
Should I Stay Or Should I Go? With "Stronger Than You Think" Author, Dr. Gary Lewandowski

Kerry Brett Season 3

Today's guest is Dr. Gary Lewandowski; he's a professor, relationship scientist, author, and speaker who's given over 120 conference presentations and written articles for over 150 media outlets. Over 2 million people have viewed his Ted Talk about breakups. His new book "Stronger Than You Think" opens readers' eyes so they can accurately and confidently view themselves when searching for a relationship they want. In this week's episode, we discuss blind spots that undermine your relationship and how to see past them so we don't have to learn the hard way! We talk about everything from the science of heartbreak to why learning scientific data leads to making better decisions. And why breakups don't have to leave you broken because you're stronger than you know! 

Dr. Gary Lewandowski has been featured as a relationship expert in hundreds of publications, including The New York Times, NPR, CNN, Time, Marie Claire, Men's Health, and Forbes, to name a few. He is also a professor and former Chair in the Department of Psychology at Monmouth University. Dr. Lewandowski's research, writing, and public speaking focus on romantic relationships, self, and identity. He recently published his first book, "Stronger Than You Think": The 10 Blind Spots That Undermine Your Relationship and How to See Past Them. He also co-created the APP StayGo, which tells you whether it's time to commit or quit. Using this app, you can make informed decisions about your love life while deciding faster to stay or go.  He has dedicated his life to helping people build resilience and find meaning in the face of adversity. 

Kerry Brett and Dr. Gary Lewandowski cover a lot of ground topics include:
Why experience isn't the same as expertise.
Top 10 blind spots and how to overcome them.
How to maintain your power in relationship.
Why a good relationship has equal power.
Why we put so much value on beauty and why it's not a good thing.
The easiest thing is to be drawn in by attractiveness and why you're swayed by this right away.
Attractiveness is not the winningest characteristic if you are looking for a healthy long-term relationship.
What the "halo effect" is and why everyone needs to know about this.
What is attractive equals good which most of the time is not true.
Most people look for people who are 25 percent better looking than them.
Why we all want to date out of our league.
If one person is really good-looking and the other person isn't, it leads to instability. 
Why being in a relationship cannot be great for our waistlines.
Includes a survey of people who were hotter in high school incurred more divorces.
What is the matching hypothesis?
Why opposites attract but eventually could attack, those opposite features lead to conflict.
Personality goes a long way.

To find out more about Dr. Lewandowski or to purchase "Stronger Than You Think" go to Follow on Twitter @LewandowskiPhD or on Instagram @lewandowskiphd

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