
Age Of Aquarius With Jill Jardine

March 02, 2020 Kerry Brett Season 1 Episode 8

Jill Jardine is a psychic healer and vedic astrologer. Jill answers questions around what’s happening in the modern world of online dating. Informs listeners the best days to date, what signs to avoid, including predictions for love in 2020.

Jill’s episode highlights how important it is to find hope again. Hope is the most important thing you need to have­­­ while dating. How easy it is to lose hope when you experience a tragedy or loss.

The importance of doing the work.

How to use astrology while dating.

How to lose fear and refrain your thinking. It’s not who you are, it’s just where you are at the time. It’s all temporary.

Have faith in the master plan––everything will work out eventually the way it’s supposed to in your best interest.





spk_0:   0:03
I'm Kerry Brett and you're listening to Shot@Love. Isn't it time you took a shot at love? Took a shot on yourself? Believe you were worthy of true love? Is there a more effective way to date? Can you find Love?Hell, yeah. I'm gonna show you how it's done. We've got Jill Jardine, the cosmic queen in the house today. Um, Jill is is a counselor in psychology. She‘a a spiritual intuitive. She's astrologer and a psychic healer. She's actually my psychic healer that I can't leave home without. Welcome, Jill.

spk_1:   0:41
Thank you. Kerry, I’m so happy to be here.

spk_0:   0:44
So you're on Tinder right now. How's it going?

spk_1:   0:47
Ah, well, I like to go in and do field research with it and sort of see what's going on there. Um, and you know, I am without a husband at the moment, so I thought I'd go check it out.

spk_0:   0:59
Why not? So your past husband was a rocket scientist?

spk_1:   1:04
Yes, My first husband was a PhD astrophysicist, and we have a progeny from him who's going to get his PhD in psychology. And then the second husband was PhD in mathematics. MIT.

spk_0:   1:18
So you like the's smart guys?

spk_1:   1:20
Well, it's the left brain to balance my creative right brain. So it's a nice Shiva shock de balance.

spk_0:   1:29
That's excellent. Do you think people are true to their signs? 

spk_1:   1:36
Oh, yeah. Well, look, I mean, right hands down. Best sign is aquarius. Oh, absolutely. Then then Gemin and then next would be cancer. Um, no, it's the sun sign is quite generalization, but you can see that there are certain key notes. And it's a good way for the women to read the men they're gonna be going out on their tender dates with. There are some standard key notes to each sign. Ah, and how they manifest differently for male and female of the same sign. For instance, Aquarian men are very aloof and that they can be very unpredictable and non committal. 

spk_0:   2:16
Interesting! Did you ever dated an aquarian man? 

spk_1:   2:25
Oh, yes, two, four. Two of them were born on the same day, the 18th of February, which is very cuspal, which is, you know, the last day of Aquarius. First day of Prices. Okay, so you know, it's interesting because that conjuncts my south node in my sign and in my chart south node noticed where you've been in past life. So those February 18th Aquarian men had past life connections with me.

spk_0:   2:47
So now we're both Aqaurians? Is the most compatible sign is Libra for Aquarians?. 

spk_1:   2:56
Sometimes, I don't know. You have to look at more than the sun sign. You have to look at the moon sign because that shows the emotional body. The moon changes every 2.5 day. So you have to look up and something called an ephemeral CE, which is showing you where all the planets are for any given day to figure out what your moon sign is. And moon is how you connect emotionally. So that's a big connection and if people have like a sun moon connection, that's a great indication of compatibility, astrologically.

spk_0:   3:30
Wow. So I use astrology in my photography, when I photograph a celebrity or cover or just anyone, The first, the only thing I really look up is when they were born, so I know what the basics about them and how far I can push them. When I was dating on Tinder, I used astrology before I went on any date, and we would always pull, Um, they're chart. Before I would waste my time going on a date.

spk_1:   3:58
I remember those days, and I remember some days the stars were so aligned for you that we would have you like on a Friday auspicious day, Venus ruled. Venus the goddess of love. Sometimes we'd have you stack those dates back to back. Right? Ah, lunch one an afternoon date and one in the evening. To take advantage of the most of auspicious alignments that day for you.

spk_0:   4:22
Right? So there's definitely better days to date and days not to date. Do you want to talk about that?

spk_1:   4:27
Well, yes. Tuesday traditionally wouldn't be such a good day, because that's a Mars day. It's ruled by the Planet Mars, so there could be more conflict on a Tuesday and Thursday and Friday are actually the best, because Thursday is ruled by Jupiter, the guru or cosmic Santa Claus bestowing blessings upon the dating people. And then Friday is probably the best day because it's in Venus. The Day Rule by Venus is Frye. Frye comes from free of the Nordic goddess of love, who is, you know, the counterpart to the Roman Venus. So, Friday's a very good day, especially if you wear white cause that Venus likes white and and pastelle colors. Where you're bling, where your white sapphires and diamonds those airy Venus gems.

spk_0:   5:22
Well, men love bright and shiny things anyway. So if you're wearing a lighter color and are are bejewled, I don't think that's not going to hurt.

spk_1:   5:31
Right.  I do have a caveat about Mars. Mars is red. You're wearing Mars colors today, and that is actually, if you're going on a Tender dathe and you have one goal, which is, let's just put it this way is more physical or sexual. Then red and Mars will help you with that. If you actually want to cultivate a potential boyfriend, then maybe be careful with the red.

spk_0:   5:56
Red is the Mars energy, right? I think I remember that. One time you're wearing red, and you did tell me that. You know that that's very interesting about Friday night, because I find working while  I was dating as a single mom by the time Friday came around I was tired. I just wanted to -it  on sweats and, you know, just watch TV and go to bed. So I think that's good to push yourself on a Friday rather than a Saturday. Because most people just go out on a Saturday.

spk_1:   6:24
The interesting thing about a Saturday it's ruled by Saturn, the Lord of Karma. So sometimes there may be challenges on Saturdays because, you know, Saturn's in charge and Saturn likes  black and navy colors, so you know you may have some karmic lessons on your Tinder date. And traditionally, Saturday's actually good day. If you want to kind of clear up Saturn or karmic issues in your chart, that can be beyond Saturn. Um, give away things too elderly people.  Saturn is the Lord of Karma and Death, the Grim Reaper off astrology. So give away clothes or food or something to elderly people, or to people who are less privileged than you. And that's a way that you can clean up some karmic stuff on Saturday.

spk_0:   7:15
Interesting. Yeah, so let's talk about getting the keys to the kingdom. So how do you find out people's signs that you're texting on Tinder? My sister Erin used to make fun of me because I just would always say to people that I was talking too, what’s your sign? I love astrology. And she's like, can you tone that down? You know, that's it's a little ridiculous. You're like, a white witch here. Quit talking about astrology.

spk_1:   7:44
Yes, evangelical dudes aren't gonna like that too much if you ask them what their sign is.

spk_0:   7:48
I finally just got to the point this is me, I do love astrology. I love it. I believe it. I use in my photography. It's who I am. So I don't want to hide who I am. If they can't handle the fact that I'm asking them their birthday, well, then they're not gonna last very long in a date with me anyways,

spk_1:   8:04
Right. They didn't make it through the first screening where if they don't approve.

spk_0:   8:08
If they're not open minded and two other ways of thinking,

spk_1:   8:11
Yes, And you know, you asked how to get that. Sometimes you can get it right in the initial contact conversations, just as a conversation piece on other times, you can tell them you need them to have their time of birth by the time you are on the date with them. 

spk_0:   8:32
And if they ask why just say, I'm just curious. You know, I'm just gonna pull your chart, go to my psychic healer like most people do on a Tinder date.  

spk_1:   8:46
I’m just going to find out what your shadow content is so that we know what wer’re dealing with here. And we can see if you're really still married.

spk_0:   8:50
Totally. Oh, my gosh. So, another thing you could do is a play dumb. You know, if you didn't really want to admit that you like astrology, like I did, you could say, I really believe in the signs, do you? You know, when is your birthday? So that's another way of kind of getting that information. Um, because for me, I didn't want to waste time. So if I wanted to know right out of the gate, if I was gonna be compatible with this person. So that's why astrology is so important in dating.

spk_1:   9:22
Some of them like it. They it gives him an excuse to call their mom and find out when they were born. If they don't know and you know, they can find out that they were a breech birth and they can find out that the mother had a near death when she was giving birth and all kinds of interesting things like that. 

spk_0:   9:35
I don't think I could go on a date with that guy. That might explain some of their issues. So can you tell me why astrology is the religion for millennials?

spk_1:   9:52
Yeah, this is a new thing. I just saw it in The New York Times. A whole article that astrology is the religion of the millennials. So, I mean, I guess I was 30 years too early, but they they use it for everything. And all the big companies out there in Silicon Valley have their astrologers to tell them, you know, when to do the big business dealings.  I have I have a son who's 26 he's out in Austin, and he's getting his PhD. But he studied Vedic astrology, which is the astrology from India. And he's very good at it, you know, second generational astrologer, I guess. But all his friends, they're all the kids in the twenties and thirties. They're all about astrology, and it's, I think it's really, really refreshing. I'm so happy that the Aquarian age is finally here and that these these youngsters were gonna be enlightened with astrology. But there's different levels to it, and some of you know they're looking at stuff online, and some of that it can be a little bit like astrology Fluffernutter. So, you know, I think it's best when they actually go and get real readings from people who you know can help them and not just throw a little bit of a sound bite. Jupiter's contracting your sun. This is a good time for you. You know. It's good to know things a little bit more in de-than. And you know, these millennials will pay a lot of money for astrology. My son paid this guy a Vedek astrology guy from India. $200 for a 10 minute reading. I couldn't believe it. I'm like, why didn't you just pay your mom to give you a reading? But no, of course he wanted a neutral party, but yeah, that's that's kind of how this has been opened up now in the last five years.

spk_0:   11:31
So for me, when I was  feeling so alone and, you know say it was the dead of winter, a relationship had ended. I would be in  bed alone in the morning. I'm so depressed, I'm so fearful for the future. It was so comforting to me to be able to go on horoscopes dot com and plug in what was going to be happening for me that month as far as being a single person. You can look up your day based on love your career.  That was something that gave me a lot of comfort and hope. But thankfully, I had you as my life coach and psychic healer to help guide me and navigate through that difficult time. You were definitely the person who was so influential in my life who continued to make me believe in hope.

spk_1:   12:22
Yeah, it's such a great tool. I mean, the psychologist Carl Young thought astrology was like a wonderful psychological tool for people to give them hope and to help them understand themselves, kind of like in the hermetic temples it was written, know thy self so on any level of self knowledge that we can garner from anywhere astrology or dream evaluation, analysis or numerology or the Ana gram is coming back. It’s great, because when you have self knowledge, you become empowered and you even know with astrology timing like this, too, will pass. Saturn sitting on my natal sun. Saturn return is happening to 28 to 30 year olds. They have that transit. But it will pass, but it is going to be challenging while you go through it and you'll make some big life changes. It’s really good with astrology to know the timing of the good cycles and when there may be more challenging ones,

spk_0:   13:25
Absolutely. And so when you're dating you need a Tinder toolkit. You need tools of the trade to to navigate. And if you have astrology, you can use that as a tool.

spk_1:   13:39
Absolutely. As we said earlier, you can see that like I'm having a transit on next Wednesday. I'm not gonna go on a date that day, but it looks really good on the 20th of the month. I'm gonna go on, you know, find a really good one that I like and scheduled the date then and then, as we said, even looking and seeing what the future holds, you know, what are the secrets behind the potential date.

spk_0:   14:06
Absolutely. So when we come back, we're gonna talk about which days to avoid going on a date. Here are today's Tinder Tips. 1. If you feel lost, astrology is a great place to find hope. Without hope, all is lost. It's amazing how things quickly turn around when you believe this is only temporary and great new things are headed directly towards you. 2. Talk to someone, find a therapist or a psychic healer. They are wonderful guides who remind you of your worth. A person is unstoppable once you realize you deserve better. 3. Avoid full moons and eclipses when choosing that first date. Dating is tough enough without the stars aligning. Welcome back JIll. So you're going to get into days to avoid going on a date?

spk_1:   15:10
Yes. And by days we mean where is the moon? So full moon gets a lot of bad rap and it really isn't the best time to go on a date because it tends to bring out the worst in people. That's why the name, lunacy and lunatic comes from lunar the moon. So people tend to be a little bit more neurotic and psychotic and crazy at full moon. So probably not the best game face for Tinder on a full moon, but a new moon, which is when the moon and sun are together new beginnings is always an auspicious time to go on a date . Then pretty much in the mainstream, everybody knows about mercury in retrograde. Mercury is the planet of communication, and three times a year for three weeks at a time it goes retrograde or in reverse, so that may not be the best time to initiate, let’s say, going on a date with somebody new, However, it could be very good to reconnect with somebody from the past. Um, maybe that you had in your stream earlier and didn't reconnect with or you didn't fall up when they were trying to chat you on the stream. Mercury retrograde is a good time to go back and try to rekindle that on Tinder.

spk_0:   16:27
Like going back to an ex? Going back to an ex is like reheating french fries from McDonald's Yes. Never a good idea. 

spk_1:   16:38
The still stay soggie. After all that, but yes be ew moon's very good. Mercury retrograde for re connection with untold flame or on Tinder. A person that you didn't really activate properly.  Then there's other things we look at, like, you know, transits of Saturn. Not so good. Transits of Jupiter. Very good for new beginnings.

spk_0:   17:04
What about lunar eclipses?

spk_1:   17:10
No, according to the acient mystics .

spk_1:   17:14
Yes. This is the time when you want to stay inside and chant your mantra Om Gum Ganapateyi Namaha. Yeah. You don't wanna initiate anything? Well, the thing about eclipses, they block the either the light of the sun or the moon. So that's literally like the date is getting eclipsed. 

spk_0:   17:31
So is that when the shadow comes out? 

spk_1:   17:33
It gets shadowed, it gets eclipsed, so things don't tend to work out the way you want them to around eclipses.

spk_0:   17:40
Okay. So people tend to find alternatives when the bottom falls out in their life. I grew up Irish Catholic. I never really thought I would have a psychic healer in my life. A friend of mine was getting divorced, had found you. She, I think, carried your card around for about a year and then went to see you. When I first went to you I was going through a hard time when my daughter was three. When I got divorced, I found you and if it wasn't for my friend Kelly, who went to first and convinced me that you wouldn't tell me anything bad and I wouldn't be traumatized by going to a psychic healer healer, I don't think I would have gone. I don't know that I would have been open. I don't know that everyone is always open to that kind of healing. But it was a lifesaver for me. So thank you.

spk_1:   18:28
I'm glad I was able to help you Kerry. And you kind of bring up a good point. You know, in this day and age, with all the Internet and a lot of people putting their shingles out there on the Internet, that I still get my clients mostly from word of mouth. And it's like the friend of the friend. Kelly was referred by Anna who  saw me at a gig and I gave her a on the spot reading that blew her mind. She was Italian. Italians love astrology. I find even the very catholic ones also love it. They're psychics and mediums and astrologers. So it's kind of cosmic pipeline sending those clients to us, sends the clients to me that I could help. And that's the beauty of the process is like you get the people in the universe kind of like how we screen out people on Tinder the universe screens out the people that you can’t help in this kind of work that I do/

spk_0:   19:17
 I want to talk about mantra’s and how beneficial effecial they have been in my life. Can you explain to the listeners what mantra’s are?

spk_1:   19:25
Okay, so in Western astrology, which everybody is familiar with, um and, you know, it was the sun sign astrology. We see in newspapers that is called Western. It's based on something called the tropical  zodiac, and you go to in a Western astrology. You're not going to know, you're going to hear what's happening with your planets, but you're not really going to get remedies. Um, most of the time. So the difference is that I actually give remedies as a western astrologer. But I also practice vedic, which is the  astrology from India. And in the Vedic astrology, we give sanskirt mantra as remedies, and the beauty about sanskrit is that it is a vibrational language. That's why up until about 50 years ago, only the Brahmin priests were allowed to initiate or, you know, transmit. They're sacred sound formulas which effect a change in your physical as well as energetic bodies where what we call your spiritual physiology. And so it will make shifts and you will start vibrating with the frequency of what the mantra is for. For instance, home Suri Maha Lakshmi, is a  prosperity mantra to the goddess of abundance. So the more you chant that, the more you're gonna vibrate on this prosperity frequency.

