Liberal lies, liars and true believers.

When "Weakman" meets "Madman" death and destruction ultimately follow.

Vincent Season 4 Episode 7

Tyrants go mad when weak leaders feed their egos and do nothing to stop them from achieving their terrible goals.  We are seeing this unfold in the Ukraine as Russians kill innocent men, women and children to satisfy the predatory urges of the KGB thug that is Vladimir Putin.

When “Weakman” meets “Madman” death and destruction ultimately follow. Throughout history we have ignored this truth over and over again—and we keep getting the same terrible outcome. And we are sad—we are sad because we see the sickening scenes of war unfolding in the Ukraine and we are embarrassed. At least we should be embarrassed and ashamed too because we should have known this would happen—and it is—and we know it is our fault.

But we never seem to learn, do we? And we can never admit it was our weakness that caused this to happen, can we? We see people dying for no reason except our weakness—and we can’t bring ourselves to say we are sorry—to say we will learn from this mistake—and we will never let it happen again. Never!

But we know this is a lie. We know in our hearts that we will not keep our promises—we will never learn that tyrants only respect strength—and that they can sense weakness and fear—and that predators always go for the kill when they smell fear. We have all watched scenes from Africa where the lions seek out the weak prey and separate them from the herd. Then we watch as a gazelle—or some other animal—runs like crazy and tries to escape. 

We hope they can somehow find a way to outrun the lion—we think maybe the lion will get tired and give up the chase—but they never do. And in the end the lion finally catches up and pounces and snaps their neck and kills them and then eats them. Now—this is understandable because these predators are hungry for food and this is the way of the jungle. 

But we never seem to understand that some leaders of countries—are also predatory. Why can’t we see this? Why can’t we ever seem to see this? And these predatory leaders—are not hungry for food—but hungry for power. And it seems they are always on the prowl to take advantage of weak leaders—and never in the history of mankind do we see so many weak leaders all over the world. They are everywhere—and it seems they are always afraid. 


The origins of our weakness go all the way back to the end of World War II. The British—and Europeans in general—couldn’t wait to get rid of Winston Churchill. Yes—he led them to victory in the war against Adolph Hitler—perhaps the greatest predator the world had ever seen—at least up until that time—but the war was over—and his kind of strength would never be needed again—or so they thought—and hoped. But hope is not a strategy.

The left in Europe had been thrown to the sidelines throughout the war—and they didn’t like it. They had gained so much power in the 20’s and 30s—and the war stopped them in their tracks. But with the war over they were back with a vengeance. Europeans love to think of themselves as the elites of the world—and with the end of the war they would celebrate victory by giving in to the radical left—and moving towards a welfare state—and socialism if possible.

The leaders of Europe thought people not only deserved peace after their victory over the tyrant—but they deserved prosperity. But not a prosperity that was delivered to them through hard work and accomplishment—it was the false prosperity that can only come from the government—the worst kind of prosperity. And the elites were in their glory—and they still are. 

The elites of Europe had seen what happened when strong leaders had power—and they rejected that strength. And foolishly they misjudged what their glorious welfare state would do to their people. Free health care—free college—powerful unions—and the slow erosion of the work ethic and anything resembling a meritocracy—has ruined any sense of exceptionalism in many European countries. Yet they cling to their bankrupt sense of elitism despite all of their failures. 

Germany was one of the few countries that kept their love of work—and because of it they had prosperity that other countries lacked. And the country they had defeated in the war became the leader of Europe. But even Germany couldn’t be satisfied with their success. They elected one weak leader after another—and the worst was Angela Merkel. Her policies—especially her defense and energy policies—were based on the worst kind of elitist fairy tales.

The green lobby in Europe is very powerful—and controlled by the radical left—as it is in every country where it has taken hold. It is the only movement where science is often quoted—but never followed by any of the elites—and where facts are the enemy. Every time I hear them say the science is settled—I cringe—because no rational person would ever say such a foolish thing. And no rational person would ever let such an irrational group of people have any control over their lives. Yet Europeans do—and it has cost them dearly.

They demand that America support NATO—it is the holy grail of all relations between America and Europe. NATO—the only thing preventing Vladimir Putin from over running European defenses and taking them over. NATO—the only defense against the tyrant that is Putin. Putin—the KGB thug who poisons his enemies—who makes anyone who threatens his power disappear. World War II ended over 75-years ago and after all this time Europe still is incapable of defending themselves against Russia—or anyone else either. 

But the Europeans don’t want to pay for NATO. They want America to pay for it. And they want to do business with their worst enemy—the tyrant Putin. They get their energy from Putin—and some countries even get most—or even all of their energy from Putin. Is this the act of rational leaders? Is it? 

And even now—as Russians kill innocent men—women—and even children—in the Ukraine—the Europeans—and our own Weakman—President Joe Biden—maybe the weakest American President ever—want to keep buying oil and gas from the KGB thug. This is madness—but our weak leaders and our even weaker media say nothing. How sad for the world. 

Can you blame Putin for what is happening? He is only doing what madmen throughout history have done—he is taking advantage of weakness. He is a predator—and the world has ignored his predatory ways for so long that he thought they were giving him permission to do what he does best—kill—and take power.

They have ignored him in the same way they have ignored the leaders of China—leaders who think nothing of committing genocide to get what they want. Leaders who have made it clear that they will take advantage of every weakness that leaders in the west display—until one day they pounce like the animals in the jungle—and go for the kill. Because the Chinese leaders are just as bad as Putin—if not worse.

Putin has made no secret of his evil intent—and neither does President Chi of China. They are predatory—they are the worst kind of predators—they prey on humans—and not out of a hunger for food—but a hunger for power. And yet Europe—and America—makes deals with them—deals to create wealth for some of the elites—deals made at the expense of the safety and security of the people who depend on these governments to protect them from predators. Elites believe they are the most important people in the world. But they are dumb, and they are selfish and they are cowards.

And now we have the leader of the free word putting his weakness on display for all the world to see. He is waiting for even weaker European leaders to finally show some backbone—he is leading from behind. He is truly Weakman—and he is up against a madman in Vladimir Putin. Weakman against Madman. 

It is truly a case study of how tyrants—tyrants who are never threatened—go mad because this is what unchecked power does—it drives unstable leaders mad—and how weak leaders who act out their weakness—only contribute to driving those tyrants mad. And it shows that after all this time we are no smarter than we were a hundred years ago. 

And it shows how our priorities are all wrong. Our leaders proved just how weak they are during the Covid pandemic—and don’t think for a minute that Putin and Chi didn’t take notice of that weakness. And now they are trying to avoid the really tough decisions that must be made about Russia and China—because they are weak. And where are the strong leaders when we need them? Where is our Winston Churchill? Our Roosevelt or Ronald Reagan? And what happens if there are no real leaders left? 

It is a question that we can’t avoid for much longer.