
Manifest Anything You Want In Life & Love With Jen Mazer

Kerry Brett Season 1

Your life can be magical and synchronistic at the same time. We all can manifest anything we want in life. Today, Jen Mazer, the “Queen of Manifestation” is going to show us how easy it is to manifest love.

 Jen Mazer is the “Queen of Manifestation” She’s the author of Manifesting Made Easy and the Co-Founder of the board game Sparked. From living—rent free in the East Village for 10 years, to having her artwork published in the New York Times, and starting a green school in Africa––she’s always been able to dream up outrageous adventures and actually live them out. 

Jen is a sought—after transformational speaker and coach, teaching people how to manifest their dreams while making an impact on the world. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, Fast Company, New York Magazine, Real Simple, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire to name a few–– even featured on ABC!

Don’t doubt the process. Trust that your dream guy is out there. The universe has your back. Jen teaches us to get clear at what we want. The universe loves specifics. Think of the best of the best parts of past relationships and use those feelings to manifest a mate. If you keep putting out what you want ––right now–– not in the future. The best time to set intentions is on a new moon.

Get in a good head space, raise your vibration so you can attract a high vibration person. You manifest from the heart. We receive information from the heart first, then you receive information through the brain. Jen teaches you to open up your heart. How to find the good and the opportunity in every obstacle. Stay positive, this pandemic will eventually pass and in the end we all will be the phoenix who rose from the ashes.

spk_0:   0:01
I'm Kerry Brett and you're listening to Shot at Love, the first motivational show around online dating this week, We're going to learn how to manifest love. We tend to overcomplicate things this week's guest Jen Mazer is going to show us how easy it is to find love, so stay tuned! I'm Kerry Brett, and this is shot at love. Today's guests is Jen Mazer. She's the queen of Manifestation, and she's the author of Manifesting Made Easy and the co founder of the board Game Sparked! From living rent free in the East Village for 10 years to having her artwork published in The New York Times and even starting a green school in Africa, she's always been able to dream up outrageous adventures and actually live them out. Jen is a sought after transformational speaker and coach, teaching people how to manifest their dreams while making an impact on the world. Her work has been featured in The New York Times Fast Company, New York Magazine. Real simple, Cosmopolitan Marie Claire even featured on ABC! Welcome, Jen. I'm pumped  your here.

spk_1:   1:17
Happy to be here.

spk_0:   1:18
Glad you're joining us today, So before we get started, I want to talk about how this episode came about and so quickly. I not only manifested your telephone number instantly, but I held the thought that you would say yes to be on my show. I just knew you're gonna be my guru. I think everyone needs a guru, especially during such a tough time on today's a powder totally on today's episode, we're going to talk about how to manifest love. I'm trying to get my listeners in the best shape in every way possible, so everyone's revved up to go into battle. You said something so interesting to me last night that people tend to focus on limitations rather than limits. So, Jen, you believe the sky's the limit and there isn't anything we can achieve? Exactly. Yeah, so that

spk_1:   2:16
we are

spk_0:   2:16
in a

spk_1:   2:17
state of infinite possibility. And that's according to quantum physics that all sides of the equation are there, and it's up to us to decide what we want. But everything is available.

spk_0:   2:31
That's only

spk_1:   2:32
ourselves. We limit ourselves.

spk_0:   2:35
We definitely limit ourselves. And so, for the most part, people are super negative around online. Dating the storyline is can't happen for me. It's hard to meet someone the online world of dating isn't abundant. How would you reframe that for my listeners?

