Hope with Depression

Hope With Depression - Episode 16 | Escaping Victimhood.

Neil Long/ Lynn Crilly

In this episode we talk to the inspired American author, Lynne Forrest.

Most of us have heard the term Co-Dependency, here we explore it in much more detail, with Lynne- or as she calls it "Victim Consciousness".

We delve into the nebulous world of Belief Systems, and how they operate and create our experience of the world, and introduce a simple innate skill we all have, to begin to break free from them.

We introduce the concept of the "drama triangle", a pioneering step in psychological understanding, and how most of us innocently step on it in a misguided attempt to save ourselves!

I love the way Lynne gently and compassionately encourages us to own our lives and our experience, but without feeling guilty or overburdened with it.

You can learn more about Lynne's work here :https://www.lynneforrest.com/

And buy her book on Amazon, here https://tinyurl.com/y9lrkdpd

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The story is poignant and touching, it boils down to a mother’s love, and the grit, resilience, determination and commitment of a normal but extraordinary family. It could be any of us.

 You can buy Lynn’s Book on Amazon HERE

And if you would like to learn more about Neils work- ie getting YOUR important message out in this powerful way – podcasting, Click Here



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