The Stronger Marriage Podcast with Trey & Lea

How PORNOGRAPHY Hurts Your Marriage (Part 1 of 3)

Trey & Lea Morgan

Did you know more people log on to porn sites everyday than they do Netflix, Twitter and Amazon ... combined?

Porn is NOT harmless!  

1. Porn breaks trust in marriage.
2. Porn keeps you from being intimate. 
3. Porn causes self-esteem issues with both spouses.
4. Porn is selfish and lazy. 
5. Porn causes performance problems in your sexlife.
6. Porn causes dissatisfaction in marriage. 
7. Porn causes marital infidelity to go up 300%.
8. Porn is linked to depression, stress and anxiety. 
9. Porn alters your brain. 
10. Porn is demeaning. 

Many of the statistics quoted in this podcast can be found here:

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