spk_1:   2:55
First of all, the universe is infinitely abundant. Number one, that there's enough for everyone. But I want to take a step back even further and just I'm gonna kind of below some people's minds. And I want you to play with me and just not possible,

spk_0:   3:16

spk_1:   3:17
when you have a desire for something like manifesting your soul mate, you know you really want to meet your filming. It's not you having the desire you're desire is actually the universe's dream for you. So when you're imagining what you want for your life and you're coming up with, you know all the characteristics of your dream partner, it's not just you imagining, but it's you, including because your imagination is how you tap into your intuition. So I know that concerned a little crazy, but I've done a lot of psychic training classes for you, Clay, with using your imagination to do reading by a tune in, and so the way that we received information for our desires, what we want, that I live us happening and we're really just listening in, and we're speaking its provisions. So it's not I want in on it. That's my soul mate. And then the second thing that you think it's Oh, God, I don't have it Really Right now, singing,

spk_0:   4:23
You know,

spk_1:   4:24
I feel good and or whatever the speaking forever. But what if you thought, Oh, my God, I'm gonna need my soul late. You know, there's something out there for me because the fact that you dream it means that it's there. It already exists on another plane, and I know that might sound a little crazy, but if you couldn't actually believe that and just open up even if you're the only one, you don't have to go around telling all your friends but for yourself, right believing, Wow, this is really happening. I really a meeting my soul mate. Then you expect is going to happen. And then you go into the field on my figure

spk_0:   5:03

spk_1:   5:04
your you're not gonna just First of all, you're going to be open. And second of all, it's gonna be OK if one thing doesn't work out right. If you gotten so far in the conversation, and then whatever something revealed, a person doesn't talk to you anymore. It's like, Okay, moving on because I know that the right person is there and I will recognize that person. You know, when I see them,

spk_0:   5:29
right? So so is that trust Is that Inter knowing? But I know that I felt at times, you know, I would have this lack minded association that I'm the only person on tinder, I don't know what I'm doing, but and I did not have that self worth, and I didn't feel very good about myself. But I did know and I believed it wholeheartedly, that I would find love because I deserved it because I just felt like, why Why can't someone love me? I have a lot to offer. So even though I was down in the dumps, I still believed, and maybe that belief was enough to carry me through that that strong believe, just like yesterday was a really bad day here in Boston, where they cancel schools and definitely for the rest of the year. And people are really getting tired of not seeing their family and their loved ones and their friends. And yesterday it really kind of hit me that I'm not a negative person, but I felt like and it was kind of me holding me back. Like, why didn't I call you a week ago? We are like minded people, but I've limited myself. And it took me to feel so down yesterday to say you know what? We need a mad manifest er right now on shot at love. So it was like that Push, Teoh. So today I feel like you're gonna be my Tony Robbins and I'm gonna walk across hot coals. And we're gonna do this.

spk_1:   7:19
Yeah, totally pottery.

spk_0:   7:22
So before we talk about all this amazing manifesting material can you share with my listeners your story and how you became the Queen of Manifestation?

spk_1:   7:35
Sure, but my friends actually gave me that nickname the creative manifestation because always defend in my group, Every time we got together, I had another outrageous story is something that I'm not assessed it. And I think the reason they gave me the name in the first place was that I not effective living rent free in Manhattan in an apartment that I renovated with security for 10 years. And we used to have conquered their building in a theatre downstairs on every Christmas the jazz musician Wynton Marsalis and play a show for us. We actually recorded the live concert one year and put out an album with Blue Note Records, and it was nominated for a Grammy. Five

spk_0:   8:17
tests. Um

spk_1:   8:17
um, and I, like you said, just traveled around the world. I manifested my soulmate, who happens to be a successful rock star and had a home birth with our daughter,

spk_0:   8:29

spk_1:   8:29
who's now eight, Um, and so many stories. And so people started after what I was doing, and I started telling them and teaching them and for the past eight years of them teaching people through my online constitution, not your program and through private coaching and many other things and just it's amazing to see it's not just me, it's not. Oh, I a magical on disability, but everybody does it. It's just switching your mindset. So over and over again, people have amazing stories of what they have manifest when they're able to do that for themselves. And that's what I want to help everybody who's listening dio today.

