Utah Women & Leadership Podcast
The mission of the Utah Women & Leadership Project is to strengthen the impact of Utah girls and women. We serve Utah and its residents by 1) producing relevant, trustworthy, and applicable research; 2) creating and gathering valuable resources; and 3) convening trainings and events that inform, inspire, and ignite growth and change for all Utahns. We are moving mountains for Utah women! Hosted by Utah State University.
Utah Women & Leadership Podcast
Status of Women Leaders in Utah Business
Susan Madsen/Robbyn Scribner
Episode 14
In September 2013, the Center for American Progress released a report titled “The State of Women in America: A 50- State Analysis of How Women Are Faring Across the Nation.” This report ranks Utah last of all 50 states in terms of women being in positions of decision making and leadership. Although the focus is solely on the percentage of women in elected office and private sector management positions, we feel that a more detailed look on the status of women in leadership in various sectors within the state is useful.
*This episode was recorded on July 11, 2019 and was released earlier on a different platform.