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Uncage that business of yours! With special guest Rebecca Tracey

Sasha Korobov Episode 13

Before you build that website, before you spend money on ads, if you’re just starting out, or if you’ve been at it for years with little to no traction, you need to hear this one. 

Today we have with us the mystery, the legend, Rebecca Tracey of the Uncaged Life.  

I’m really excited about this episode because Becca is one of the gems that’s really worth her salt and fills a huge need in the online business industry – and that’s getting people clear on their business missions, their message, and how they help their clients.  This seems basic – and it is – but so many people don’t have this foundation in their business even if they’ve been plodding along for a while.  People like me just two years ago.  I was one of those people who went to Becca for help after all of the fancy other things I bought didn’t work.  Because without clarity, you can’t effectively use all of those fancy things.  Trust me on this – I promise. 

Through her no-nonsense approach to helping clients in her wildly successful program, Uncage Your Business, Becca has helped thousands of coaches, creatives and other online business owners get clear on who they serve, how to talk about their business, and getting their first clients. 

 And you know what?  I still go back to her content as a first stop when I’m feeling stuck. 

But shameless gushing aside, if you know Becca, then you know that you’re in for a treat.

Today we talk: 

  • How she started her business – living in a van!
  • Why your business can’t be ‘the thing’ to rescue you from a job you hate 
  • Why you need to niche in right now if you want to grow your business
  • The one thing that consistently surprises her about her flagship program year after year
  • What you need to STOP doing if you want any traction
  • What beta testing will do for your offers (aka you should totes do it)
  • Her one mega goal she wants to reach as she approaches ten years (!!) of her business

There are one or two instances of some salty language here in case you have the tiny humans running around, but otherwise, sit back and enjoy this very special interview.  I guarantee this episode will get you re-thinking a lot about what you’ve heard about online business, and how you’ve approached your own biz.  Here it is. 

Rebecca Tracey is the head honcho at The Uncaged Life where she works with online business owners to get clear on their brand message, create packages that sell, and helps them learn what it actually takes to get and keep clients in this crazy online world (all while working from home with no pants on). Rebecca runs a free online community of over 12k solopreneurs. She started her business while living in a van, and now own a slightly upgraded van that she uses to go on rock climbing trips for months at a time when she's not running her Uncage Your Business program.

Free LIVE Get Clients training for March 23rd 

Becca’s free Uncaged Lifers Facebook group

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