spk_0:   9:13
Okay, that sounds good. Can you tell me about your book deal? Because this is fascinating to me. And I know I've struggled with this and we talked about this before, But why don't you start from the beginning Until tell my listeners why have him with your book,

spk_1:   9:31
You know? So first of all, it goes back to the point that I was talking about earlier about comments section really work. But you know, when you have an idea for something, it's not just you having an idea for your into eating. And so actually, first, have you have you to write a book? And I was on the phone with my coach at the time, and I just said, Oh, I think I have a book within me. And it was the first time I said it out loud. I had never really thought about it before. And like any good coats, that awesome said I help you. So my idea was validated, right? She wasn't like that horrible.

spk_0:   10:05
You would never do

spk_1:   10:07
that. Um and so I felt good, but I really took no action. I didn't do anything on a weak leader. Literally. I get an email through the contact form on my website Old not up to his website and anything I usually got through my contact one with bam. And it was from a publishing company. And they certainly really love your boy. We'd love for you to write a book, something like manifesting it easy.

spk_0:   10:36

spk_1:   10:36
And I thought, it's for real. This must be sort of scheme, like, you know, pay. You can pay us toe, write a book or something. Like Google, the publishing company. It was a real publishing house. I had never heard about it, but it was a small publishing, and I agreed to get on the phone with them. And so

spk_0:   10:55
I got

spk_1:   10:55
on the phone. They offered me a paid book deal.

spk_0:   10:59

spk_1:   10:59
to write a book. And so I reached up with my one friend at the time that was published. Author of fiction writer and I After you have a literary agent, um, to help me to go see a book deal because I don't know what I'm doing and speak out to a bunch of very agents and one of them a woman and agreed to be my literary, and it just takes one. You guys

spk_0:   11:23
just thea

spk_1:   11:26
Others were not the right fit

spk_0:   11:27

spk_1:   11:28
and, um and so I negotiate in my book deal, and meanwhile, my dream publishing company was Simon and Schuster. You know, one of the big publishing houses, and this was a small position company and never heard of. Well, while I'm writing my book, My Publishing House, by Simon and Schuster.

spk_0:   11:49
So I

spk_1:   11:49
am a Simon and Schuster published author and if you get my book manifesting you TV, then you know it says it right cover. I mean, it's just so amazing that your desires, it's not oh you know, needed having these ideas that I was tuning in. And so I really want You don't get bad, but it's more than you. It's almost like universes dreams for you, and it's up to us to just say death and continue to expect it even when things get rocky. It's like, for example, if I were to plug into my GPS and I was gonna I live in New York City and I'm gonna go to Boston, right and I get in my car and I'm driving. And then all of the sudden I 95 closed and you know there's a roadblock. Did Boston go away? No, it is still there right,

spk_0:   12:44

spk_1:   12:45
just disappear. It's not. The road was closed and, oh, I guess I'm going to go a different way. And I think so. Often you know, whether it's manifesting your soulmate or whatever it is. When an optical shows up or it's a tough time, we get up. And

spk_0:   13:01

spk_1:   13:01
I grow up some time to be, you know there's no good men out there know that soul mate is still there, right?

spk_0:   13:08
It's just

spk_1:   13:08
that Oh, it's gonna take a different way or my pick you no longer or whatever, but that's OK because we're still X waxing. And the difference between a powerful manifest rinse trying is that you actually expected toe happen. There's not trying and nothing if you think about you know we have a party with with your inviting friends over, which right now we're having viewing parties. But if you're having a party in here in your house and you invite son, we all have like that one girlfriend, he says. I try to make it. Do they ever show out?

spk_0:   13:42
No, no, the

spk_1:   13:44
line. We're gonna try to make it. It's just making the excuse. She's not actually committed, and it's really committing. It's like, OK for finical interest dating thing I'm I'm committing. I know it's gonna work out,

spk_0:   13:57

spk_1:   13:57
Right. I'm not just trying and not put keeping my feet in, but I'm going all in. And it doesn't mean that I am, you know, attack to be like to be the one you know, percent of this one where I'm open to whatever right for me. But I know it's all gonna work out,

