Hope with Depression

Hope with Depression - Episode 2 |Anita Wisdom-Access Consciousness

February 02, 2020 Neil


We've all heard the word.

But does the word give us hope?

The biggest challenge I have faced making this podcast is acknowledging the reality of depression,yet believing in other compelling possibilities at the same time. Depression is a temporary condition,and IT DOES NOT DEFINE YOU,OR PREDICT THE FUTURE.

We are not trying to deny the feelings,we want you to feel good again.

In Episode 3 we bust the damaging myths of depression,and with Lynn and Sam Crilly (author of the book), and we bust them hard.

Check out Lynns library of work on http:www.lynncrilly.com

But for balance, now we go"off piste"a little.

You Matter. Oh and according to our guest today, You Energy!

Meet the extraordinary spiritual teacher, healer and Access Consciousness Practitioner Anita Wisdom.  http://www.anitawisdom.com

Is there Hope with Depression?

They kind of live side by side.

You listen. And decide.

Contains small amounts of mild bad language

Access Questions To Play With:

What can I be and do today that will create the future I desire?

What energy, space and consciousness can I be today,that will allow me to recieve more today than I did yesterday? (with cheeky laugh)

What do I need to be and do today that creates more laughter in my world?

Who does this belong to?

What else is possible?

What would it take for today to be more fun and rewarding than ever before?
What are the more possibilties? (always look for expansion)

I know you are bombarded daily online with various good causes vying for your attention and support but PLEASE share this with anyone you think may benefit.

It could potentially save a life. Just send them the link below.


 The story is poignant and touching, it boils down to a mother’s love, and the grit, resilience, determination and commitment of a normal but extraordinary family. It could be any of us.

 You can buy Lynn’s Book on Amazon HERE

And if you would like to learn more about Neils work- ie getting YOUR important message out in this powerful way – podcasting, Click Here

 Contains small amounts of mild bad language



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