Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Podcast with Peter Boolkah | Business Coach | The Transition Guy®

From $30,000 in office rent to working with virtual distributed teams with Matthew Hunt - 202

Peter Boolkah

Imagine being stuck in an office rental with stringent lease conditions when the pandemic happened. Not the most ideal situation to be in, right? Well, today’s guest was lucky enough to dodge this bullet. I talk to founder and CEO of Automation Wolf, Matthew Hunt, about the advantages of having a virtual office and distributed teams, and why team communication is key. 

As an experienced entrepreneur, Matthew has had multiple businesses. Over the years, he’s had both physical and virtual offices for his teams. He’s run 3 agencies to date, 2 of which have been fully virtual having globally distributed teams, which came in very handy once the pandemic hit. 

Businesses who get into commercial lease seldom have many rights, which means that the larger, pricier and more sought after the office space, the harsher the lease conditions. While having an office can be impressive for your clients AND it allows for very easy team communication with everybody gathered in a single space, it also comes with many liabilities. It’s a MASSIVE commitment. Add to that the current uncertainty that comes with a global pandemic. 

Matthew talks more about how he's managed team communication for the globally distributed teams that he's built for his businesses, and shares some tips on running a virtual office effectively, especially at a time when it's an inevitable set up for a lot of companies that want to thrive despite the current situation. 

Watch until the end to hear more from Matthew Hunt on what it means to run a virtual office with distributed teams, and still maintain effective team communication in today’s business landscape. 



Peter Boolkah (AKA The Transition Guy) is the World’s #1 Business Transition Coach whose main passion in life is to work with talented and high performing business owners who are in the process of creating exciting, high growth businesses. 

Peter helps you to navigate and transition through the crucial growth pains that all growing businesses experience making it as painless and exciting as possible. 

It is important to remember t



Peter Boolkah (AKA The Transition Guy) is the World’s #1 Business Transition Coach whose main passion in life is to work with talented and high performing business owners who are in the process of creating exciting, high growth businesses.

Peter helps you to navigate and transition through the crucial growth pains that all growing businesses experience making it as painless and exciting as possible.

It is important to remember that businesses do not just grow and develop on their own, it is up to us and our teams to make this happen by making every day purposeful.

As businesses grow some parts of the journey will be easier than others and most owners do not have all the answers. Starting a business is one of the most exciting things we get to do and we all have aspirations of achieving great things. In fact Peter is yet to meet someone who started a business with the intention of failing.

Peter’s ultimate life goal is to inspire and empower over 100,000 Entrepreneurs to create long term thriving businesses resulting in the creation of 1,000,000 jobs.

So if you are scaling up your business, you’re in a bu...