The Stronger Marriage Podcast with Trey & Lea

The Pick 5 Marriage Challenge

Trey & Lea Morgan

Up for some fun?  We give all the details on our podcast, but here's a teaser ... 

Show your spouse the list below and allow them to pick 5 things from the list. When they pick 5, you gladly do those 5 things over the next five days. Then, you pick your five favorites, and they can do those things for you. 

1. Cook their favorite meal.

2. Have something delivered to them at their work or home.

3. Initiate sex.

4. Allow them to pick out something sexy they want you to wear.

5. Pray for your marriage every day for the next 5 days. 

6. Write them a love note telling them at least 5 things you love about them.

7. Send them several sexy or sweet text messages.

8. Go on a walk together.

9. Do a chore for them that they don’t like to do (their choice).

10. Buy them a surprise.

11. Take them on a date.

12. Give them a back rub with no strings attached.

13. Spend the day flirting with them. 

14. Snuggle on the couch together and watch the movie of their choice.

Up for the challenge?

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