Liberal lies, liars and true believers.

Vladimir Putin is a very dumb leader!

April 25, 2022 Vincent Season 4 Episode 11

For all the talk about how Vladimir Putin is a brilliant former KGB boss he has made one of the biggest mistakes in history.  He had a clear path to restoring the Soviet empire and he blew it. If world leaders are smart, they will recognize his mistake and capitalize on it. But will they?

Vladimir Putin’s attack on the Ukraine has exposed him as a very stupid leader—or maybe a desperate leader. He moved too fast when he attacked Ukraine. For all the talk about how smart he is—this was a really dumb move. All we hear about Putin is how he was a top KGB boss—back when the KGB was at the top of their game. All of the so-called experts keep telling us that he is smart and ruthless and cold and calculating.

But how could anyone call him smart after the disaster he has created in Ukraine? And the whole thing was totally unnecessary.  It didn’t have to happen this way. It was a massive blunder on the part of this brilliant former KGB genius. If you ever watched the movie Twins with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito then you know about the first rule in a crisis. It is; negotiate first attack last. 

Putin never negotiated. He forgot the first rule—and it is going to cost him no matter what happens when this fiasco is over. He is not a genius. He is a dunce. His legacy is ruined. Now he will not be remembered as a genius—but a war criminal. Why did he do it? How did he decide to act too soon? What caused him to attack without thinking about the consequences? There has to be a reason.

Look—he had Europe and the United States right where he wanted them.  Europe is totally dependent on Russian energy. They are weak. Their militaries are soft and have no technology to speak of—except what the United States shares with them. The last thing they wanted was to start trouble with Russia. Without oil and natural gas from Russia a lot of European countries would have no heat or electricity. 

How did this happen? How did European leaders let the man they claim is their mortal enemy gain so much power over them? It is unbelievable. The only reason I can think of is that European leaders are even dumber than Putin—if that’s even possible.

For many years—European leaders have been sucked into pushing a far-left radical climate agenda—even though their leaders knew better. They know for a fact that all but one of the climate computer models used by the United Nations are wrong—very wrong. Do you know the one country that has the best computer model? It is Russia—and their estimates of global warming are much lower than all of the other UN climate models. 

Maybe that’s why Russia and China and India ignore calls to cut their emissions. They don’t believe the hype from the UN based on the wild guesses made by their climate experts. So, they ignore them. John Kerry—is the climate czar for the United States. He actually said a little while ago that he has made progress with Putin in negotiations to get him to cut emissions. What an absolute idiot. Russia is doing nothing about climate change because Putin knows how much it would weaken his economy and his military.

He needs a strong economy and a strong military because he knows that at some point in the future—when the climate radicals have made Europe so weak that they are completely defenseless they will cave to him and give him anything he wants. The leaders of Europe have put their people on a path to extinction by pandering to the scare tactics of the radical left. They are playing right into Putin’s hands. But Putin did this really stupid thing when he invaded Ukraine.

Putin must have known that all he had to do was wait until Europe was even weaker than they are now before moving to restore his empire—and yet he still invaded Ukraine. That was so dumb. All he had to do was wait one or two more years. He could have waited until European countries were even more dependent on his oil and natural gas. And if he did that, he might have convinced NATO to help him invade Ukraine. He could have kept on pretending to negotiate with Ukrainian leaders—and eventually European leaders would have seen the handwriting on the wall and they might have given in.

And the United States wouldn’t stand in his way either—not with Joe Biden in the White House. So—why did he do it?  Maybe Putin heard rumors that Biden wasn’t going to make it until the end of his term—maybe he thought he had to act now—because he thought Biden would be gone soon. Maybe he thought that Kamala Harris—as bad a president as she would likely be—wasn’t going to let to Barrack Obama and Susan Rice run things from behind the curtain. 

Putin knows how weak Obama is—how much he admires autocratic leaders like Putin and Chi of China—how he defers to them. With Biden out and Obama no longer in control maybe he thought he had to act now or lose his chance. China is still holding back on their plans to take back Taiwan. Everyone knows they want to take it over. Everyone knows they will take it over—it is only a question of when.

But Chinese leaders must think that Biden will stick around for a while longer so they can wait until the United States gets weaker too—just like Europe. Joe Biden is doing everything he can to destroy the US military—from cutting funding—to going green—to making them go fully woke and destroying the meritocracy that has made our military so great. Give those policies a few more years and America might just throw in the towel and let China and Russia do whatever they want. Maybe they won’t have a choice.

And is China convinced that Joe Biden is going to run for a second term? Are they hoping he gets a second term? That would be a dream come true. Another Biden term and America could turn into a third world country—a country incapable of defending itself much less the world. Would Taiwan simply surrender then knowing that they couldn’t possibly stand up to China without America’s help?

And what would happen in Europe with a second term for Joe Biden? If Putin had just waited and kept on with phony negotiations with Ukraine—and waited until America could no longer provide any real support for NATO—Putin would have a free hand to do anything he wanted. He could easily restore his old empire—and maybe even become a member of NATO too. He could even run NATO for that matter. How could America or Europe stop him?

But he couldn’t wait—and that was a very dumb thing to do. Could the rumors that he is sick and cannot hold power much longer possibly be true? Is he facing his own mortality and has he decided that he has nothing to lose by acting now? Is age catching up to him? Is he suffering the same fate as Joe Biden and can he no longer think for himself? 

It has to be something. Otherwise—this is one of the biggest miscalculations ever made by a world leader—a leader with the power to start World War three—a war that could see nuclear weapons used on a large scale—a war that could cause the end of the world as we know it. It is the idea that no one really knows what is really going on that must be driving rational leaders insane as they contemplate all of the possibilities. 

Of course—it is possible that we have no rational leaders left. What we see around the world are leaders who have the wrong priorities. They are pushing ideas that will weaken them—they are pushing ideas by trying to scare people into believing things that just aren’t true. They are doing this based on the concept that people all over the world can’t adapt to temperature change—change that computer models so far—have been all wrong about. There are many scientists who believe that we can adapt—but they are ignored. 

But we know with certainty what will happen if America and Europe keep moving down a path that will make them so weak that they cannot stand up to Russia and China. There is no rational sane person who doesn’t see how this will end. It will end with surrender to those ruthless leaders who are continuing to ignore climate hysteria in favor of their plans for global conquest.

Let’s hope that this foolish attack by Russia on Ukraine has put world leaders on notice—that it ends up making world leaders smarter. There are signs that some European leaders are beginning to wake up. Hopefully—that will continue. I don’t have as much hope for Joe Biden and America. Biden and John Kerry are still pushing a lot of nonsense—dangerous nonsense. 

So—Putin’s miscalculation—could backfire on him—and on China—if world leaders wake up and confront the very real danger they represent. I hope it does. I hope the former KGB genius has made the biggest mistake of his terrible life. And it could have been avoided if he had just waited. I hate what he is doing in the Ukraine—I hate the terrible loss of life his vicious military is causing —but in the long run maybe it will work in our favor. 

But that will happen only if Joe Biden and European leaders act to protect their countries from monsters like Putin and Chi—and I am skeptical that they are up to the job.