spk_0:   20:56
Okay, so when you first taught me mantra as I was getting divorced with a three year old and back, then there was no Tinder or even Match. We didn't even text each other. We just, you know, would go out to a bar and hope that someone would come up to you and talk to you. So I was about 34 years old, and I was working at the Improper Bostonian, had my studio, and you said, I'm gonna teach you how to do mantras and the first mantra you taught me was Ahem Prema, that means love. I so wanted love. I started doing it to see, you know, I would have done anything at that point just to help myself. And so I started doing Ahem Prema, Ahem Prema. Well, that week I have out of nowhere. I have three different guys who wanted to date me, which was unbelievable. And then years later, I was survining a break up and I was really at rock bottom, and I kept hearing Ahem Prema as I was driving in the car, I could hear it in my head Ahem Prema. But I was so disgusted and so down. My life was at the time that I just kind of said good by to mantra’s and didn't have hope and didn't believe in anything. And I remember I was picking up my daughter and I I was crying and I and my mom came to the door and she said, You've got to stop crying. You've got to get ahold of yourself. You've got to find happiness And I looked at her and I said, I have prayed. I've done everything I can to fix my life and I can't. And then I said, I believe God has forgotten me. I mean, what a desperate thing to say. And so that weekend, I remember it was Father's Fay weekend. I ran into a pro athlete, who was a friend and he saw me and he said, Kerry, you've got to get your groove back because you're such a great person and I hate to see you this sad. So I got in my car with that little pep talk, pick me up, and I went to a mantra workshop hosted by Namadeva’s wife Namadeva had just passed. But he's still with us,

spk_1:   23:08
such Obama Ashley Franz, his wife.

spk_0:   23:10
I walked into this workshop late and I wasn't gonna go because I was so depressed and at the that we had a break. This woman who is a medium I didn't even know  came up to me. And she's said are you Kerry Brett, I said, I said I am. Then she said I saw you photograph Namadeva in this very room in 2008 and I said, Oh, that's that's interesting. Then she said, Namadeva wants to know why you stopped doing a Ahem Prema?. I said I had tears in my eyes and and she said, Do you know what Ahem Prema means. I said to find love she said no. Namadeva saids it also means love yourself and if you can’t love yourself than you can’t bring in love. From that moment on I started doing Ahem Prema.

spk_1:   24:06
And it's such an easy mantra to do. It's great for people who don't want to get involved with longer ones. Ahem Prema and then you just start vibing on that love frequency, which is what happened for you, right? Very simple. I mean, it’s a simple intervention.

spk_0:   24:22
I had this series of mini relationships before. I found my boyfriend today because I went to you and I said, I have had it. I need the mother load of chants.  I want a guy. Not next week, but today. And you said okay but it's a really long chant and you’ve got to do it for 11 days in a row and we have the tape of you teaching me the mantra on my iPhone in. Two days later, I was out on a date with Scott.

spk_1:   25:00
Goddess Lakshmi, goddess of love and prosperity. Amazing. So the thing about mantra as though I should say that now they're all over the Internet, which is cool, but the most powerful ones are those you get through a lineage through an actual teacher. And that's you know, Kerry  I studied with Thomas Ashley Farrand, Namadeva who was a famous mantra teacher. But there's some on the Internet that are not good they're kind of black magic so stay away from that. You know, it's like playing with fire. You know, mantra’s, you can heat your house. You can cook food, or you could burn down the house. So you really have to be discriminating and, you know, work with a professional.

spk_0:   25:38
Okay, Good advice. If you have an astrologer or a psychic healer in your back pocket, you could be one step ahead of them.

spk_1:   25:47
You can suss it out ahead of time. And if people wanted to get a hold of me and have a session with me, My website is www.Jill We talked a little bit about Sanskrit mantra. We can refer people to my teacher's website that is maintained by his widow, who's also guru and spiritually teacher in her own right.

spk_0:   26:15
Great. Well, Jill, thank you so much for being a guest.  

spk_1:   26:19
Thank you Kerry, it was a lot of fun. It's a pleasure to be here.

spk_0:   26:22
It was great.

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