Freedom Focus Photography

Business Pillar 6 - Marketing

Nicole Begley Episode 89

089 - This week we cover the last of the six business pillars: marketing. Once the foundation of your business is in place, it's time to start telling the world. Because as much as we'd like the easy "build it and they will come" success, that's rarely how it works.  

Thankfully, as you'll learn in this final episode of the series, the three phases of marketing your business are pretty straightforward. (Just remember to have the other five pillars in place first!) 

What To Listen For: 

  • What marketing actually is—and what it isn't
  • The question to ask every single time someone asks what you do
  • How to overcome the biggest marketing challenge facing pet photographers
  • The 2 types of marketing, and the 4 stages of courting a client
  • Ideas for connecting with your email list (yes, you really do need a list)
  • How to run special promotions without sounding desperate 😬

Are you an Academy member? You can dive deeper into promoting your business with our email marketing workshop, released earlier this year.

Not an Academy member? Get on the waitlist here; we'd love to have you join us! 

Resources From This Episode: 

Unlock the Secrets to a Thriving Photography Business! Tune in now to our free, private podcast!

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