Utah Women & Leadership Podcast

Mammography Among Utah Women

Dr. Susan R. Madsen/Robbyn Scribner Episode 20

Breast cancer is one of the most commonly occurring cancers among U.S. women and the primary cause of cancer death among women in Utah. Yet, research has found that deaths from breast cancer can be substantially reduced if the tumor is discovered early, and mammography screening is the most effective method for early detection. However, despite the advantages of mammography screening for reducing mortality, not all women receive screening according to recommended guidelines, and screening rates remain low. This is also true in Utah; in fact, a recent study showed Utah to be among the five lowest states in the nation for mammography screening rates, and in 2014, only 64.5% of Utah women aged 40 and older had received a mammogram within the two previous years, compared with 72.3% of U.S. women. This episode discusses some of the highlights from a March 2017 research snapshot with Dr. Susan Madsen, Founding Director of the Utah Women & Leadership Project, and Robbyn Scribner, lead researcher on the report.

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