
Single & Loving It! How To Use This Sexy Solo Time As Your Superpower With Breakup Coach Janice Formichella

Kerry Brett

Today, we're discussing breakups, broken heart, and moving on – and this week’s expert is Janice Formichella. She’s a breakup coach, writer and host of the podcast the Ex-Philes (with a PH, not an F). When you're in the process of a painful breakup, you forget how much power you have and how much is in your control. Believe it or not, you are in charge of how you’ll handle moving forward and can choose how you feel each day. It's common to feel sorry for yourself, and many of us lose our identity, sense of self and worth. Janice shares how to flip the script and how to turn your breakup into a magical opportunity. Janice encourages those struggling to get empowered, beat that breakup and create the life you love. 

Janice Formichella took a painful divorce and turned it into a positive! After recovering from domestic violence and hitting rock bottom in her 30’s, she did the work needed to heal her heartbreak. She decided to share what she learned, support others and help her clients build new lives through one-on-one coaching and by creating her podcast, the Ex-Philes. As a breakup coach, Janice supports those struggling with the pain and confusion of a broken heart and show you how to turn your breakup into an opportunity for something else. With a focus on overcomingloneliness and living a desired-led life, she works with people to become passionate about being their own soulmates and using solo time as a superpower.

Kerry Brett and Janice Formichella cover a lot of ground. Topics include;
*Making yourself feel like a VIP, starting with your morning routine.
*Why you should go to fancy restaurants on your own and don’t be afraid to try Janice’s sexy solo date.
*Why going out on your own makes you feel more confident and increases your chances of meeting someone.
*Be single long enough to become happy with your life, work on your relationship with yourself first because if you’re good on your own, you’ll make better choices in a partner.

To find out more about Janice Formichella, listen to her podcast the Ex-Philes or follow her on Instagram @janiceformichella.

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