Thoughts on Record: Podcast of the Ottawa Institute of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

The Fascinating Origins & Complexity of Depression - A Fireside Chat with Dr. Pete Kelly, C.Psych

December 20, 2021 Season 2 Episode 42

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While low mood & sadness are very frequently adaptive responses to life's challenges, there are times where this normally adaptive mechanism is applied for too long, at the wrong time, or at the wrong intensity in the form of major depressive disorder.  In our 2nd annual Fireside Chat geared for mental health clinicians and consumers alike, host of Thoughts on Record, Dr. Pete Kelly, C.Psych provides an in-depth overview of depression from a variety of perspectives including:  

  • the cognitive, behavioral, physiological & emotional symptoms of depression
  • how depression is diagnosed
  • depressive episode specifiers/subtypes
  • risk factors and warnings signs related to suicide
  • a brief description of bipolar disorder
  • the evolutionary & functional significance of symptoms of depression
  • when and how depression goes from being adaptive to a problem of clinical significance
  • the critical role of loss in depression
  • risk factors and vulnerability factors for depression
  • the central relationship between anxiety & depression
  • conceptualizing the mechanics of depression from a CBT perspective (e.g., mood loops, cognitive distortions, TRAP-TRAC model, rumination, values, core beliefs, perfectionism, pain vs. suffering, etc)
  • evidence based psychotherapy for depression
  • a brief overview of CBT interventions for depression (e.g., behavioural activation, cognitive restructuring, behavioural experiments)
  • the case for proactive treatment of depression
  • some thoughts on selecting a psychotherapist
  • general thoughts on integrating medication into treatment for depression
  • recommended self-help resources

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If you are experiencing thoughts of self-harm or suicide please go to your local emergency room.  In addition, the following resources are available:  

Canada Suicide Prevention Service: 1-833-456-4566 (24/7)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (United States): 1-800-273-8255
For a list of International Crisis Lines please visit: