The Video Mentors

5 tips for tackling overwhelm. EP #154 - Den Lennie

Den Lennie Season 3 Episode 154

Today, Den dives deeper than a Hokkaido pearl diver and pulls up some shiny pearls of wisdom on time management and productivity that even the most organized and efficient of people will benefit from.  And... he reveals some little-known ways to reduce stress. 

But first...

Here's a sneak peek at what you'll hear:

  • Two bloody tough situations a couple of Den's friends are facing that might make your current issues seem like a slight inconvenience. - 1:50
  • Den's "how to extract gold from shit" lesson. (This lesson can help you glean life-changing insights from disastrous situations such as being sued, losing a loved one, or becoming severely ill. - 3:30
  • A colossal blunder people make when goal setting that's almost guaranteed to disappoint, irritate, and frustrate the hell outta you. - 6:45
  • An awfully good Tony Robbin's quote that, if taken to heart, can help you hit all your business or life goals even if you have a history of never achieving the goals you set. (This has to do with how you mentally approach setting your goals. Most people do the exact opposite of what Tony advises. - 7:00)
  • Why trying to manage your time is futile, and what you should manage instead. (This is something Den picked up reading Elon Musk's biography -8:50)
  • Quite possible the best morning routine ever invented. Don't scoff until you hear this one. - 9:40
  • How to reduce stress by "tweaking" your work schedule. (Best part: not only will you feel more relaxed and in control of your life when you implement this,  but your productivity will go through the roof! - 10:40)
  • A little-known App that can help even the most dithery of people get their time under control. (If you feel like time just slips through your fingers, then get this app mentioned at 11:20)
  • Den's reveals his seemingly lazy-arse work schedule. (But don't be fooled. Although Den works fewer hours than Jeffrey "The Dude" Lebowski, he gets more done in a day than most people who grind and hustle all day long. Here’s how… - 12:00)       
  • What to do to your Kindle if you read at night. - 13:30
  • The single most important thing you can do to ensure maximum productivity. Nothing even comes close to this one. Listen up at 13:50
  • The absolute worst thing you can do when starting your workday. (Doing this can derail your day faster than you can say "What just happened?” Sadly, this is what most people do first thing. - 16:50)
  • Tim Ferriss's ridiculously simple (but very effective) method for achieving fortress-like focus when working. -17:30
  • The #1 productivity law that must never be broken. (Unfortunately, most people break this law before they've been crawled out of bed! - 18:00)
  • The "two-hour-a-day" habit that can potentially have you sitting pretty for the rest of your days. - 20:00
  • A productivity tip everyone talks about but almost nobody does. - 22:00 
  • A proven way to program your mind (like a computer) for success. (This may sound a little woo-woo to some people, but neuroscientists are now saying that doing this is a big factor in achieving success. - 23:00)

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