The Stronger Marriage Podcast with Trey & Lea

Let's Get Naked ... but NOT That Way!

Trey & Lea Morgan

TIME TO GET NAKED in your marriage ... Did you know in Genesis 2:25, it says, "Adam and Eve were both naked and they felt no shame."

That word "NAKED" means "UNCOVERED," ... and uncovered means more than just naked, it means they were totally "bare" with one another .... there was nothing hidden from one another. God created marriage where you are to be "uncovered" with one another. Nothing hidden ... no secrets. No secret friendships, text messages, Facebook friends, etc.

When someone tells us, "My spouse won't let me see their cellphone," it tells us that their spouse is doing something they shouldn't. Don't hide things from your spouse ... not purchases, friendships, cellphones, passwords, etc. The healthiest marriages are open, honest and keep NO secrets. Have a marriage that is "uncovered." That's how God created it.

Interestingly enough ... if you know the story, after Adam and Eve sinned they immediately "covered" themselves with fig leaves. In marriage, when sin enters, nakedness leaves. Protect your trust and your nakedness in your marriage.

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