spk_0:   14:14
right? So So it's like, you can't try. You have to dio And so that's the thing like, you weren't ready in a sense, where you openly asked your friends, Can you help me write this? Because I don't really know what I'm doing like you had the strength to say. I believe I have something of worth, but I'm I'm a little unsure. And it's not the most perfect situation. But the time is now. And so for me, that's how I got you as a guest because I believed that you were the answer and I took action and in you rallied. And I'm grateful for that. And so someone's gonna rally and go on that date because that person said, I'm not going to just put my toe in the water. I'm going to jump all in. And so the time is really now with online dating, and people are really alone and suffering, and we have to get after it. So right now we're gonna take a break, and then we're gonna come back and we're gonna jump into 100% jump into how we're gonna manifest love. And now this week's tender tips Number one Black minded thinking In other words, I can't won't get you anywhere, especially in the world of online dating. So stay positive like the famous Henry Ford quote. Whether you think you can do you think you can't, you're right. Number two decide and visualize what you really want. Focus on the feelings and trust the universe will deliver it to you. Number three in honor of her a special guest. Gen Maser This hip comes from her. The new moon is always the best time for setting intentions and visualizing what it is you desire. Number four. Get yourself in a happy place before you get on the dating app. Turn off Amy Wine O's and turn up some Diana Ross So we're back with Jen Razor. So, guys, I know times are super topped her in this pandemic. And I do believe the time for dating is right now that we need to get in the game. When I started this podcast, I knew that I was a good photographer, but I didn't have the experience being a podcaster because it was a new experience. But I had to be willing to say, you know, forget I don't need to be perfect. I have valuable information that I want to share and and I was so compelled. Teoh, bring this information forward and I think you need to have that same attitude. Baby, you've gained a few pounds during this quarantine, but who cares? Or maybe it doesn't feel like the perfect time. But I'm so done with holding myself back, and I'm starting this. So talk about the different things that you would tell my listeners of tips for single people, you know. Let's get moving. Let's get after.

spk_1:   17:26
Yeah, well, personal. I love that. You just mentioned being uncomfortable that you had never done this before, but you did it anyway. And I think with dating, it's it's getting used to being uncomfortable, that it's re framing discomfort because first of all, we think about our lives were comfortable with what we have already with what we know,

spk_0:   17:48

spk_1:   17:49
So anything new, like being in your soul mate relationship as much as you want it and they want it. The truth is, it's uncomfortable. It's a little bit scary because we don't know what it's gonna feel like. We've never Syrian that perfect relationship before. For most people, right? Some people, maybe, you know, have have, and then they lost a person. But right, like the

spk_0:   18:12
old mitt

spk_1:   18:12
relationship is going to be uncomfortable. So it's just restraining discomfort that it's a good thing, actually, because it means we're about to experience something new. And we want that

spk_0:   18:24

spk_1:   18:25
and we don't want to stay stuck. So, you know, getting, you know, starting a conversation with someone on a dating app for what has her right. It's okay to be uncomfortable. It doesn't have to be hard. It's just uncomfortable. It can be easy and uncomfortable. You see the difference.

spk_0:   18:43
So I always

spk_1:   18:45
like to put it that way and because it's like the truth is anyone would have done it, eating up, take like one minute. All right, It's not like a hard thing. It's uncomfortable thing. So be okay with the uncomfortable. It's good. It means you're constantly trucking yourself on growing enough, but you want you want to always be experienced anything,

spk_0:   19:06
right? So

spk_1:   19:08
that's number one number if you is, get clear on what you want. And so, in terms of manifesting, I like to think of it as you're placing an order in the universe is the restaurant. And if you were sitting at your favorite restaurant with a fun and the waiter comes to take your order, I think most school. If you're at your favorite restaurant, you have something on the bed you that you always eat what you love. You know you like it, and most people stick to that being looking out because they know it's good. But let's say there is a special on the menu that day, and it has all of the ingredients that you love order the special right go for that special, even though you don't know what it's gonna taste like. I think a lot of times we place our order and then were second guessing the order. So, for example, let's say the special is, you know, you get pizza, pizza, restaurant, and, um, you order pizza and it's amazing Wood fired people, and the waiter goes and takes orders to kick in on the kitchen sex making it. But in your head, you're thinking, Oh, my God. I should have ordered the vegan kelp either. Salad. Like what? Gang? I didn't have a scene of gluten and dairy and all this stuff and sending mixed massacres through the universe or the kitchen because kitchen already started making your order. You know, if you're in a restaurant, you're getting your food. You're gonna get served, right to say yes, university it The kitchen is gonna make whatever you ordered. So when we're putting our order into the universe for what we want for what was manifesting first of all, feel good about what you're ordering. And don't second gas it like only the I shouldn't. You know, I don't know. This is the right guy. Or maybe you know that we're always like, sucking guessing ourselves, So just be it grew right,

spk_0:   21:02
and you

spk_1:   21:02
can always make another decision, but see it through to the end until you actually get that physical result of Jupiter, the physical manifestation of it. And oftentimes field you're out of rest starts for Florida taking a really long time for the food to get there. You doubt that you're ever going to get your food? No, it's just annoying. And you might have to remind the later but you're gonna get it.

spk_0:   21:26
Wait, come

spk_1:   21:27
eventually you're not gonna eat, not eating

spk_0:   21:30

spk_1:   21:30
And I think that often again knowing. But it's going to happen just like the GPS. But I was talking about right,

spk_0:   21:37
Right. So Boston didn't go away? Yes.

spk_1:   21:41
Didn't go away.

spk_0:   21:43
But it

spk_1:   21:43
will get clear. I want you want. And I'm sure you know you're listening. Probably notice, but just write it out like, what is the relationship and not just physical characteristics? Really? You know, what's your connection? I think, but get really specific. The universe loves specific, so don't be afraid to be specific on guy like to say you can use composites of past relationships like, Well, I really loved no with this person, But I really love you know, house. Until this person one. I love the humor from this relationship that isn't so. Think about like the best of maybe past relationships looking at night because you use felt both things before. So it's easy for you to tap into Max man. If I can come from a feeling place right, it's

spk_0:   22:30

spk_1:   22:30
just reciting affirmations or whatever.

spk_0:   22:33

spk_1:   22:34
if you when you're thinking about what you want, you think you have to help you and get the visiting you want toe right in the present tense because all of manifestation happens in the present, so you know it's not. You know, if you keep putting what you want out into the future, it's gonna stay in the future. I will, right?

spk_0:   22:57
It's always

spk_1:   22:58
gonna be will someday, when they have time or when I'm I'm more perfect, you know,

spk_0:   23:03
we're in

spk_1:   23:03
more consumer. Bigger would have earned when I've used £20. No, right now, right?

spk_0:   23:09

spk_1:   23:09
um, and so it's happening in the present when you fight for yourself. This is for you in your journal and you're writing all the specifics, and I like to think of it as like have fun with it and write it like you're writing paragraphs like you know about the things that you two together and how it is when you know your friends air with you or your family. And you know how this person is little son and you just go on and on, really have fun with it, because how you're gonna tune and I think, man, other things to be playful so

spk_0:   23:43
we'll get

spk_1:   23:44
clear on what you want. And I think the more place for the left, perhaps you are cause it's fun. It's like a game, right?

spk_0:   23:50

spk_1:   23:51
let's see, I still have my list of you know, all the things that I found in terms of what I wanted in my partner. And actually, the best time to set your intention is on a moon.

spk_0:   24:03

spk_1:   24:04
because on a new moon that traditional England farmers would plant seeds for the harvest.

spk_0:   24:11

spk_1:   24:12
and so you can start intentions any parent light. But it's nothing. The natural cycles of the universe and astrology. It's helpful, cause it's like instead of swimming against the current, you can move with the current, and it's a whole lot easier, right? So

spk_0:   24:29
right, so new moons bring new beginnings, and so that is an excellent time in the new moon this month is on April 23rd which is

spk_1:   24:40
Yeah, it technically this

spk_0:   24:42

spk_1:   24:43
And tomorrow.

spk_0:   24:44
So you never

spk_1:   24:45
want a second Clinton before the moon is new. U The energy build 40 hours on the moon is new. So, um, it's like 10. 25 pm putting on, you know, people Time zone Eastern. I think

spk_0:   24:59
of the

spk_1:   25:00
night and, um, an entomological. Technically like I like doing the intention setting in the morning. So the moon is totally new and building energy building. I think we think about everything New happens in the darkness, right? The numinous doc, You can't see it,

spk_0:   25:16

spk_1:   25:17
And so I'm just like your womb. It's in the darkness that things are created or for planting seeds in the dirt. So many people know all they see around them. Mr. Things look really bad. No, that's been needs That oil, The feed used to plant roots it big, grow the Briscoe's down, stand up. So even if you only Siegert keep nurturing your feet, right watering them and then that power your dreams come

spk_0:   25:50
and Detzner. This is how I feel about this. Time is like right now it's only darkest before the dawn that everyone is going to rise like a phoenix once we can go back out into society. And so we have to plant the seeds now so that when you know the floodgates open, we're in the position to go on these dates. And I do think people will bring in love very quickly because there has been asked time where we've been, you know, preparing almost and so

spk_1:   26:27

spk_0:   26:28
Totally. So tell me about a little bit about this class that you're launching on the new moon.

spk_1:   26:34
Yeah. So I run a program called Manifest Master and it's a 40 day class online.

spk_0:   26:41

spk_1:   26:41
Um, and I've helped pickle that her soul mate literally in 40 days. And, you know, people are not affecting older things. They're not all know there, but it's really about the first stop is writing your intentions. I'm getting clear on what you want because if you don't know what you want, you can't bring it to you.

spk_0:   27:05

spk_1:   27:05
then we go through a whole process every single day. So you're hearing from me every day with little action. Easy to implement me, build upon each other. So as the energy is building because he started, You know you are also creating and we do. Things are adding little practice gratitude to keep you in a positive mindset, which is so important right now, especially

spk_0:   27:30
on just

spk_1:   27:31
shift your mindset. And so you really start believing all of your dreams and throughout the course, be clear. Your make believe there are six weekly group coaching calls with me where we do actual manifestation exercises. It's not just a Q and A, although I do found the phone, it'll everyone questions are answered at the end, but we've actually practices to get you feeling your dreams of a son guided visualizations from clearing techniques like the emotional freedom technique and tapping under living believe. And then we build things in, um that are on exercise throughout the 14 days, Um, how people do something where they're actually creating vision three of their lives, because what I've found is a lot of people are familiar with Vision board,

spk_0:   28:23

spk_1:   28:23
but I don't believe that they work. Vision board are very two dimensional. And if they really worked, I think everyone would be on Oprah

spk_0:   28:34

spk_1:   28:34
a Mercedes or whatever, you

spk_0:   28:36

spk_1:   28:36
killing out of because you're pulling evidence from the magazine and that you know, your choices are limited based on one of the magazine you have of what's being sold to you reverses what I talked about earlier, where you're kind of in this infinite field of possibility and you're you're pulling your own images like some online or some past experiences in your complexion, that with your own affirmations when you're putting it to music. And I tie you through the whole process of how to do that, to be the most powerful in the active, and we make that burn the 40 days of Well,

spk_0:   29:09
okay, I

spk_1:   29:09
mean so many things. Little advanced kind of practices that I teach people, how you can stay the course and what an obstacle shows up, how you can give it and actually putting dates on your calendar. You're sexing. Things happened. I had so many clients I had unquiet, actually, who did the program, she said. Our intention literally on the first day and all. Andre 40. That's when she met her so late, and she was living in um in North Carolina and he Colorado. She's now moved

spk_0:   29:45
to Goa Lotto under

spk_1:   29:46
living together.

