Thoughts on Record: Podcast of the Ottawa Institute of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Dr. Lesley Lutes, R.Psych: Small Changes - An Innovative and Evidence-based Approach to Weight Loss & Lifestyle Change

Season 1 Episode 29

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While many individuals are able to quickly lose weight through a variety of means, maintaining weight loss over time has proven to be elusive. Dr. Lesley Lutes, R. Psych joins host Dr. Pete Kelly, C. Psych to discuss Small Changes - an innovative evidence-based CBT approach to weight loss and lifestyle change that Dr. Lutes has developed and studied extensively.  In the course of this discussion Drs. Lutes and Kelly discuss why behavioural change is so hard, consider the factors that contribute to obesity from a biopsychosocial perspective, outline the Small Changes treatment approach including its underlying theory, core interventions, integration of values and evolutionary underpinnings, discuss the impact of trauma and other forms of psychological distress on eating, elucidate the link between mental health and obesity as well as consider how parents might discuss concerns around health and weight with young children and adolescents. 

Dr. Lesley Lutes is a Professor and Director of Clinical Training at the University of British Columbia (UBC) Okanagan. Dr. Lutes is a registered psychologist whose area of research is in developing innovative behavioral treatment interventions focused on lifestyle change. Much of her research has been in developing an evidence-based new treatment approach called Small Changes, which has resulted in international recognition, national awards, and policy changes. She has secured more than $5 million dollars of research funding to date, helping her publish over 50 peer-reviewed journal articles and deliver over 100 community and conference presentations. Dr. Lutes is the supervisor of the healthy weight specialty service in the Interprofessional clinic at UBC Okanagan, working with graduate student clinicians to help individuals achieve positive behavior changes related to weight loss and long-term weight loss maintenance, binge eating treatment, and other factors impacting health and well-being through group or individual therapy. Dr. Lutes values student training, mentorship, caring for patients, developing evidence-based treatments to help improve individual’s health and well-being, and developing policy and systematic change for people to access mental health and health behavior change services.