Nourished Connections

Enjoying the Journey

Health Coach Heather Season 1 Episode 29

🎙️ It's time to relax and enjoy the journey! I know we live in a crazy world right now but what better time to practice gratitude and abundance than right now!

Once you stop wishing your life were different than it is, and you relax into it instead of resist it, you begin to enjoy it more and more.

If you enjoyed this episode, take a screen shot of the podcast and post it on your Instagram page. Tag me in it. I'll post it and tag you! We'll be friends on Social Media. My Instagram handle is "Health_Coach_Heather"

Hey parent's listen up! I've got a webinar coming up just for you..."Parenting the Warrior Way" - 5 things you can do right now to create more discipline, health, and hard working kids in your home. If you're ready to have more unity and connection with your kids,
CLICK HERE and get on my wait list.

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All my love xoxo

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