
Writing The Perfect Dating Profile With Lori Mendelsohn - Dating Coach & Profile Writer Extraordinaire.

Kerry Brett Season 5

Today’s guest is Lori Mendelsohn; she’s a matchmaker, dating coach, and owner of Smart, Funny Singe, a service that helps divorced, widowed, and singles in their pursuit of finding love. What’s unique about this Milwaukee matchmaker is that Lori uses her intuition to vet possible prospects and is an expert at writing the perfect Bio that helps you get noticed and stand out above the rest. She carefully curates and crafts together words that read so perfectly that the other person can imagine themselves in a relationship with you and believes he’s the person you’re writing about. In this week’s episode, Lori discusses the importance of first impressions and why you should pay attention to body language. She also explains how she creates an exclusive story where the man of your dreams can imagine sharing their life with you.

In 2016, Lori Mendelsohn’s life changed when her husband broke the kitchen sink with his bare hands. Never in her life did she imagine that she would find herself navigating out of an unhealthy relationship or her marriage ending at the age of 61. This day became a turning point in her life, and from that moment on, she decided to walk the path of healing not only her broken heart while helping others who were going through a similar situation.  Lori also realized she could use her intuitive and empathic to help others. Going through a divorce, then entering the dating arena, she understood that being “out of the market” for 13 years, things had changed and changed in a big way. Now Lori coaches others in their mid-life to find themselves first, and in turn, find a partner of substance based on today’s needs and wants. She can help you write a dating profile that stops suitors in their tracks and on the road to finding love. 

Kerry Brett and Lori Mendelsohn cover a lot of ground. Topics include:

How she learned to date in her 60’’s, and how she learned to avoid scammers, and players. Why pain and experience are the most excellent teacher.
You should write your Bio as if you are writing a story while explaining this is who I am, this is what I love doing, and I’d love to see you being a part of that because men want to be included.
Why you should add humor into the Bio.
The do’s and don’ts of what to put in a Bio.
Why the leading photograph is so important and why it needs to be a killer shot.
Why you should lead with something that is unique or special about you when writing your Bio.
Why Lori encourages you to open your radius to a nationwide search. If you are interested in relocating for a job, then finding love shouldn’t be any different.
Why you should have a phone conversation or virtual chat before going on a date because it could save you a lot of time and the emotional investment.
Why you shouldn’t be focused on the outcome when dating and go into it without any expectations.
People often hide who they are and put on this fake persona. The secret to dating is being authentic and showing up as your authentic self, not your representative.
Why you need to drop the end game and don’t be attached to outcomes. Not every relationship is supposed to work. If it doesn’t work out, it’s not supposed to. Brush it off and say to yourself. NEXT!

To find out more about Lori Mendelsohn, go to her website, on Instagram @smartfunnysingle or follow and ring Lori’s bell on Clubhouse, she’s located under her name Lori Mendelsohn. Follow her clubs, The Single Connection and Single Over 50.

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