EntrepreNot Yet

Stop Checking Your Likes! And what to do instead with Susie Moore

Sasha Korobov Episode 16

On this very special episode of EntrepreNot Yet, we have Susie Moore with us.  

Susie Moore is a Miami-based life coach and author. She's been featured on the Today show, Refinery29, Forbes, Oprah.com and more. Her new book, Stop Checking Your Likes: Shake Off the Need for Approval and Live an Incredible Life, is available TOMORROW April 7th and you can order your copy now on Amazon. 

In today’s episode, Susie and I go right to the controversial and juicy stuff that holds us back in business, and in life. 

We talk about: 

  • What confidence is… and isn’t
  • Who you should surround yourself with when you’re side hustling
  • How to handle criticism
  • The advice she would give her side hustling self if she went back in time (which made me teary-eyed)
  • Why aliens would “pass” on earthlings if they knew what motivated us!
  • What you need to hear if you’re hesitant to put your business out there in the COVID-19 crisis
  • Why “hustling” and having success is allowed to be easy

Susie is a champion for seizing self-confidence, zeroing right in on only what’s important, and I’m so grateful to have had her on because she really sees you, side hustler.  And she believes in you.  And if I’m honest, after speaking with her, maybe I believe in myself a little more, too.  You’re going to want to save this episode for when you need a boost.  I know I will. 

Get your hands on her book from Amazon!

Check out Susie's website for loads of free, golden content

Catch her dropping wisdom on Instragram