing that first email out to you know, your, your cohorts, or your friends or your network and saying, Hey, I'm going to start my own business, like, I like your feedback, it's moving out of that comfort zone and saying, Hey, I can do this. And even if I don't actually succeed, succeed at that one point, or whatever it is, I'm achieving or trying to achieve, that, I'm not going to give up that I'm going to keep trying and keep going and keep moving. And as you continue to do that. And I end by saying this being committed to yourself, by committing to yourself by showing up for you every day, you'll build confidence. Every morning, I get up and I do 30 minutes of cardio, I run for 30 minutes every day, no matter how I feel. I've been doing this for probably almost four months now. And I've had days where like, even today, I was like, laying in bed. I'm like, I don't know why I don't feel like getting up to go read. I mean, I just bring my daughter to school. But I stay committed to me because I knew that was important. Every time I do that, it builds more confidence to say, Hey, I did this. So then I can actually do this. So people out there, I'd say start affirming yourself with things you believe to be true. stay committed to yourself, own like value what you say and do it. And then keep going. Because I always believe that there's always opportunities out there, but we need to be able to see them. And then we need to actually take action on them. And that's why I talk a lot about vision. You got to have that grandiose vision you got to know you want to see I could speak about how to you know create an effective vision board and how to use your subconscious mind to track what you really want. But it's really about your belief systems. We need to remove those self limiting beliefs so that we can move forward to our best selves every day.

Ellen Leonard:

I love how you're so passionate about confidence that I asked you for one tip and you are like sneaky and created it into like a sub tips where you're like, wait and then you have to but no, I love it because it's everything you said is is so valuable and so true. And at the core of it. everything you just said was Believing in yourself which is the core of confidence and believing what you say, and believing what you're working on and believing in that. And you spoke about that earlier, that alignment with within your business with your passion, and with that fulfillment you spoke of and having that alignment. And I was wondering if you thought that that is almost a form of self care as an entrepreneur, to really get to the point where what you're doing for a living is actually in alignment with not only what you believe in, but what you're so passionate about.

Natasha B. Russell:

Absolutely. And I can give you a story there. So I have a client who does. She does dance like she's she she has a bachelor's degree, she has a Master's, then she went and became a personal trainer and does dance and fitness. And she's been starting her online, you know, dance fitness business via zoom. And she hasn't when I talked to her at first, I was like how much you charge for your course. Your six week course, it was very low. I said that tell me number one that you're not believing what you're selling, because health and fitness is critical. Your health is your wealth. Secondly, I said, How are you taking care of yourself? Are you getting enough rest? Are you being conscious of When was the last time you treated yourself maybe to a massage or getting your hair done or going to the spa or even just getting a coffee and sitting back and having some knee time? When was the last time you took time to just relax? She couldn't give me an example when she's done that because she's so good about taking care of everybody else. Being a good employee, being a good girlfriend being good auntie. And so I said, When do you actually have time for you? What does that even look like? And you're selling health and fitness and wellness? But you're not living it? You're not? And she was like, Oh my god, it's like an aha moment. I'm not even in alignment with what I'm selling. So then if you're not in alignment, what you're selling, then how do you expect to attract clients, so self care, and some people say it sounds selfish, but it should be your number one priority. And I say this over and over again, if you don't take care of yourself. You can't take care of anybody else. You can't take care of your your loved ones, you can't take care of your clients. So you have to like carve out time and say, no, it's what do I need to do for me? And I do this like when COVID hit? Oh my gosh, I was like, couldn't go to the office anymore. My daughter's now at home. I'm homeschooling I'm trying. I was like, Oh my gosh, okay, how do I get through this? And I was in the process of still like, finishing up my my health coaching. I got another certification health coaching. I was like, okay, Natasha, what do I need to do today, that's most important. And I asked everyone that I work with, set your calendar according to your priorities, what what matters most, and then everything else, book it around that so that you're staying committed to you, whatever that may be, if it's 20 minutes of yoga, or it's time, 15 minutes of meditation, before you start your day, make sure you start it with committing to yourself, and then everything else can follow. So when you say how important is self care, if you keep writing and you get to that burnout level, your business will only go as far as that burnout level. So if you want to build a business gonna grow, it's going to be around for years and decades to come, which I believe a lot of us go into business because we want to be successful, and not just be in business for a couple years or a year. And so I tried it, you got to know how to say no to no to people, when it's not serving you or things that drain your energy. That's my new motor this year. It drains your energy, let it go. outsource, you don't have to everything it's okay to let go. You don't have to be in control of everything. Trust, right. But if it doesn't serve you and the purpose of what you're bringing to the table, then you have to make a decision. Is it me? Or is it at my expense of the you know, other people who comes first? Because you are the business? Essentially, you're leading the ship. So if the I think the captain is jury and tired and he is not awake, then work the ship's gonna crash. So let's stay focused on why we went into business. Obviously, I'm hoping to serve, because you love what you do. Not because you're just in business to make money, but because you love what you do. And I think for me that that's why people say, I'm so passionate because I genuinely I love what I do. Like when I finish coaching somebody or doing a strategy session. I feel like I'm on cloud 2 million, like it's the greatest feeling ever. So find what you love people. Do it with passion, do it with confidence, do with clarity, and speak life over your business. And believe what you say and I guarantee you, you'll see a transformation happening once you apply it, though, not just thinking it but then taking action towards what you believe in.

