
2021 Love Forecast With Astrologer And Psychic Healer Jill Jardine

Kerry Brett Season 3

Looking for love in 2021? This episode is for you. Today’s guest is well-known astrologer and psychic healer Jill Jardine, who will be sharing her love forecast for the New Year. She will discuss what the new year will bring romantically while pinpointing months that are best to jump online. Did you know the first Sunday of the new year kicks off peak online dating season? It’s go time and time to rock and roll. This year will be action packed, and Jill will share why we should look forward to the summer of love. 2021 is the year for daters, not haters, and a great year to manifest a new love interest.

Jill Jardine has a Master’s in psychology; she’s a professional Astrologer, Psychic Healer, and Yogi. She’s hosts the Cosmic Scene Radio show on WATD 95.9 FM and just reached over 10,000 downloads with her new hit podcast Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine. If something needs to change, but you’re unsure what to do or when to do it? A reading with Jill will result in you having at least one clear directive toward a more positive and focused future. When I was in transition and dating, I solely relied on Jill’s wisdom and guidance. This episode will get you excited to date in 2021.

Kerry Brett and Jill Jardine cover a lot of ground on this episode, topics include; 
2021 is an excellent year to connect on dating sites, and later in the year, it will be great time to connect in person.
2021 will be a very social year despite the pandemic.
Relationships can happen instantly this year.
The apps will be on fire in February, especially around the new moon on February 11th.
Get clear on how you want life to look, relationships, and otherwise.
Cast the widest net, don’t be closed off, and open yourself up to multiple dating ups.
February will be a fun fest. People will be ready to bust loose, and they will be more willing to take risks.
The spring equinox is a great time to start something new because it will have staying power.
The summer of 2021 will be a lovefest.
There will be more socialization online, and making connections will be enhanced this year.

To find out more about Jill, head to, listen to her podcast The Cosmic with Jill Jardine, or tune in to her radio show Cosmic Scene on Sundays at 11 AM on WATD 95.9 FM.

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