The Stronger Marriage Podcast with Trey & Lea

10 Steps To Rebuilding Trust in Your Marriage After A PORN Problem

Trey & Lea Morgan

1. Stop lying and strive for honesty.

2. COMPLETELY STOP watching porn and stay away from anything that draws you towards it. 

 3. Take complete responsibility for your mistakes. 

4. Answer questions. 

5. Be patient as your partner rebuilds trust. 

6. Be Open. 

7. Make your partner feel #1 again. 

8. Take the opportunity to refresh your relationship.

9. Consider a break from intimacy to restore the spark. 

10. NEVER do this again. 

Consider getting a marriage book to read with your spouse. Start trying to strengthen your marriage again.

Watch these videos by Terry Crews: There are seven videos called Dirty Little Secret (part 1 – 7)


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