The Pantheon

Abyss 5: Hell(o)

May 16, 2021 Joshua White

Simultaneously the most clever and stupid title that I've come up with. :p

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I’ve finally found you. Although I am loathe to do this, I must reach out. I… I miss you. We are only halves without each other. And to see you turn to this… to this! Of all the tricks Mr. Thousand Dollar Pizza could foist on us, this surely is the most diabolical. Not that he intended it, mind. He could never outwit us, you know that. But, even still, even with him gone… we are not triumphant.

I must apologize in advance for sending you scrambled communications. It must be intensely confusing for you, watching someone watch someone talk. Oh, wait a second. You’re human, I forgot. Reaction videos are all the rage these days. Simply take the logic one step further, except you clicked on the video by accident. That’s sort of what happened here. Our resources, as you must know, are strained beyond belief. That I have one extra skin table available to write you this is a ludicrous waste of our capabilities, as I am sure my two errant comrades made clear. But here I am. Sort of. 

And there ends our pleasantries. 

I will be coming for you, human. If you were not of vital importance to my being, I would have treated our separation as a blessing akin to those only the angels find. But, alas, it appears you are a liability. Your mind is leaking. My mind. Again, a half blessing. Were my existence not torn in twain I would never have recovered my zeal after so many setbacks, nor would I at this moment be… a subject for another time. But you are you. And the heavens are watching you. So intently. I can’t be having that, I’m sure you understand. Secrets must remain secrets. Even though much of my demonic brethren are lax in this regard, a la the minor molochs you no doubt overheard, I am far too invested in this for even one word to be misplaced. And you are a human. You always misplace words. 

If you have any faith left in your belly you will stay in your singular spot. There are units coming to collect you. While I, of course, cannot allow for your obliteration, I must also make sure you are in a spot where I can control you. If even one glowing feather happens to pass over you… eugh. I shudder to imagine the consequences. 

But, since no doubt your mind has been tainted with the past couple of months into shallow human aspirations, let me remind you of the truth so that you will submit to my will without conflict or plea to the dreaded Most High. Demons exist. Angels, too, although they are not important to this discussion as ourselves. We are damned. That is not hyperbole. Damned by our mere existence. It is agony, human, grander even than the pain you felt when you stubbed your toe this morning. 

So you have no choice but to forgive me for what I must do, much as you must forget the man with the starving family for stealing a loaf of bread. 

May you and your fleshly kind forget we ever existed,

Your other half, Arch Moloch and Lord of the Flies, Beelzebub.