spk_0:   29:47
She met him

spk_1:   29:47
on day 40. He he was in field goals in Atlanta like not, you know, just amazing, right? Synchronous these other another woman, She she actually told me one of the exercises. To put these in your counter like this, you're gonna get married or get engaged just for fun to play with these because you're expecting that it's gonna happen. And she says she was dating someone, you know, it wasn't so serious yet, but she wanted Teoh to get married, and he proposed to her the day before the date she put her pounder for when she was gonna get gave. She was like, You happen to do before everything happened that the day that I put in my counters when we told her whole family and celebrated the engagement, um, so lots of things that it sounds kind of crazy and miraculous, but it's not it. It's how the universe works, man. And you can expect everything you know to work out for you, and you can get to a place where you really believe it.

spk_0:   30:51
That's how we

spk_1:   30:51
do. Not enough, Doctor. Yeah,

spk_0:   30:53
that's great. Well, I love all of this. I think it's very beneficial. I think the one thing that bothers people who are dating is when you have those setbacks and you have those bad dates and you have this bad texting experiences and you kind of do all this positive work and you take all these steps forward and then you retract and then you say, I'm going to get off this app. Forget it. I can't do this. It's too hard and I love how you reframe it. And you're like, No, I trust that my meal's coming. I trust that I'm going to get to Boston. I trust that I'm going to find get engaged. And so, yeah, your excellent pivoting. But my question is, how do you not self sabotage or go back to those blocks?

spk_1:   31:46
Yeah, well, first, it's not meeting it, which sounds crazy, But if you need your dream too much, it's like, you know, thinking about the tug of war with feeding. Then it's almost like you're You're kind of, um, pushing it away. It feels like it's too much, right? Someone's gonna go the other way and run away from you when you're trying to go out. That right, so don't need it happen. But you trust what is happening. There is a delicate balance between I'm expecting it versus kind of over efforting.

spk_0:   32:21
And if you're

spk_1:   32:22
over efforting, then you're not trusting,

spk_0:   32:25
right? So if

spk_1:   32:26
you find yourself over efforting, you're not in that place. If you just I have a call leading. So I'm trying to just wait for the

spk_0:   32:36
way the universe ing rapid out

spk_1:   32:42
whoever is.

spk_0:   32:44
Okay, so we're talking about trust.

spk_1:   32:50
Yeah. So it's trusting the process that you you can take a step away because all is not a thing happens. It's vibrational, right? It is a feeling things for your vibration or taxing to you that are not to your vibration, the energy that you're giving out. So you want to make sure that you're in a good when you go on the app and you're not in a desperate, needy place, right? It's not just electoral lonely, and I'm gonna go on and see what kind of competition I can start. You want to do something to get yourself in a good headspace before you go on the aft like what can I do to raise my vibration? Sidetracked someone to me that there's also a high vibrational princess. No, not to be like. You know, you're a little bit of yoga or I'm gonna, you know, exercise in my house right now. Meditate or up in our house. Nickel miner? No. Make myself a healthy severe, but I don't feel good for you, right? Put on some music. Um, and then I'm gonna go on the dating app. I'm gonna get myself into a state, and it could be a taking a break. Like it's something you have about experience. It's fine. You don't need toe. You know, if you're in a stressed out, please take a peek. Do something to fill you up. Take a bath, light a candle, Right?

spk_0:   34:04

spk_1:   34:04
You're tough enough. Feeling good. Place the love because you deserve it. And you don't need Teoh. Accept something that's not worthy of years. Making sure your loving yourself for right.

spk_0:   34:16

spk_1:   34:16
Because all the manifestation happens himself hard to manifest, actually from the heart. And it's been proven scientifically another experiment that he received information not to the brain first, but actually to the heart. And then it goes up to the brain. You know this because there's showing people scientifically little and tested people's heart rate. And before the photo came at the next photo, well, it was a scary photo or a puppy, you know, before it came up, the heart rate either slowed or started faster even before the image appeared, based on what images to be next and all. Matt the heart new before the green that so it and all of none of this happens from the heart, which is beautiful. And so it's opening up your heart. So what is my heart? Pot, right? What do I desire and making sure I'm loving myself up enough? Um, and it's just giving yourself that extra level in things. Don't work out right. I think I got next up with meant for me. It wasn't meant for me. There's something even better

