The Healthy Post Natal Body Podcast

Your child can be a wonderful public speaker! Interview with Brenden Kumarasamy

Brenden Kumarasamy

In this week's episode I have the pleasure of talking to Brenden Kumarasamy about an essential skill that most children, and adults, are not actually taught in school!

Public speaking and effective communication is essential for anyone who wants to get anything done in life and yet it is a skill not taught in schools or indeed at home.

You might know Brenden from the Mastertalk YouTube channel. He has coached CEOs at the highest level and is one of THE go-to people to talk to about this sort of thing.

Brenden very kindly took an hour out of his day to talk to me about this.

We discussed what exactly the education system is getting wrong when it comes to this?
Why presentations in schools don't make your child a better speaker.
How to become a better speaking and effective communicator.
How parents can support their children in this.
How to communicate boundaries to your children.
And how to become a better communicator yourself and advance your career.

If you, like I, want to become a better communicator or improve your child's communication and public speaking skill I highly recommend you check out Brenden's website here where you will find a free course

In the news this week; This embarrasing article by Yvonne Roberts in the Guardian. I talk about my issue with "feminists" who spend their entire time talking down to other women. Apologies, I do say "shit" a lot in this segment as it REALLY gets my goat when "newspapers" publish pieces that do nothing but denigrate women. Don't get me wrong, we all expect the Daily Mail to do it but for The Observer to publish articles like this is disgraceful.

Playing us out; "Walking in Manhattan" by Fabio Poian..just a little jazz ditty