
Banging Dating Advice With William Hung, American Idol Viral Sensation

Kerry Brett

Today's topic is how to genuinely put yourself out there because people who do – have success, especially when finding love. And this week's guest has no problem in that department! He shows up as himself and handles rejections graciously. Get ready for … William Hung! William Hung became an instant celebrity with his rendition of Ricky Martin's song "She Bangs" during American Idol, which went viral. When he didn't get the golden ticket or hear "you're going to Hollywood," he stated, "he did his best and had no regrets," and the world fell in love with him. Today, William shares his setbacks in love. You may not know, but he's been divorced twice and discusses his inspirational journey to find love with his fiancé… And why sometimes you need relationships that didn't work to get it right. 

William Hung is a former American singer who gained fame through his audition on the third season of American Idol in 2003. He acquired notoriety with his off-key performance of Ricky Martin's song of "She Bangs," He instantly became a household name for his unique dance moves and enthusiastic personality. Following his audition, he became a motivational speaker and has spoken to audiences worldwide about his experiences and the importance of pursuing one's dreams. William went from being laughed off stage to having a number-one hit to singing "She Bangs" live with Ricky Martin in 2018.

Kerry Brett and William Hung cover a lot of ground. Topics include:

William's online dating experience.
William's Dad pretended to be William online to help him find love.
William's lessons from past failed relationships.
Throughout the hard years, William never gave up or lost hope.
When looking for love, focus on core values and having activities you both like to do together.
Beauty can change over time, but beauty on the inside will never change. Remember the line from She Bangs – she looks like a flower but stings like a bee. Avoid choosing a relationship based solely on looks.
Stay away from secrets because harboring secrets creates a less satisfying relationship. Even small secrets can prevent closeness and create problems. 

To learn more about William Hung and his upcoming speaking engagements and podcast, follow him on Instagram @williamhungofficial.


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