Ellen Leonard:

Yeah, and that's something that it seems to get lost a lot you know, in our dreams as entrepreneurs and the things that we want to do and the shiny objects we get distracted by. But coming back to those clear action steps that help us to actually make these big transformations in our life because that can't happen. Through just wanting it or thinking about it, or writing about it in my journal, I actually have to then translate that into an actionable step to make it real in my life.

Natasha B. Russell:

Absolutely. And that's, and that's a big part of what I talk about every event I host. Everything begins with first knowing your purpose. Now we all have something different. We all have amazing gifts. And when I say like God given purpose, natural talents, gifts and abilities, things that you do naturally are what you just do it well, you enjoy it, figure out what that is, make sure it's in alignment with your business, then create the vision now, I when I first did my first vision board several years ago, it was all words. And I remember I did the course like No, it can't be words, because your subconscious mind doesn't even read words that way it needs to be visual. And I think a lot of people don't know that. So your vision board should be visual, it should be the things that you want to see show up in your life. And then there's a process to actually speak to your subconscious mind, you know, when you move from that beta to that alpha to that beta level, and that beta level of your brainwaves is where you can actually start to connect to your subconscious mind. I don't again until the science of it, though, but a lot of times, Yes, you do. But you don't want to. You don't want to let what we call what what, what prevents us from speaking to our subconscious mind, is that analytical brain, right? How many of us are always constantly thinking about things we end up worrying with? This is where your anxiety kicks in worrying about the future worrying about the unknown? What if this happens, or the past? Well, I know that this is going to happen based on my past experiences, the ability to create something new happens now in the present, because this is all we have. And if you can think in the present, without any restrictions, what would I do? What would I want to achieve? That is where you need to be and then create the vision like visually, what does that look like? And then you need the strategy? A lot. I've seen a lot of business owners who are just operating without a strategy. I mean, they're just trying this and that and that. And I'm like, Do you wonder why you're not maybe knocking down some walls yet, because you're sporadic, have a strategy. And I mean, like everything I've achieved thus far in my life, to get even to the point of being able to walk away from a nine to five was because I had a solid strategy. But I didn't just let it sit there on paper, I started to take action. So people purpose, discover your purpose, make sure it's in alignment with your business. Number two, create that big grandiose vision, I do it annually, my clients do it annually. There's things I could tell you that I wanted to see people want to meet. like Justin Trudeau, Oprah, Tony Robbins, that all happened for me in 2020, or 2019, shall I say, because we hit COVID. Um, and then create the strategy doesn't have to be a 10 page or a two, three pages of these are my this is my vision, these are my three main goals. This is how I'm going to achieve it the tactics, these are what I'm gonna, this is what I'm actually gonna do my action steps, and then take action. And then it's so important to evaluate throughout the process. If this is not working, well, what can I do? What can I tweak to get to that end result, and then you just keep going. And as you're believing going back to the confidence, and you start envisioning yourself doing whatever it is you want to do, maybe you want to host an event, your first event or maybe you want to start your own business, you started envisioning that, and I'm telling you, it's gonna keep you motivated, the vision will keep you motivated. But then the strategy is gonna give you that that piece, that tactical piece to put the two together, and then you just got to take the action. And no, it's not easy people I know, it sounds easy. It's not because there's gonna be days,

Ellen Leonard:

it doesn't sound easy.

