Liberal lies, liars and true believers.

A new test for schools is a trojan horse for Critical Race Theory.

Vincent Season 4 Episode 2

A test to determine whether or not your school is "Culturally Responsive" is sweeping America. No school can pass this ridiculous test and when your school fails your kids must be taught to hate themselves and America. Loudin County, Virginia isn't the only place this destructive ideology is being taught. 
This test designed to convince you that you and your children are racist so CRT can be implemented. You need to find out if it is being taught in your school, and if it is, you must get rid of it. 

Critical race theory is not being taught in school systems all over America. It isn’t. At least that’s what educators and school board members keep telling us. They are lying—of course. They say we aren’t educators—so we can’t possibly understand what they teach and why they teach how they teach—so we should shut up and mind our own business. And if we were smart like them—we would know that. I have been told this by school board members in my own community. 

I guess they didn’t realize that I can read. And because I can read, I can go to the school website and read all about social justice. I can read that America is racist country and police go out of their way to kill black people. And all white people are racist even if they don’t know it. White people all have these things called white privilege and unconscious bias—and it makes them racist even though they don’t know it—and even though they have never done anything racist in their entire lives.

There are three sections to this school website—a website—by the way—that they tell me isn’t actually approved by anyone. No one actually seems to know how it even got there. Members of the school committee claim they don’t know where it came from—they just know that they can’t do anything about it. The superintendent will talk about it I am told—but you can’t seem to get an appointment with her to talk about it. She is very busy—you know. The school committee is responsible for hiring the superintendent so you would think that they could tell her to take the website down—but they say that isn’t possible.

The three main sections of the social justice website—the site that just miraculously appeared without anyone knowing about it—are resources for parents—resources for students—and resources for teachers. If you are a parent you are directed to a place where you can learn to talk to your children about their whiteness. Being white is a terrible thing—and you need to talk to your white kids about it.

They must be taught to be ashamed of being white. Being white gives you privilege—and that is a terrible thing. If you are white, you are an oppressor. Maybe you don’t know it—but you are. You need to talk to your children about these things—and this website will help you. The person who tells you how to talk to your kids is a college professor who hates America. It is always a good thing to learn about things from someone who hates America—because they have great insights about our country.

This professor says Americans stole the country from indigenous people—and we should give it back. She says that all of the possessions of white people should be taken away from them and given to indigenous people and black people who live in American cities. It is the right thing to do because we need to make up for all of the terrible things we have done.

We are supposed to take this person seriously even though it is clear that she is insane. We are supposed to learn from her and talk to our children about the things she believes. If you do that you are as crazy as she is. But this is what is on the school website—that no one knows anything about—except that they can’t take it down.

Then there are the resources for students. This part of the website will take you to a place where kids can learn that all police are racist and they go around with guns looking for black and brown people to shoot and kill. It is the only thing they care about. They can also learn all about history—and how America was founded so that white people could have slaves—and kill all of the indigenous people. White people are very bad—especially police. Did I tell you that all they care about is shooting black people?

And they there is the section where teachers can go to learn how to teach their students to hate themselves and hate America. The person who is the expert here also hates America—and this person hates white people too—and she particularly hates white men. She teaches teachers how to teach their students to hate everything about America. Isn’t it great?

But no one seems to know how this website got there at the school. And it is impossible to take it down because it seems that everyone is powerless to take it down. And no one knows why. But this isn’t even the worst part of this website. The worst part is something called the Culturally Responsive—sustaining steam curriculum scorecard. Look it up on the internet. See for yourself how idiotic American education has become.

This scorecard is about to be used in the sixth grade at three elementary schools in my town. And it is being used all over America. This scorecard measures how racist your school is—and take my word for it—according to this scorecard—your school is always racist. 

And when it is discovered that your school is racist—teachers and students—must make changes to their thinking and teaching so that they become culturally responsive. This form of lunacy is sweeping across America. It is everywhere. If you go to any search engine and look it up you will only find sources that praise Culturally Responsive Learning. All negative sources have been scrubbed from the search engines. And when you read about CRL you understand why negative reviews of it are very hard to find. 

Culturally Responsive Learning is a trojan horse for critical race theory. It’s just a test they say. What are you worried about? But that test opens the door to begin teaching critical race theory. The people who came up with it are avowed Marxist Socialists. Educators will tell you that Marxists make great teachers—just look at Cuba—and China. Don’t discount their ideas just because they hate capitalism and love communism.

To understand how these Marxist educators view things here is what they say about people who believe this steam curriculum is too difficult to implement in our schools:  This perspective is rooted in the false notion that the sciences and math are objective, apolitical, not rooted in the culture and not racialized. Math and science are not objective they say. 

What I am about to read to you is the core principle of Culturally Responsive learning. Here it is:

Dominant Knowledge Systems vs Indigenous Knowledge Systems “Western knowledge systems are built upon the idea of positivism, which is the belief that the most trustworthy source of knowledge is information acquired by the senses and verified by logical, scientific, or mathematical testing. Knowledge that does not come in this way is regarded with a great deal of suspicion. Indigenous knowledge systems, which are based on metaphysical beliefs, tend to view knowledge as much more subjective, and so are not as prescriptive in how they go about acquiring it.”

I know you have to let that last paragraph sink in a little because it sounds crazy. It sounds crazy because it is crazy. It is so crazy that educators all over America want to put it in our schools. 

And this one is even more crazy if that’s possible: This statement is from a paragraph about math. The scorecard includes several statements that interrogate whether students have a curriculum that provides them with the opportunity to question the status quo or work to solve a societal issue in their community. What? Using math to solve a societal issue?

This is nuts. No wonder why so many schools are getting rid of tests? You need to find out if your schools are infected with Culturally Responsive Learning. You need to find out if their little tests are being used to justify the teaching of Critical Race Theory and other such nonsense. When educators decide to teach that 2 plus 2 is subjective it is time to send the kids to another school. 

You need to get involved in the education of your children—and you need to do it now. If you don’t your kids will pay the price—even if they can’t do the math to know the real cost.