The Stronger Marriage Podcast with Trey & Lea
Welcome to Trey & Lea's Podcast on marriage and family topics. Trey and Lea have been married over 30 years. They have a large following on social media, and conduct their "Stronger Marriage" and “Stronger Families” workshops all over the United States. They get to talk to thousands of couples yearly about healthy marriages and families. They are the authors of 3 marriage books that are available on Amazon. You can learn more about Trey & Lea from their webpage:
140 episodes
5 Things HUSBANDS Want Their WIVES to Know About Sex
Part two. Last week was what Wives want Husbands to know.
5 Things Wives Want Their Husbands to Know About Sex
We will be doing part 2 ... "5 Things Husbands want their wives to know about sex."
7 SNEAKY Marriage Killers
Don't let any of these sneaky things work their way into your marriage. 1. Letting the ___________________ die2. Letting the romance _________________3. ___________________ each ot...
What Does ONENESS in Marriage Look Like?
Today we're talking oneness ... two people becoming one flesh, and what that looks like.
10 Great Ways To Be Intimate that DON'T Include Sex
Here's are ways we connect ...1. Going for a walk. 2. P______________ together.3. Having a deep conversation (ask one another questions) 4. Touchin...
Married Sex 101
Today we are talking Married Sex facts and info that will bless your marriage.
Micro-Cheating ... Do NOT do ANY of These Things in Your Marriage
Micro-cheatingThis type of cheating involves developing inappropriate and intimate connections outside your relationship. Micro-cheating is subtle and doesn’t involve physical intimacy. But the lies, secrecy, and betra...