EntrepreNot Yet
Welcome to the EntrepreNot Yet podcast with Sasha Korobov where we dive in to the maddening world of surviving your 9-5 while building an online business. Here, we talk wins, lessons and – yes – embarrassing losses in the journey from side hustler to entrepreneur so that you can learn from others who have already been there. Join Sasha and guests as we explore maximizing your 9-5 grind, sifting through the noise around online marketing, and highlighting the best strategies to bring more focus – and fun – to building your business. Whether your day job zapped you of business-building energy, you’re stalling on putting your business out there because of self-doubt, or have no idea where to find your first clients, we’ve got you covered.
58 episodes
Sales, mindset, and the changing conversation on customer care - with Heather Petherick
So let me share a little about the importance of connection and have every conversation is an opportunity.Last week, I shared my conversation with my friend Jen Grosso from the Boldfire Institute that was part of a live chat for her awes...
Episode 57
Ditching the misconceptions and nonsense in business - an interview with Jen Grosso
My friend, Jen Grosso, is a certified business growth strategist and mindset coach who has a wonderful Facebook group called Mind, Body and Business breakthroughs for entrepreneurs and executives – and she asked me to be a guest expert for her ...
Episode 56
How to handle naysayers and saboteurs
"Helpful" advice. Marketing "tips." Just "concern" for you. When people support you in your business, it's great! But when support falls flat, it can have a really icky ripple effect. But you can hip-check that nonsense to the c...
Episode 55

Post-Summit reflections... and a rant!
This weekend, I was a guest speaker at the Side Hustle to Self-Employed Summit hosted by my friend, Shannon Mattern, and it was such an incredible experience.But it also reminded me, for both the right and wrong reasons, that there's so...
Episode 54

From the vault - your ultimate Side Hustle Pep Talk with Shannon Mattern
WOO HOOO! So happy to share this awesome throwback with you from my chat with your ultimate Side Hustle genie in a bottle, Shannon Mattern. And don't forget, you can catch me and a ton of other experts talking about side hustling ...
Episode 53

Two BIG updates to share... eeeeek!
Two big pieces of news from me today! A spoiler alert one the first one... I will be joining my friend Shannon Mattern as a guest expert in her Side Hustle to Self-Emp...
Episode 52

How NOT to pitch to podcast hosts
Think just knowing how to pitch is enough? Errrrr- wrong! Are you making these common mistakes which is getting your pitch tossed in the trash? Tune in to find out...
Episode 51

The nonsense of new year resolutions in your business and what to do instead
In today's episode, I walk you through the three things I'm focusing on in my business this year - and no, not a resolution in sight. As you are about to be bombarded with loads of ads for complicated funnel and webinar-related things, ...

The one question that will get your business on the right track in 2021 (and my wish for you)
In today's episode, I set you up with the one question that you need to ask yourself that will set the course of your whole business world in 2021. It's definitely not what you think.I also get a little emosh talking with you abou...
Episode 49

"Making money" isn't a plan
If you're still side hustling and a solopreneur, you may get off-course before you even start if you don't put SIMPLE planning in place in your business. Don't worry! I'll walk you through the simple 2-3 things you need to do this easily,...
Episode 48

The business case for grace
Think 'grace' is fluff or out of your reach? Think again. And your ability to apply grace to yourself will have a direct impact on your business.
Episode 47

Why you don't need a big audience (and what you need instead)
Before you get sucked into thinking that you need to be on some advertising blitz or tell 10,000 people that you're in business, you may find more success in stripping that waaaaay back. Tune in to see what I mean.
Episode 46

Elections and nightclubs, and freebies, what?!
In this quick but no-nonsense episode, I break down how the election is related to your approach to business, how we approach decision-making and the one question that I can GUARANTEE you're not asking yourself when you're business-planning - b...
Episode 45

The controversial truth about email lists
Look, I think email is great - it's algorithm-proof, there's a ton of things you can do with it, but if you're struggling to enroll clients in your coaching business, we need to have a word about email's place for you right now. Don't m...
Episode 44

Yes, the world is on fire. Keep showing up anyway.
I know if I hear the word "unprecedented" one more time, I'll scream, but these are weird times we are living in. Does that mean that you hit pause on your business? Does this mean that you go on acting like everything is normal? ...
Episode 43

Boot-strapping your way to 7-figure success with Ray Blakney
I have done a lot of amazing interviews on this show, but I mean it when I say that this one was not only delightful, but also gave me multiple and immediate mindset shifts that I needed; and I have a sneaking suspicion it will for you, too.
Episode 42
Why you're already enough in your business (and how to tap into your gifts) with Erin Lindstrom
I dare you not to fall in love with my next guest, and I’m so excited to share this delightful interview with you. Erin Lindstrom is a sales strategist and money mindset coach and – if I were to take some liberties with wording – a unicorn fair...
Episode 41
No, blogging isn't dead... and how to get a slice of the opportunity! With Chris Myles
Friends… we’ve hit episode #40 today. 40! And to celebrate, I have a very special guest on the show who I confront with a question – is blogging dead? The answer – of course not – but the landscape has changed, and so have the play...
Episode 40
The three reasons your client enrollment may be stalled
Are one of these three things stalling your client enrollment? Tune in to this quick value-packed episode to find out. And then, head to sashakorobov.com/strategy to have a chat with me about where your business has been, whe...
Episode 39

What a "ride-along" with a serial entrepreneur looks like with Jake Lang
Hello, friends! Welcome to the show this week with my guest Jake Lang. Jake is an entrepreneur and founder of over seven online businesses. Jake now helps new entrepreneurs start and scale their first online business at TheEntrepren...
Episode 38
How (self) trust + experimentation = CEO success with Simone McNish
Oh, gorgeous listener… you are in for a special treat today, and that’s because I have the pleasure of speaking with the incomparable Simone McNish on the show. Whether you have been consuming her awesome Instagram content for years, the ...
Episode 37
How to de-clutter and nail your web presence with Pauline Wiles
On the show today, I’m delighted to welcome Pauline Wiles – the “Marie Kondo of website design” – who works with entrepreneurs and authors to get crisp, clean web presences, even if they’re scared of marketing. I loved this episode becaus...
Episode 36

How to ditch playing small and seize your business glory with Ash Ambirge
Everyone, crack open a beverage and trust me when I tell you that you’re in for a delicious, edge-of-your-seat, ultra-special episode today. The EntrepreNot Yet show is delighted to welcome a legend, an OG to online business, an absolute author...
Episode 35

Integrity, the customer journey, and nailing your side hustle with Desola Davis
If I’m honest, I really think that this is one of the most important episodes I’ve done so far. I have the pleasure of speaking with Desola Davis. Desola is a Business Growth Strategist and digital customer journey expert who is here with...
Episode 34
The "barf versus cringe" test you should be applying in your business
Hey there! Quick one today about the hidden but necessary test you should take before whipping out your credit card or diving head-first into a new marketing strategy.Which side are you falling on right now?I would love ...
Episode 33