Natasha B. Russell:

Question, what am I doing? And, you know, I've had the question to like a potential client who called me from the other day, and she said, I'm still in my nine to five. I'm a coach, I've been coaching for seven years, eight years, I have a husband, I have a daughter, and I am finding that I just, I want maybe to work with you on PR, can you get me some more like, abilities to be on people shows and all that. I said, Okay, well, where will you have time to actually do that? When will you have time? And she was like,

Ellen Leonard:

Oh, yeah,

Natasha B. Russell:

when will I have time? Because you don't have time to focus on your business yet. So I said, what you need to decide is, what am I willing to give up to get what I really want. Now, maybe it's an opportunity to go part time in your corporate role. So you can start building on your business, part time, but whatever you put out is what you're going to get in return. So if you're doing, you know, pardon my French, a half assed kind of business, then that's the results you're going to get. So you got to be you got to be fully committed to the end result. And you got to start seeing the end in mind. Seeing that big grand has been whatever it may look like you're coaching clients, you know, you're selling health and wellness products, whatever people are coming to you knocking your sales, or you have to start by seeing it and then taking the action to make it happen. So a lot of people who are still in their nine to five and that's great. We need people who are doing that. But if you've been wanting to start your own business for a long time, I asked you what Why do you want to do that? Why is that so important to you? What will having that give you? And more importantly, what are you willing to let go of? So that you can make that happen? And until you actually say yes to self, yes to me believing in me, then you'll still see the same experiences, the same results. And before you know it, it's 10 1520 years. And you're still wishing you had started that dream, that dream business?

Ellen Leonard:

Well, Natasha, I wrote, you want to talk about confidence. And clearly, you have a lot to share on everything related to business, which was, Listen, I've fallen Natasha for a while that was predictable, based on her Instagram feed, and she shows up. But if people would like because I could talk to you all day about all this frill. So how can people find you? How can they reach out and maybe work with you?

Natasha B. Russell:

Yes. So if you want to work with me, the first thing is to go to the TAs and book your 30 minute competency chat, that gives me an opportunity to connect with you because I only work with people that I'm confident I can help. And I'm grateful that I have 100% success rate thus far with my clients and hitting their ROI, doubling revenues, building their confidence during that business. So I want to make sure that you're fully committed. So that's the first step to work with me. And then we'll have a conversation on what you want to see. And if I can support you in that I will. And if you're willing to make the investment in yourself, we will work together for 90 days is the promo offer. And I also want Instagram, follow me there for daily content inspiration. I'm big on sharing, you know, just good content to make you feel good and to evaluate as you're working on your business. Also on Facebook, you can follow me there and on LinkedIn. So those are my channels. And I do a talk show on Instagram Live every Monday at 5:30pm. I interview entrepreneurs from all walks of life and we talk about your successes, your challenges, why you started and the goal is really to inspire to motivate to empower people all over the world, including me, yes, do I still need motivation to continue on our journeys and to achieve those goals and those big grandiose dreams one step at a time?

Ellen Leonard:

Well, thank you and everybody, be sure to check out that Instagram show that she has because it is really good. I love seeing other entrepreneurs and and what they're doing and where they're at. And it's just nice to feel connected and, and less isolated, which is hopefully what this show does for all of you as well. So, Natasha, thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us today and sharing so many different things. I feel like I'm gonna have to listen to this episode a few times to really get all the nuggets that you shared with us. So thank you so much. Thank you, Ellen,

Natasha B. Russell:

for having me. It's been a pleasure. Honestly, I, I just love being able to support people whatever way I can by sharing what I know, thus far, and I'm always about collaborating. So I'm looking forward to having you on my show, too, in the new year, so that we can chat and continue to encourage encourage other entrepreneurs out there. So thanks again.

Ellen Leonard:

Yeah, I'm looking forward to it, too. Thank you so much for listening today. I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did. If you're looking to connect with Natasha, be sure to check out the show notes for all the links that she discussed just a few moments ago. And be sure to also check out the link for the one on one intensive coaching sessions with me where you can check one thing off your list today. You want to sleep better, exercise more stress less, eat healthy, whatever it is you want checked off your list, we can do that. I've got you covered. And don't forget to hit subscribe so you don't miss out on future episodes full of actionable tips to help you do what you love without sacrificing your health or losing your mind. Thank you so much for listening this week. I wish you a healthy, happy and mostly sane week. I'll see you next time.