The Healthy Post Natal Body Podcast

Stretching, back pain and diastasis recti..A big Q&A!

Peter Lap

This week I take the time to respond to your questions.

We've had some great podcast guests on this month and you've sent in a few emails on the back of it which I will answer.

So what am I talking about;

Is diastasis an adaptation and can we just ignore it until you feel there is an issue?

Is muscle activation something that you should focus on at all?

Why I use different language than Antony does.

Should you REALLY never stretch or is that not really what Aaron said.

Why is back-pain still soo poorly understood and often ignored.

Can I get surgery for my diastasis and will that resolve my back pain?

and much, much more.

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Playing us out;  "Self Worth" by GEMM