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Boot-strapping your way to 7-figure success with Ray Blakney

October 12, 2020 Sasha Korobov Episode 42

I have done a lot of amazing interviews on this show, but I mean it when I say that this one was not only delightful, but also gave me multiple and immediate mindset shifts that I needed; and I have a sneaking suspicion it will for you, too.

On today’s show, I get the chance to sit down with serial entrepreneur Ray Blakney.  In his bio, Ray says that he is probably like every other award-winning Filipino-American entrepreneur who grew up in Turkey that you know. And that may be true… but he started his first business with his wife in 2008, and since then has bootstrapped – meaning he used existing resources and knowledge to implement something – his way to 6- and 7-figure success with multiple business ventures.  I found him to be both really knowledgeable, and just really likeable which is why I think you’ll really learn a lot from listening to our relaxed but game-changing chat.

We talk about:

  • The one question that spurred him to start businesses, once and for all
  • The single motivation behind every business he starts
  • How COVID-19 opened even more doors for his businesses – not fewer doors
  • Why impatience is the enemy of prosperity
  • The geographic hack to giving yourself a 400% raise
  • When to take the leap on an idea vs chasing a shiny object
  • Why money doesn’t give you freedom (and what actually does)
  • The mistake that cost him being an industry leader in one of his businesses – and how you can avoid it

Ray’s bio

Ray Blakney is probably like every other award-winning Filipino-American entrepreneur who grew up in Turkey that you know. 

He started his first business, with his wife as a business partner, in 2008.Since then he has bootstrapped multiple 6 and 7-figure businesses around the world. 

Most of this was done from home in his superman pajamas. He and his businesses have been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur Magazine, The Boston Globe and other top publications. 

Ray has also been a speaker at multiple conferences around the world. He only leaves his house to speak at conferences and go to his dojo and to get hit over the head, repeatedly, with a bamboo sword (kendo).

Find him on Facebook

Check out his website, especially if you’re looking for a speaker or podcast guest.