
Love Can Find You With 14th & 2nd Author, Charlie Cifarelli

Kerry Brett

This week I have the privilege to highlight the incredible story of Charlie Cifarelli. Charlie had everything in life he set out to achieve until one day; his world fell apart over a national story about a dog named Star. What started as a journey to save a dog, in turn, would save him. Star taught Charlie everything he needed to learn about love. Charlie went from having a transactional life with value on useless things and realized what he thought he wanted didn’t make him happy. We look for love because we believe it will complete us – but the truth is LOVE is universal. We can be in a relationship or have a dream home or career, yet often, it does not equate to happiness. Charlie share’s his tips around having a successful relationship, why comparison is the thief of joy, the value of finding purpose and why having gratitude is most important! 

Charlie Cifarelli, is an author, motivational speaker, businessman and dog lover, with a focus on rescues, in fact he has seven! In his early twenties he became homeless and addicted to drugs. He went into recovery after being directed to a Monastery where he got clean and sober, finally after numerous attempts. Circumstances led him to the Midwest where he lived in Nebraska for 25 years working at three maximum security prisons. He worked on death row, connecting with the inmates on a deep level - he became the inmates favorite! After seeing enough sadness - he started a trash business with the hopes of having a life of freedom and happiness which only made him miserably comfortable. It wasn’t until August 13, 2012 that his world would collide with a dog who was reported to be and killed in New York City by a police officer while protecting her owner – who was homeless. For the first time in Charlie’s life he believed in something he couldn’t see at the corner of 14th and  2nd. 

Today, Charlie shares his story of love. Love for his little girl Star “his snoopy” a dog so special - she’s on Wikipedia with the likes of Rin Tin Tin and Lassie. Charlie believes love starts in many places and carries over. He’ll share how rescuing Star connected him with people globally and how love found him in the most unlikely place on the corner of 14th & 2nd. Tune into this beautiful story of redemption, hope and most importantly love.

To find out more about Charlie Cifarelli go to for follow on Instagram @charlie_cifarelli or on Facebook under Charlie Cifarelli.

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