Utah Women & Leadership Podcast

Sexist Comments & Responses Part III

Dr. Susan R. Madsen Episode 33

This is the third episode that discusses sexist comments and responses with Dr. Susan Madsen, Founding Director of the Utah Women & Leadership Project, and Robbyn Scribner, lead researcher on this report series. This episode focuses on the last two reports in the sexist comments and responses brief series, focusing on stereotypes and undervaluing women. As in the other episodes in this series, it does not focus on what they have heard through the years personally, but is a discussion of an in-depth research study on sexist comments heard by Utah women. During May–June of 2020, an online survey instrument was administered to a sample of Utah women representing diverse settings, backgrounds, and situations (e.g., age, marital status, education, race/ethnicity, parenthood status, employment status, faith tradition, and county/region). Overall, 1,115 respondents started the survey, and 839 Utah women participated enough to provide usable data.

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