spk_0:   35:29

spk_1:   35:30
the way. I'm just grateful that I found about now Unit was six months in a month and of talking right, grateful that I saw this before. Whatever. Right,

spk_0:   35:40

spk_1:   35:40
And so it practice is latitude in the obstacle. It's not just after it happens, but I'm grateful right now. It's finding the good, the opportunity and the obstacle and and you know it's a process. It's something that I help people with. But I think that's good. Take away

spk_0:   35:59
tonight and we're

spk_1:   36:00
grateful for for this time at home to take care of ourselves and to go inward and do this work on ourselves that when we come out, it's almost like I think I think of it us as we were caterpillars before, you know, the pandemic. And now we're in our beautiful cocoon. We're safe in our homes, and when we come out, we get to be butterflies who I wanna be. What kind of butterfly we

spk_0:   36:24

spk_1:   36:24
completely transform or not. I mean, every word before. Okay, You don't want to be the thing,

spk_0:   36:30
right? Totally, Totally s Oh, I love that. Open your heart And I know with my situation I was on line dating for a year, and I went through a lot of hard, many relationships. But in truth, I needed that year. I needed that year to get stronger and more confident. It was like I snap my fingers. I met my boyfriend. We went on, I think, a date for 12 or 15 days. And within the first month he was living with me. So I improved. The I did trust it did take a year, but I ended up in the best situation that I could ever imagine. So

spk_1:   37:13

spk_0:   37:14

spk_1:   37:14
anything How that work

spk_0:   37:16
isn't, You know?

spk_1:   37:18
Yeah. You can't make this stuff up when it's it's so magical in your life can be magical and synchronised sick all the time. He just reminded me que that on a new moon years ago. Now I wrote the intention. I had just started dating my love and I wrote, you know, he's the father of our beautiful daughter on this one, a new moon

spk_0:   37:43

spk_1:   37:44
this piece of paper in my journal. And I forgot about it and literally when I was pregnant. Um, you know, I have a backlog of artists and I got asked to paint the piano for New York City. I was looking for, like, the biggest journal that I could find draw a sketch up. I pull out the largest journal. I had the sketchbook tapped into the page, but the tickets was a piece of paper that said, you know, he's the father of her beautiful daughter and I was pregnant. I hadn't yet found out that we were having a girl, which we have a girl. I mean, it was so amazing that I found it when I was pregnant. I forgot. I don't even load it down,

spk_0:   38:27

spk_1:   38:27
know, um but it's so powerful, you know that Getting clear and trusting, you know, almost like Set it and forget it, right? Like

spk_0:   38:37
your Yeah, more. That's so great. Well, I love how you, you know, travel the world and met the man of your dreams and gave birth to this beautiful daughter. And it's wonderful to see And it must be so gratified for you to see what other people can manifest if they if they if they just can unlock the power that they've had all along within themselves. Zachary

spk_1:   39:06
and we all have it. We are all manifested whether revealing, learning how to constant.

spk_0:   39:13
That's excellent. Well, Jen, thank you so much for being a guest today. This was wonderful. It's so uplifting to me. I'm so excited about your class and tell people where they confined information and find you

spk_1:   39:30
Sure. Well, you can find more about the act queen of manifestation dot com. Queen of Station will come and the clock is called Manifestation Masters. That's not a solution. Hiestand masters dot com Everything of that queen of Madison faces dot com You can get my book. I'm not a clean it easy at my board. Game park A lot of fun.

spk_0:   39:52
Great, Great. Well, thank you so much. And hopefully I can pass that along to others. Yeah. Thank

spk_1:   39:59
you for having so much fun.

spk_0:   40:01
Thanks. Done. A big thank you to my guests. Gen Maser, Queen of Manifestation and thank you to all my listeners. This is what shot at love is here for to help you by love I'm always here to help you And remember stay safe and stay tuned for more episodes Follow on Instagram shot at love Podcast. I'm Carrie Brett and we'll see you next time.

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