Multifamily Streamlined with Leslie Mathis

No More Excuses

Leslie Mathis Season 1 Episode 15

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No More Excuses December 29th Episode 15

We talked about this during the episode of ‘There’s no Perfect Day to Start’ but it is time to get out of our own way. No more excuses. Buckle up and let’s do this. We are 3 days from the new year and as much I would love to say when the clock strikes midnight all of the challenges of 2020 will go away we probably all know that it is not the reality.

Maybe you are tired of me talking about this podcast or what I consider failure when it comes to goals I set for this year but I do think it is such a good example. My goal was to release 2 episodes each month which would be 24 for the year. Well today is the last episode of the year and it is number 15. I missed what some would consider a pretty simple goal by 9 podcast which truly feels like a lot. But the real thing you need to hear that I really had 9 MILLION excuses as why I couldn’t get those done this year:

The Pandemic

Children Virtual Learning

Summer at my parents and there was no quiet time

My husband working from home early in the pandemic

The Kids messing with the dog

No creative juices flowing

Professional Survival Mode

But at the end of the day - you guessed it, those were just excuses. I could have found time to do it - I could have gotten up earlier - I could have followed my own advice and turned off my email - and I could continue to beat myself up over it but I’m letting go and moving forward. For me that was settling on shorter podcast to get them released but hopefully with content that would be worth your 5 to 13 minutes. With commute times down the thought was at least you could take a 5 or 10 minute break and listen to one or maybe your commute now is only 20 minutes you could still listen to two at the end of the week as you decompress and maybe even while you are getting ready in the morning and it would still allow time for something else. 

Let me ask you this - what is the excuse that is holding you back? If you can identify that you can begin to overcome it.