The Stronger Marriage Podcast with Trey & Lea

How To Tell Your Spouse "I Love You" Without Actually Saying "I Love You"

February 08, 2023 Trey & Lea Morgan

Sometimes "I love you" sounds exactly like ... "I love you."

But other times, it sounds like...

  • Be careful.
  • Text me when you get there.
  • I was just thinking of you.
  • Remember that time we.....?
  • I miss you.
  • Love spending time with you.
  • Can I do something to help?
  • I'll be right there.
  • I'm worried about you.
  • I'm listening.
  • Yes, I have time.
  • I saw this and thought of you.
  • I know this is your favorite.
  • I want to hear all about it. 
  • Keeps mouth shut.
  • I'm so thankful for you.
  • I'll always love you, no matter what.

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